Patriot Mail Project


Welcome to the Patriot Mail Project! Please help us ensure that every one of our J6 Political Prisoners are receiving mail. For the most recent list of addresses please visit our website

Patriot Mail Project

21 Oct, 13:48

Patriot Mail Project

21 Oct, 13:38

Hi Marie.. Barrys birthday is Saturday and I've created OPERATION SURPRISE BIRTHDAY... He's not getting letters and so I made a place people can send me birthday wishes and contribute to digital commissary for movie rentals or good for his birthday. Would you mind sharing?

Patriot Mail Project

03 Jan, 00:09

Rachel Powell will be self surrendering on the 9th, please send her a letter of love and encouragement!
Also, Rachel's son, Nikolaus Powell has a birthday on 2/2, she has requested that we all show her 3 minor children love and support on their special days. Please send a birthday card before 1/26 so we can get these to Nikolaus on his birthday.
Address Cards:
Nikolaus Powell
c/o PMP
PO Box 173
King NC 27021
Rachel's address can be found in the link.

Patriot Mail Project

20 Dec, 12:24

Over $40,000 mailed in Christmas donations Monday! Thank You to everyone who has donated this year.
Boxes / Presents and more still going out this week so if you are registered as a J6er with us for this drive be watching your mail.

Patriot Mail Project

26 Nov, 01:05

Proudly displaying our American patriot reliefs “free our political prisoners” Christmas banner through Muenster Texas Christmas Parade

Patriot Mail Project

24 Oct, 02:53

Tony is a newly incarcerated J6er, please send him a letter.

Patriot Mail Project

14 Oct, 23:07

Your donations are gifts and will generate gifts.

Bringing gifts is a long tradition.

Matthew 2:11 (NIV):

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

When you donate for the Christmas drive you will be entered in the drawing. One virtual ticket for each $10.00 which is the minimum donation will be entered.
Let’s show these families they are not forgotten.

Patriot Mail Project

24 Sep, 13:26

Good news!

Patriot Mail Project

17 Sep, 12:05

Some more info about prisons and jails

BOP- Bureau of Prisons
FCI - Federal Correctional Institution
FDC - Federal Detention Facility
USP - United State Penitentiary

The bureau of prison is federal.

Local county jails/city jails are not under the BOP supervision. Their mail rules will be different.
The DC Gulag has different rules. They can receive cards there.

The term jail is usually reserved for state/county/city facilities.

The term prison is usually reserved for federal facilities

ChatGPT below gives a good summary.

Prison and jail are both facilities used for the incarceration of individuals, but they have key differences:

1. Purpose and Duration:
- Jail: Jails are typically operated by local authorities (e.g., county or city) and are used to detain individuals who are awaiting trial, serving short sentences (usually less than a year), or being held for other reasons, such as immigration violations. Jails are generally meant for temporary confinement.
- Prison: Prisons are state or federally operated facilities designed for the incarceration of individuals convicted of more serious crimes. Prison sentences are typically longer, often extending for several years or more.

2. Jurisdiction:
- Jail: Jails fall under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement agencies and serve the immediate area they are located in.
- Prison: Prisons are administered by state or federal governments and house inmates from a wider geographical area. They often have higher security levels.

3. Inmate Population:
- Jail: Inmates in jails can include individuals awaiting trial, those convicted of minor offenses, and individuals serving short sentences.
- Prison: Prisons house individuals who have been convicted of more serious crimes and sentenced to longer terms.

4. Security Levels:
- Jail: Jails typically have a range of security levels, from minimum security to maximum security, depending on the facility and the nature of the inmates' charges.
- Prison: Prisons often have various security levels, including minimum, medium, and maximum security, to accommodate different types of offenders.

5. Length of Stay:
- Jail: The length of stay in a jail can vary widely, from a few hours for processing to several months for pre-trial detention or short sentences.
- Prison: Inmates in prison serve longer sentences, usually measured in years.

In summary, the primary differences between prison and jail relate to their purposes, jurisdictions, inmate populations, and the duration of confinement. Jails are generally for shorter-term detention and serve local areas, while prisons are for longer-term incarceration and fall under state or federal control.

Patriot Mail Project

15 Sep, 14:11

Mail rules for BOP
(FCI or USP or FMC)

Here are the rules for most bop
•White paper
•White envelope
•No sticker inside or outside
•Write only on one side of paper - handwritten or typed
•No card allowed but you may scan and print your card on one side of paper.
•Max 5 pages/sheets
•Return address must be handwritten or typed.
If no return address may not be delivered.

This should work for all facilities

Expect mail to take time to be delivered between a few days to a couple of weeks.

The inmate will receive a copy of your envelop and your mail in black and white.

Patriot Mail Project

11 Sep, 17:52

Hebrews 13:3
Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.

Psalm 69:33
For the Lord hears the needy
And does not despise His who are prisoners.

Patriot Mail Project

10 Sep, 16:56

Patriot Mail Project

06 Sep, 01:09

Patriot Mail Project

31 Aug, 15:31

Tell your friends!!

Keep up with MAGA Mouse on Telegram: and

Truth Social:

Patriot Mail Project

30 Aug, 19:43

New Patriots to write to.
Dan's fundraiser
Mario's fundraiser

Patriot Mail Project

21 Aug, 21:58

Jeff arrived at his final destination. He really needs letters. Please write him uplifting letters, nothing about his case, nothing that could be used to stop letters coming.
I recommend that you just be positive and uplifting. You can talk about your life and fun stuff. You can send him jokes. I wrote James McGrew about my childhood and he really enjoyed it.
- Write on one side of the paper only
- Photocopy cards instead of sending the cards
- 5 pages max per envelop is a good number
- Do not use a sticker for return address or address.
- Do not use stickers inside either.
- Write your address on a page too as sometimes they do not get the envelops or they are ripped.

Patriot Mail Project

11 Aug, 21:20

Are you surprised?