Broadcast on November 18.
Parole Examiner Lee 2024 のテレグラム投稿

5,048 人の購読者
14 枚の写真
1 本の動画
最終更新日 11.03.2025 07:49

16,161 人の購読者

13,216 人の購読者

6,471 人の購読者

5,550 人の購読者

4,618 人の購読者

4,495 人の購読者

3,251 人の購読者

3,150 人の購読者

2,008 人の購読者
Parole Examiner Lee 2024 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
#GoSoo and #KwonYuri's teaser poster from tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee.
Broadcast on November 18.
Broadcast on November 18.
#GoSoo and #KwonYuri's tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee new teaser poster.
Broadcast on November 18.
Broadcast on November 18.
#GoSoo new stills from tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee.
Broadcast on November 18.
Broadcast on November 18.
#GoSoo and #KwonYuri's tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee first trailer.
Broadcast on November 18.
Broadcast on November 18.
#GoSoo new teaser poster from tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee. The broadcast has moved from October to November 18.
#KwonYuri and #GoSoo reportedly to lead ENA drama #ParoleOfficerLeeHanShin.
#KwonYuri will act as an ACE police detective Ahn Seo-yoon.
Directed by #JinxedAtFirst and #RiverWhereTheMoonRises’s Yoon Sang-ho, broadcast in 2024.
#KwonYuri will act as an ACE police detective Ahn Seo-yoon.
Directed by #JinxedAtFirst and #RiverWhereTheMoonRises’s Yoon Sang-ho, broadcast in 2024.
#GoSoo and #KwonYuri first look from tvN drama #ParoleOfficerLeeHanShin.
Broadcast in October.
Broadcast in October.
#GoSoo #KwonYuri #BaekJiWon and #LeeHakJoo officially confirmed cast for tvN drama #ParoleOfficerLeeHanShin, broadcast in 2nd half of 2024.
#GoSoo #KwonYuri and #BaekJiWon at tvN drama #ParoleExaminerLee script reading.
Broadcast in October.
Broadcast in October.