Orthopeadic Infocus ©️ is a Telegram channel that serves as an Interactive educational Platform. The channel's mission is non-profit and aims to spread knowledge, share experience, and facilitate meaningful communication among orthopedists worldwide. Here, you can find valuable insights, updates, and discussions related to orthopedics. Whether you are a seasoned orthopedist looking to stay updated with the latest trends in the field or a newcomer seeking guidance and mentorship, Orthopeadic Infocus ©️ has something for everyone. Join us in the journey of talking ORTHOPEDIC.
16 Nov, 17:33
14 Nov, 17:38
13 Nov, 20:42
11 Nov, 14:31
10 Nov, 14:40
08 Nov, 20:45
08 Nov, 11:23
08 Nov, 06:08
08 Nov, 06:08
28 Oct, 18:10
27 Oct, 16:07
24 Oct, 18:14
24 Oct, 10:16
23 Oct, 16:45
18 Oct, 11:24
17 Oct, 18:00
17 Oct, 05:13
16 Oct, 20:06
15 Oct, 10:51
14 Oct, 05:02
11 Oct, 15:38
10 Oct, 17:07
10 Oct, 10:28