Orthodox Traditionalist Publications @orthodoxtraditionalist Channel on Telegram

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications is a traditionalist Orthodox Christian Press and Research-Based Editorial focusing on the publication of historical books and research-articles for the preservation and promulgation of the Orthodox Christian Tradition.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications (English)

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications is a must-visit Telegram channel for all those interested in traditionalist Orthodox Christian publications. With the username @orthodoxtraditionalist, this channel serves as a platform for a press and research-based editorial that focuses on the publication of historical books and research articles for the preservation and promulgation of the Orthodox Christian Tradition. For those looking for authentic, historical resources about Orthodox Christianity, this channel is the perfect place to discover valuable information and insights. From in-depth analysis to thought-provoking articles, Orthodox Traditionalist Publications offers a wide range of content that caters to the intellectual curiosity of its audience. Whether you are a scholar studying Orthodox Christian history or a devout follower looking to deepen your understanding of the faith, this channel provides a wealth of knowledge that is both informative and engaging. By delving into the rich history and traditions of the Orthodox Church, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for the heritage and legacy of this ancient Christian tradition. Join Orthodox Traditionalist Publications on Telegram today to explore the world of traditionalist Orthodox Christian publications and discover a treasure trove of historical books and research articles. Stay informed, educated, and inspired as you delve into the depths of Orthodox Christian history and tradition with this invaluable resource.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

07 Jan, 15:05

Troparion — Tone 4
Your Nativity, O Christ our God, / has shone to the world the Light of knowledge; / for by it, those who worshipped the stars / were taught by a star to adore You, / the Sun of Righteousness, / and to know You, the Dayspring from on High. / O Lord, glory to You!

Kontakion — Tone 3
(Original Melody)
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One, / and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One! / Angels with shepherds glorify Him. / The wise men journey with a star, / since for our sake the Pre-Eternal God was born as a young Child

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

06 Jan, 17:14


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

06 Jan, 03:20

Letter from Mark of Germany saying he is going to be disobedient to the First Hierarch Metropolitan Vitaly and communion with the Ecumenist Serbian Patriarchate regardless of the First-Hierarchs opinion or the official position of ROCOR.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

06 Jan, 02:23

UPDATED Against with Newly Resurfaced Letters:


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

04 Jan, 01:36

Father Andrew Kencis' (GOC) theological certificate issued by Saint Seraphim Rose and former Abbot Herman.

If you haven't watched our interview it's worth the watch!


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

03 Jan, 23:30

Greatly expanded article with never before seen text from Saint Philaret of New York!


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

02 Jan, 08:53


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

30 Dec, 13:10


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

29 Dec, 02:53


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

27 Dec, 18:46

Article Updated with more detailed analysis:


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

24 Dec, 01:57


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Dec, 20:26


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Dec, 18:50

Still in the top of the category!

History of Resistance: https://a.co/d/id2vBvx

St. Seraphim Rose: https://a.co/d/30gAr8h

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

20 Dec, 16:34

Today, I'm working on additional research projects for our upcoming book on the private letters of Saint Philaret. We have recently acquired a letter from Saint Philaret of New York to the Ecumenist Bishop Anthony of Geneva. This letter further clarifies and debunks the notion that the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) was in full communion with the Serbian Patriarchate. It also provides clarification and the necessary criteria for an ethnic Serbian priest to serve with the clergy of ROCOR.

The relevant text will be shared in an upcoming podcast in January.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

19 Dec, 19:53


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

17 Dec, 04:43


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

15 Dec, 21:07

The amount of people that have written me this last week and told me they have seen through the World Orthodox lies and are coming to the GOC is mind boggling. Glory to God!

The truth will always come to light!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

13 Dec, 01:50

The defenders of the "Great Leader" were all in full force seething tonight...


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Dec, 17:40

Visitors to the Orthodox Traditionalist Publications website in the last 90 days by city.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Dec, 16:59

This is the historical standards that Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Ethos and his staff adhere to.

"We won't go out of our way to tell you the whole story because it might 'not be interpreted very well 45 years later.'" But that's not the same as lying!

They have zero scholastic integrity.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Dec, 12:35


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Dec, 02:06

Please read the Orthodox Traditionalist Publications updated About Us Statement:


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

11 Dec, 19:58


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

11 Dec, 17:48

Nice Try...

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

11 Dec, 15:24


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

07 Dec, 20:19

Go read the book. I'm not in the business of giving Tiktok sized answers.


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

01 Dec, 23:08


No you can't leave yet! What do the contemporary "saints" say..... If you're not in communion with with an "official" but heretical jurisdictions you're schismatics!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

01 Dec, 19:53

The History of Resistance: From the Apostles to the Twentieth Century is flying off the shelves!


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

29 Nov, 22:28

The History of Resistance: From the Apostles to the Twentieth Century https://a.co/d/1n6zxa9

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

27 Nov, 16:31

Now Available! https://a.co/d/etovz0j

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

27 Nov, 13:17

Are you ready?

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

25 Nov, 21:40

It has been twenty-six years since the uncovering of Saint Philaret's incorrupt relics. I am re-reading my own copy of his works, cover to cover. Each time I read it, I am amazed at how, since Metropolitan Laurus took over, the ROCOR-MP has buried his memory, betrayed his legacy, and concealed his incorrupt relics from the faithful by not uncovering them for public veneration.

They have no Christian conscience.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

24 Nov, 14:49

Blessed Feast of the Four First-Hierachs!

Today the ROCOR-A parish will celebrate for the first time this newly translated service!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

23 Nov, 02:11

Troparion — Tone 1
O faithful, let us honor Nectarius the divine servant of Christ, / offspring of Silyvria and guardian of Aegina, / who appeared in these last times as a true friend of virtue, / pouring forth all manner of healing upon those who reverently cry: / Glory to Him who gave you strength! / Glory to Him who granted you a crown! / Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all!

Kontakion — Tone 8
Let us sing praises with gladness of heart / to the newly-shining star of Orthodoxy, the newly-built rampart of the Church. / Being glorified by the power of the Spirit, he pours forth the abundant grace of healings upon those who cry: / “Rejoice, Father Nectarius.”

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Nov, 02:46

Even though a false council of wicked and cowardly bishops pronounced an unjust sentence upon thee, yet didst thou consider all these threats as nought, crying: “A wicked apostate hath usurped the authority of the Church, and hath betrayed her into the hands of the godless; wherefore, we will have no communion with him until he cometh to repentance.

“It is impossible for me to offer up the great Sacrifice unto God with thee,” thou didst answer the wicked Sergius, “for if we travel different paths and there is no peace between us, our partaking together of the chalice of the Lord will be unto our judgment and condemnation.”

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Nov, 02:40

"Even though thou didst refuse to be yoked to the unfaithful, yet the antichrists found for themselves a faithful servitor, Sergius of wolfish character; but thou didst flee from this false brother, and didst manifestly confront him with his sin against the Holy Church; and, unable to endure thy reproach, O righteous father, he placed thee under suspension."

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Nov, 02:32

Happy Feast day of Saint Cyril of Kazan and Joseph of Petrograd!

O Lord, Thy hieromartyrs Cyril and Joseph struggled for Thy name even to the shedding of their blood, slaying Sergius with the sword of faith, with their discourse slaughtering his abominable prophets; and they have directed all the faithful toward the path of Truth. By their supplications render Thy Church steadfast, and preserve it from heresies and trials.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

20 Nov, 19:25


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

20 Nov, 18:49

Tomorrow His Eminence Metropolitan Agafangle the First-Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad will officially canonize Father Seraphim Rose! Attached is the official service to Father Seraphim in Slavonic.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

18 Nov, 00:04

Available this week!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Nov, 23:36

#1 in Orthodox Christianity on Amazon!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

12 Nov, 23:30

Saint Philaret of New York: His Collected Works https://a.co/d/eafr8XE

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

10 Nov, 23:25

Happy Feast of Saint Philaret of New York!

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

10 Nov, 23:24

"Let the assembly of the Orthodox now Rejoice, and let those zealous for the Faith exult in the memory of the hierarch and confessor of Christ, the shining pillar of Orthodoxy who dispelled the cloud of heresies both new and old, and guide all the faithful upon the right path!"

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

08 Nov, 13:28

Saint Philaret of New York: His Collected Works. The most comprehensive volume of the life, homilies, letters, and encyclicals that exist in the English language. Now Available on Amazon!


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

29 Oct, 19:11


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

29 Oct, 15:37

I'm becoming overwhelmed at how much unity there is in World Orthodoxy... its dripping unity...


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

29 Oct, 14:19

There is so much unity in World Orthodoxy....


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

25 Oct, 23:59

The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad & The Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece: A History https://a.co/d/6PlRosD

Hardcover: https://www.lulu.com/shop/subdeacon-nektarios-harrison-ma/the-russian-orthodox-church-abroad-the-genuine-orthodox-christians-of-greece-a-history/hardcover/product-q6zzrrd.html?page=1&pageSize=4

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

24 Oct, 04:10


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

23 Oct, 18:30


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

22 Oct, 17:48


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

22 Oct, 01:36


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

21 Oct, 19:14

The Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece: An Official History https://a.co/d/gL15BWm

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

20 Oct, 03:45

Father Andrew details a story of when a Antiochian New Calendarist enters the Holy Altar of Father Seraphim Rose and Father Herman in Platina and Father Seraphim re-blesses the altar because of the New Calendarist intrusion.

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

19 Oct, 13:48

Amazon has the book discounted right now!

Saint Philaret of New York: His Collected Works https://a.co/d/iZRcV1C

Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

18 Oct, 15:43


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

18 Oct, 00:39


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

15 Oct, 17:55


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

15 Oct, 15:27


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

14 Oct, 13:00


Orthodox Traditionalist Publications

13 Oct, 20:36

NOW AVAILABLE! https://a.co/d/2hFUfUS