ОПЕРАТИВНИЙ ІНФОРМ is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing timely updates on important events. If you are looking for quick and reliable information on current affairs, this channel is the perfect place for you. Stay informed and up to date with the latest news and developments, all conveniently delivered to your Telegram feed. With a focus on delivering accurate and up-to-date information, ОПЕРАТИВНИЙ ІНФОРМ aims to keep its subscribers well-informed and knowledgeable about what's happening around them. Whether it's breaking news, important announcements, or insightful analysis, this channel is your go-to source for staying in the loop. To show your support for the channel and help maintain its operations, you can contribute by following the link provided: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/FP6icNGQc. Your contributions enable us to continue delivering high-quality content and ensuring that you receive the latest updates promptly. For any feedback, questions, or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us via the contact information provided: @operinform_bot. We value your input and strive to improve our services based on your feedback. Join ОПЕРАТИВНИЙ ІНФОРМ today and stay ahead of the curve with reliable and timely information right at your fingertips.
03 Dec, 17:15
03 Dec, 16:56
03 Dec, 08:49
03 Dec, 08:35
03 Dec, 08:30
03 Dec, 08:16
03 Dec, 01:27
03 Dec, 01:22
03 Dec, 00:15
02 Dec, 22:22
02 Dec, 21:00
02 Dec, 20:28
02 Dec, 19:15
02 Dec, 15:37
02 Dec, 15:29
02 Dec, 15:27