Open Board News is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing the latest news and updates on open board meetings from around the world. If you're someone who is interested in transparency, accountability, and governance, then this channel is perfect for you. Stay informed about decisions made by public boards, discussions on key issues, and insights into the decision-making process. Whether you're a concerned citizen, a journalist, or a government official, Open Board News offers a valuable source of information to keep you in the loop. Join us today and be part of the conversation on open governance!
10 Sep, 10:37
10 Sep, 09:40
21 Jul, 11:24
24 Jun, 12:38
17 Jun, 10:41
17 Jun, 01:44
31 May, 13:22
30 May, 06:53
24 May, 17:56
24 May, 17:47
13 May, 14:03
09 May, 15:36
09 May, 15:35
04 May, 15:29