✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ @ook_eg Channel on Telegram

Ocean of Knowledge


Positive Reflections messages from
Awakening consciousness

✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ (English)

Welcome to the ✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ Telegram channel, where you will find positive reflections messages from Awakening consciousness. This channel, under the username @ook_eg, is a hub of insightful content that aims to enlighten and inspire individuals on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether you are seeking words of wisdom, motivation, or guidance, this channel has something for everyone.

Who is it? The ✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ channel is a platform created for those who are looking to expand their knowledge and elevate their consciousness. It is a space where like-minded individuals can come together to share positive reflections and insights that encourage personal development and spiritual enlightenment.

What is it? This channel delivers messages that resonate with the soul, offering a unique perspective on life and the world around us. Through uplifting and thought-provoking content, subscribers can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. From quotes to affirmations to spiritual teachings, the ✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ channel serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for all who seek to grow and evolve.

Join us on this enlightening journey and let the wisdom of the ✨Ocean of Knowledge ✨ channel guide you towards a brighter and more fulfilling life. Subscribe today and embark on a path of self-discovery and transformation!

Ocean of Knowledge

13 Jan, 01:24

Determined Thoughts

Determined thoughts disperse the clouds of negative situations. A lot of negative situations are bound to come our way, resulting in grief, pain and disappointment. At the time, such difficulties feels insurmountable and seem to last forever. I need to recognise that the difficulties I face are like passing clouds.

These clouds gather around me at times, are only temporary - sooner or later they will fade away.

Understanding that no problem lasts forever will help me develop the determination I need to work on my problems. I will then be able to face any situation with ease.

Ocean of Knowledge

13 Jan, 01:21

Soul Power Over Role Power (Part 3)

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the remaining components of soul power are:

The power of good wishes, desires and feelings full of love for others, while coming in contact with them. These type of feelings will bring good wishes in return from the other to you, which will not only empower you, but will also assist your physical role on a subtle level.

The power of complete purity and cleanliness in thoughts, words and actions - A state where one is not under the influence of vices like anger, ego, attachment, greed, hatred, jealousy etc.

The 8 main powers - the power to tolerate, accommodate, face, pack up, discriminate (or discern), judge (or decide), withdraw and co-operate – their implementation on an internal and external level i.e. not only in words and actions, but also on a thought level. Where there is lack of any of the above powers inside me, there will definitely be waste and you will be weakened, which reduces the probability of success of your role.

The power of truth or spiritual wisdom - A state where the self has deeply realized and understood eternal truths of the soul, the Supreme and the Law of Karma and has drawn immense amount of power and experience from that knowledge. The power of physical knowledge would fall under role power, which has been explained earlier.

By focusing on each of the above components of soul power and those explained in yesterday’s message, by giving them more weightage and using them along with the components of the role, which were mentioned in the message before that, one can experience the desired success in any role in any sphere of life very easily without much effort.

Ocean of Knowledge

12 Jan, 01:28

The Illusion Of Dependency

The more a person depends on a pattern of thinking, a particular person or a particular role, the more there is fear of loss. The security created by dependence is illusion. The reality of life is that anything external to ourselves can, at any time, vanish. What will we do then? Where is our life's anchor? If it is not within, we will suffer.

Ocean of Knowledge

12 Jan, 01:25

Soul Power Over Role Power (Part 2)

Continuing from yesterday’s message, the various components of soul power are:

The power of inner silence or the silence of my mind - Silence is a power. The fewer the thoughts in my mind and the more powerful, positive, peaceful and focused they are, the more my mind will contribute to the success of the role on a subtle level. My silence is regularly tested when faced with negative situations or obstacles. The more successful I am in maintaining this stage in such situations, the more is my treasure of silence collected over a period of time and the more positive the influence of this silence will be on my physical role and the success of various tasks connected with the role.

The power of inner and outer carefreeness, happiness and contentment - Happiness not only inside but also giving others an experience of the same through my face, my eyes, my words and actions full of lightness and enthusiasm, etc. while coming in contact with them. Ensuring I am content with myself and others and also others are content with me. Regular periods of discontentment or unhappiness either within me or in my relationships affect the success of my role adversely.

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain the remaining components that make up soul power.

Ocean of Knowledge

11 Jan, 00:50

Thoughts, Words and Actions

The gap between what you say and what you do, between what you promise and what you deliver, is like a drain in the road. The drain is where water escapes, just as your power will seep away if there is a difference between your words and your actions.

Ocean of Knowledge

11 Jan, 00:47

Soul Power Over Role Power (Part 1)

Every act that we are involved in throughout the day is made possible or real by two entities - role and soul working in conjunction with each other. Although, it is a spiritual fact that the soul is the master and makes the role function, without the soul the role cannot function; while playing any role in our day-to-day life we tend to forget this fact and our entire focus falls on the role that is to be played, forgetting that by doing that, we bring down the probability of success of that role in our personal or professional life. Focusing positively on the soul and its components while playing the role fills the role with soul power and focusing on the role and its components while playing the role fills the role with something you could call role power. We need to create a balance between the role and the soul and a balance in using both role and soul power to bring about the success of the role, the role could be of any type. Even a project that you have to work on in the office which is going to last for a month is an example of a temporary role you have to play. There are many other examples of roles - getting your child’s homework done, preparing food for the entire family, doing charity work at the club together, taking part in an extracurricular activity in school or college, etc.

Any such or other role will consist of some or all of these components - various tasks, interaction with people or relationships, mediums like wealth and other objects, time, knowledge of everything connected with the role including the components that make up the role, etc. All these components are physical in nature and make up the role. The power that these components possess makes up what we call role power. Now, what happens is that as soon as we step into the role each day or on a particular day, obviously our aim is to bring about success of the role, but to achieve that, our entire focus falls on using the power of the role, neglecting the immense potential that soul power possesses. We spend our day and night in streamlining the role components for the well being of the role, not realizing that this purpose could be more easily achieved, if the focus is more on using soul power, obviously without neglecting role power (without which the purpose cannot be achieved).

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain the various components that make up soul power.

Ocean of Knowledge

10 Jan, 06:28

Contentment does not come to those whose means are great, but to those whose needs are few.

Ocean of Knowledge

10 Jan, 06:25

12 Characteristics Of A Divine Soul (Part 2)

7. A divine soul is like a mirror in which others can see God's goodness and strengths and realise their weaknesses and anything lacking in them easily.

8. It will be very clean and true to God and follow everything that God instructs without any doubts and fears of how it will bring everything into practice.

9. It is a clean and transparent medium which God uses at every moment to vibrate His wisdom, qualities and powers into the Universe.

10. A divine soul will feel its eternal purity of the soul world, which is its spiritual home where it existed without a body as a spiritual being before coming down on Earth and the original purity of the Golden Age or Satyuga, which is the first yuga where it played its role through the physical body, constantly and radiate the same to others.

11. It will emanate a strong vibration of soul consciousness through its physical features and personality and bring everyone closer to the strong spiritual vibration of God.

12. It is connected to God constantly and is full of humility and serves in the remembrance of God with a lot of lightness giving all the credit of the service it does, to God.

Ocean of Knowledge

09 Jan, 10:29

Constant Renewal
The law of life is constant renewal. So, let everything flow - air, water, light, thoughts and feelings.

Go beyond everything that is old in this world: old ideas; old concepts; old methods.

Look with new eyes and do things differently based on inner values.

Ocean of Knowledge

09 Jan, 10:29

12 Characteristics Of A Divine Soul (Part 1)

1. A divine soul is an embodiment of God's wisdom and completely free of negative and waste thoughts.

2. It is absolutely pure and viceless, with God's pure thoughts and feelings influencing its thoughts and feelings continuously.

3. It will perform each divine action keeping in mind all the three phases of time - past, present and future and experience success in each action.

4. Whatever a divine soul will think and give its positive energies to, it will manifest and happen in practical life easily.

5. Its thoughts will be less in number, positive in nature and full of accuracy and strength, which will transmit to other souls and nature and bring about positive change in the self and the world.

6. It has telescopic vision and it is able to perceive and experience the past of 4 yugas – Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga clearly, in which it has played its roles through different physical bodies, and feel it deeply to be as one's own story and one it has been a part of.

(To be continued …)

Ocean of Knowledge

08 Jan, 03:58

All Will Be Well
Amidst the earthquakes of unexpected situations, the hurricanes of unreasonable behaviour, when fortune strikes against me, I will remain unmoved, knowing that finally all will be well.

Ocean of Knowledge

08 Jan, 03:27

Experiencing Compassion For People Who Are Different

Only by acknowledging how you fundamentally view the world differently from others can you develop the awareness to have compassion for those who are different from you. Different means everyone you come in contact with.

Being judgmental or critical about others behaviors comes naturally to most of us and we always feel we are right in what we feel about them. Very easily we label people right or wrong. But right or wrong according to who? According to our perspective. The same situation is perceived differently by different people and we are not able to understand them because we can only see things through our perspective. Our perspective is created based on our sanskars and past experiences. These sanskars become the lens through which we will see the situation. Different people will perceive it differently and we often find ourselves saying - we just don't understand them!!! Let us understand that there is no right or wrong, we are just different. Parents are right, children are wrong; Husband is right, wife is wrong; Boss is right, subordinate is wrong - these rights and wrongs make us withdraw our trust and respect in relationships. We are only different, each of us is carrying different sanskars and can see the situation only through the lens of our own sanskars and so each of us is always right from our perspective.

When we start seeing each one with this understanding we will shift from criticism to compassion, and our love and respect for them will remain constant. However unreasonable we might find them, let us remember they are feeling and behaving through their sanskars and so they are absolutely right.

#right_wrong #perspective

Ocean of Knowledge

07 Jan, 03:24

Remaining Focused
Many of us have the tendency to postpone even the most important things to the last moment. We assume we will be able to get things done later. But sometimes the unexpected intervenes and everything collapses under the added strain.

When I remain focused I am able to prioritise. I understand that small tasks can be as important as the larger ones and I make sure I get them done at the right time. I make sure I leave time for the unexpected too. This lifts the pressure and allows me to give my best in every situation.

Ocean of Knowledge

07 Jan, 03:23

Overcoming Absent-Mindedness

Some of us at times forget where our purse or phone is. Or we reach office and cannot recall if we had locked the house door and turned off the lights in the house. Being absent-minded means that our mind is preoccupied, overwhelmed or tired. Do you often lose attention in the middle of an interaction? Do you misplace or forget activities or things, every now and then? If yes, absent-mindedness has been affecting your routine life.

1. Besides burdening the mind with several activities, your mind may be holding a clutter of unpleasant past memories, people's behaviors, guilt, expectations and even ideas of your self-image. The mind needs to be uncluttered, to create space for what is essential.

2. To stop being absent-minded, empower the self internally. Be committed to follow a daily routine that includes meditation, spiritual wisdom study, exercise, healthy and timely meals, activities, free time and sleep. These improve your concentration, memory and intuition.

3. Prepare a daily task list and follow it. When interacting with people, listen well. Do not get distracted by other thoughts, gadgets or by what is happening around you. Identify right places to keep the objects you own – keys, purse, spectacles etc.

4. Be in the present. Check your thoughts after every hour, clean them and bring your awareness to the present moment. Respond rightly to every situation to keep your mind calm and energized.

Ocean of Knowledge

06 Jan, 01:45

Eye of the Storm

A wise sea captain caught in a tropical storm knows that if he holds his vessel on the periphery it will get hurled from one side to the other. If he can reach the eye of the storm, he will enter a place of stillness. The storm will then subside and the ship can continue its journey.

Similarly, when everything around me is changing in a very intense way, the best place for me to seek shelter and refuge is not on the outside, but deep within the self, where I can get in touch with my own inner being, find strength and stability.

Ocean of Knowledge

06 Jan, 01:44

Imbibing A Character Of Truth (Part 3)

Very often while dealing with people of different types, a lot of negative personality characteristics or weaknesses come into our behavior and sometimes our good qualities get hidden. In such circumstances, people often see us as false and although we are truthful in many ways and we see ourselves that way, one or two weaknesses spoil that truthful nature at times. So, although, at heart, we want to be truthful and we are also, but the little shades of weaknesses, which may not be very much, make us seen as negatively natured. So a truthful nature means all virtues or qualities exist inside us 100% and everyone appreciates them all the times. The literal meaning of truth is not only honesty as we know it but complete purity or cleanliness of character.

Also, a beautiful and truthful nature also means one who does not pretend to be good but is good from deep inside. No one likes people who are good from the outside and will talk about you negatively in your absence. It is like showing a different face to people which others think is you. Also, in friendships or in relations of family, it is very commonly seen that that we will, especially with people close to us, share negative information about others’ behavior. We will also think that it is okay, because those people are not listening. But remember your words don’t reach them, but your thoughts and feelings definitely do. So, not only speak good about others but also think good about them. Be good in front of people and behind their back. That is truth in character and being virtuous always.

Ocean of Knowledge

05 Jan, 00:58


Contentment does not come to those whose means are great, but to those whose needs are few.

Ocean of Knowledge

05 Jan, 00:57

Imbibing A Character Of Truth (Part 2)

God is an Ocean of Truth and the most perfect personality that exists. Also, the personality of God is transparent and clean and you will never find a single flaw in Him. The reason for this is that the qualities inside God are deep and not superficial. God is someone you feel comfortable with because He radiates true love for you with no artificialness. In the same way, we need to be extremely clean and truthful, just like God, with nothing to hide in our personality, from the world. The more transparent in your nature you become, the more people will come close to you and feel comfortable and at ease with you.

Also, let your qualities be visible to everyone so much that you are seen and talked about as someone as virtuous as God. Qualities like love, humility, sweetness and contentment bring people close to you. Also, let the qualities not change or reduce in any situation. Have you noticed that sometimes a quality inside you varies when you are with different people? With one person you are more humble than the other. In one situation, you are sweeter than in another. What this means is that qualities are there but they are not so full of truth and depth. A truthful soul means the qualities of such a soul are like pure gold. Such a soul is commonly experienced as a shining mirror by others, in which they see and realize their flaws easily and get inspired to become virtuous. This is a truthful personality.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Ocean of Knowledge

03 Jan, 23:19

Near to Contentment

When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.

Ocean of Knowledge

03 Jan, 23:18

Imbibing A Character Of Truth (Part 1)

A beautiful aspect of our lives and sometimes not given enough importance to is the truthfulness of our words and actions. Very often there are hidden false intentions in our thoughts which are the opposite of what our words and actions might reflect. Also, at times some people may purposely show a different person or a different nature to the outside world and carry a different type of personality inside. What stops people from being themselves? Is it the fear of the outside world or is it a personality characteristic – to be different inside and outside? Also, it is worth wondering such a person who shows a different face of himself or herself to the world – is such a person respected more or less by people around? Less, we would feel and we also experience that. Why? Sooner or later people realize and are able to judge us that we are lying or giving a false impression to people of many things. Such a person looses credibility and respect.

So, it’s good to be true and not to be someone with a false nature. Also, virtues shown outwardly to the world to please people are like artificial jewels, which are good to look at but do not carry any value. So, carry virtues or qualities in your heart and not in your head. That means don’t become virtuous to show the world that you are a nice person and not be so nice inside. On the contrary, be so nice inside that people like you very much for your qualities. Always remember, people around you are very sharp in judging that you are an artificial good person or a real good person. So, instead of deceiving people with artificial virtues, express your goodness from the bottom of your heart and people will love you very much for that.

(To be continued tomorrow …)