๐BULLION_KING SINCE 2012๐ (English)
Welcome to the ๐BULLION_KING SINCE 2012๐ Telegram channel, also known as @onlykingcalls! With over 16,000 active members, this channel is a hub for traders and investors looking for valuable insights and tips in the world of bullion trading.
Who is the Bullion King? Since 2012, the Bullion King has been sharing their expertise and opinions on trading strategies in the bullion market. While the channel owner is not SEBI registered, they share their insights as an investor cum trader, offering valuable perspectives to their followers.
What is the Bullion King channel about? This channel provides regular updates, suggestions, and analysis on bullion trading. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, the Bullion King offers a wealth of information to help you navigate the complexities of the market.
Disclaimer: It's important to note that the channel owner is not responsible for any profits or losses incurred based on the suggestions provided. It is always recommended to consult with your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Join the ๐BULLION_KING SINCE 2012๐ channel today to stay informed and connected with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about bullion trading. Happy trading!