Mindset @onemindset Channel on Telegram



This is a channel which works to make your mind active, positive and motivated .
For any comments, suggestions and cross promotion reach us @onemindset_bot

Mindset Promotion (English)

Welcome to 'Mindset', the Telegram channel dedicated to helping you cultivate a positive and motivated mindset. Whether you're looking to boost your productivity, increase your focus, or simply improve your overall mental well-being, 'Mindset' is here to support you on your journey. Run by the username @onemindset, this channel offers a variety of resources, tips, and strategies to help you sharpen your mind and enhance your daily life. From inspirational quotes to practical exercises, 'Mindset' provides valuable content designed to keep you motivated and proactive. The goal of 'Mindset' is to create a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and self-improvement. By joining this channel, you will have access to a supportive network of individuals who share your desire to cultivate a positive mindset and achieve their goals. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, the team behind 'Mindset' is always available to assist you. Simply reach out to @onemindset_bot to connect with us and start a conversation. Don't wait any longer to start working on your mindset. Join 'Mindset' today and embark on a journey towards a more active, positive, and motivated mind. Your future self will thank you for taking this important step towards self-improvement.


11 Nov, 20:37

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11 Nov, 09:42

HOW TO QUIT PORN Series (Part 4)

Over time, you start imagining yourself doing the sex.

Meanwhile, they've already subconsciously "groomed" you to know how to ejaculate on (not in) women and other inanimate objects.

So when you combine:
Your imagination of you being the one doing the act... + the idea of ejaculating outside of a woman = MASTURBATION.

It is therefore no surprise at all that ALL porn addicts most likely also masturbate.

Never ever forget this....

PORN and everything in it (the sensual looks, seductive models, provocative dresses, camera angles and wild sex positions, extreme domineering nature of men in it vs. extreme and almost enslaving nature of the women (or vice versa), etc.)...


You'd all understand why, as we progress in this series.

(...to be continued)

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.



10 Nov, 19:46

HOW TO QUIT PORN Series (Part 3)

Now follow this carefully...

You were probably busy earlier (or idling around), then just after one process, you've become so "excited" and feeling so good (for some or no reason).

Your body didn't like your previous "boring" state. But, it enjoyed the latter state of "feeling good", thanks to the dopamine you got after watching porn.

It wants even more of that feeling. So, you begin looking for such triggers (nude photos and thumbnails) NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO WATCH PORN BUT TO GET THE REWARD (GOOD FEELING).

As this continues, the whole habit cycle becomes so shorter that you no longer "wait" for a Cue.

You go ahead with the Action (watching porn) and your mind is already "whet" with appetite and expectation of "feeling good" by watching other people have "fake" or "professionally directed" sex.

As this continues even further, your entire mind and your day becomes literally blocked and filled with the thirst to watch porn.

Your entire mind now becomes filled with images of naked women. Every little moment of silence or space you get, you quickly want to fill it with watching porn.

(...to be continued)

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.



10 Nov, 17:50


At the base of every addiction is a HABIT.

What is a HABIT?
It's simply something (action) you do so repeatedly that your mind no longer has to "think" about it to do it.

All habits are made up of 3 parts:

*Cue (triggers you to do it)

*Action (the actual act itself)

*Reward (what you get after doing the action)


*You unintentionally see a nude picture from nowhere (Cue).

*Your mind is curious about what it may be or why you're seeing it. So you just open to see/watch (Action).

*After watching, you get a dose of dopamine ("feel good" hormone) (Reward).

(...to be continued)

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.



07 Nov, 07:30

Porn addiction is a pervasive issue for many men, with over a third of individuals in our community admitting to struggling with it. In this series, we will address the problem from three key perspectives: what it is, why it occurs, and how to overcome it.

Addiction, whether substance-related or behavioral, is a chronic condition that can significantly impact various areas of a person's life, such as their physical and mental health, relationships, career, and more.

Porn addiction falls under the category of behavioral addiction, where the habit of watching pornography begins to negatively affect one's well-being in multiple ways, including physical health, mental health, relationships, career, education, and lifestyle.

Recognizing and addressing porn addiction is crucial as it can have far-reaching consequences on all aspects of a person's life. The good news is that addiction is a treatable condition, and there are ways to break free from its grip.

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.



05 Nov, 06:17

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🧠Motivational Breakfast☕️
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🆓 Free Netflix Accounts🎥
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30 Oct, 07:39

The world is filled with beautiful and kind people. If you can't find one, be one.🤗💚


30 Oct, 07:37

People don't always say: I love you.

Sometimes, it sounds like: Be safe.
Did you eat?
Call me when you get home.

I made you this.


30 Oct, 07:36

Make sure your worst enemy doesn't live between your own two ears.



30 Oct, 07:35

Do not disturb yourself by imagining your whole life at once.

Marcus Aurelius


30 Oct, 07:35

People don't want to hear this, but

words not matching actions is called manipulation. And refusing to be held accountable for it is called gaslighting.


23 Oct, 15:32

What is the saddest truth about life?

All my life, I kept shouting-

My life.

My wealth.

My wants.

My dreams.

My respect.

My success.

My miseries.

My happiness.

My failures.

My future.

My past.

Apart from this I kept worrying about my future and regretted my past.

Rest everything appeared irrelevant.

And then I died one day.

As my body lay down, I flew up higher and higher.

I couldn't feel any weight in me, all my pains went away.

I landed at an unknown place.

Stood in a long line, the end wasn't visible.

My right hand had a big yet weightless file of my deeds.

Surprisingly, I could easily recall every moment of my life.

As I went ahead, I could see an old man with white moustache and beard, and a wrinkle free beautiful face.

I realised that he is the God whom we fear and make deals with on Earth.

He just looked at every transparent body of light (just like me) for a moment and pushed it forward.

As I reached near him, I could smell a mesmerizing scent and feel the freshest breeze I could ever imagine.

And then suddenly, I was in front of him.

He looked at me and time stopped for everyone else except us.

He looked at my file and said-

“A life is only each active moment you live and nothing else”

I nodded my head in acceptance.

He then raised his tone and said-

“Did I ever burden you with two moments to live at a point of time?”

“No God” I replied.

“Did I ever tell you your future?” he said.

“No God" I replied again.

“Then why were you always so stressed and worried about your future?”

“How did you assume everything in advance and complicate your life so much?”

I was silent and just thinking about how right he was.

All my life I was just concerned about what hadn't happened and kept wasting the precious moments which were actually happening.

After a pause God spoke again.

“Me, me, me, me” that's all what mattered for you?”

“You were born, you had to die like trillions of others, why so much self importance?”

This time I gave a reply.

“But God this was my life, I had an individual identity, I was ought to focus on myself”

God lifted a handful of sand from down.

As the sand slowly drifted away from his hand.

He smiled and said-

“If my hand is the whole universe, you are no more then a particle drifting away each second”

“Why do you think you were so relevant?”

He paused for a while, and said-


He then showed me a glimpse of life continuing without me.

All my loved ones were living a normal life without me.

There were some new people and new things, only I was missing.

I cried seeing them again, but they were normal.

Everything I thought wouldn't run without me was functioning quite well.

Suddenly I started feeling like an outsider.

In that moment I lost all importance of my previous identity.

Finally God said-

“This time I will give you a tougher life and expect a better performance.”

And pushed me.

Suddenly I fell down miles in air and landed in a small space, between human organs, everything was dark, I felt like a seed.

For the next nine months I just rembered what God said and kept promising myself to lead the correct life this time.

And then one day, I was out, I could breathe again, I saw the lights, back in the world.

But I couldn't remember anything.

Except Me!



21 Oct, 15:33

Friends, Did you watch this video?🖕


20 Oct, 10:42

🧠 Smart people don't say how much
They are smart.

Honest people don't talk about how much
They are honest.

Rich people don't talk about how much
They are rich.

Cool people don't say how much
They are cool.

Scammers talk about it.



19 Oct, 10:59

We need only 80% or 200 votes now.

We have 51 votes and need only more votes now.😁


18 Oct, 20:11

Choose faith over fear. Shift your mindset in a positive direction. Even if it is hard to think, believe that everything is aligning for you. Things will work in your favor. Your belief can change everything. A positive mindset makes you magnet for happiness, success and joy.



18 Oct, 07:54

Do not offer help to someone who hasn't asked for your help or simply doesn't need your help.

Not everyone in trouble is interested in getting solutions. Some just want attention. Others want sympathy. Very few need help.

Those who need help will ask for it. Until it's critical or emergency or in a situation where they don't have the luxury to ask, don't offer your help right away.

Even Jesus always asked what people needed from him.

It's not wrong to ask people what they need from you. It's a sense of responsibility. It's a sense of commitment to want to fix something in their lives.

Don't assume everyone around you needs some help from you.

Because if you start offering people what they don't need, they'd assume that is the best thing you're useful for and won't stop coming for more

or start "using you" to get it always,

even when they can get it for themselves.



14 Oct, 19:26

What are ten truths everyone should accept in life?

Read at your own RISK. I may hurt your feelings!

1. You’re walking towards DEATH

2. You’re replaceable in every field. From your family to your job.

3. None is responsible for making you happy, it’s not other people’s job(not even your spouse’s). You make your own happiness. Others just amplify it sometimes!

4. Your parents are not saints! They can be wrong most of the time. Don’t depend on them blindly!

5. Your friends are not as loyal as you think.

6. Hiding emotions is not a great virtue, it’s just an act of a weak person who tries to pretend to strong.

7. Hating people for your belief is just a waste of time and energy.

8. The organization you work in isn’t your family.

9. Saying sorry can make your life easier than you think!

10 “Good Behavior” is the most important thing that people will remember about you.



14 Oct, 10:53

📚Work Smarter Not Harder By Timo Kiander


14 Oct, 10:51

Ten lessons from "Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings" by Thibaut Meurisse.

1. Understanding Emotional Intelligence: The book introduces the concept of emotional intelligence, emphasizing its importance in personal growth and success.

2. Recognizing and Accepting Emotions: Readers learn to recognize and accept their emotions without judgment, understanding that all emotions, even negative ones, serve a purpose.

3. Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Techniques for cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness are presented as foundational tools for managing emotions effectively.

4. Emotion Regulation Strategies: Practical strategies are offered to regulate emotions, such as breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and reframing negative thoughts.

5. Developing Resilience: Techniques to build emotional resilience, bounce back from setbacks, and handle stressful situations are discussed.

6. Positive Psychology and Gratitude: The book explores the principles of positive psychology and encourages the practice of gratitude to promote a more positive emotional state.

7. Managing Stress and Anxiety: Effective methods for managing stress and anxiety are provided, empowering readers to navigate challenging situations calmly.

8. Enhancing Self-Control: Strategies to improve self-control and impulse management are outlined, fostering better decision-making and emotional stability.

9. Cultivating Empathy and Social Awareness: The importance of empathy and social awareness in managing interpersonal relationships and emotional connections is highlighted.

10. Continuous Practice and Improvement: The book emphasizes that emotional mastery is an ongoing journey, encouraging readers to practice and refine these skills continually.


14 Oct, 10:25

We become what we think about


12 Oct, 19:55

Happiness is a gift,and the trick is not to expect it but to delight in when it comes.



12 Oct, 17:26

Less: More:
—— ——
. Judging . Helping
. Doubting . Supporting
. Blaming . Accountability
. Talking . Listening
. Imitating . Originality
. Selling . Educating
. Waiting . Doing
. Division . Inclusiveness
. Sameness . Diversity
. Doubting . Courage


12 Oct, 09:03

Wisdom, the best option


(Fr. Johnson Asibey)🇬🇭

Kindly watch and share this video with others

Stay blessed

If this post was helpful to you, please put reactions (🔥👍🏼🥰). I appreciate it.


12 Oct, 08:32

Six things you should never tell people.

Number 1, Don't tell people your plans.

They will sabotage you.

Number 2, Don't tell people your weakness.

They will use them against you.

Number 3, Don't tell people your failures.

They will always see you as a failure and never give you opportunity.

Number 4, Don't tell people your next big move.

Move in silence. Take action and shock them with your results.

Number 5, Don't tell people your secrets.

Only a fool reveals secrets.

Number 6, Don't tell people your income or source of your income.

Always make them wonder.



12 Oct, 08:29


What can I do for 10 minutes every day that will change my life?

My mother has told me about this incident. I have an uncle (I don't know him). He is a businessman. He followed one simple rule for all his life. That was-

He always had morning tea with his mother. If they are at home, they sit together and take sips of tea and when they are far, they call each other and at same time start having tea and talk to each other.

This thing seems so simple but here is it's power. When his mother died, she told

I would have died 10 years ago, it's your morning cup of tea that kept me alive.

Your couple of seconds can give someone all they need. Because here you are giving the best thing you can give to your loved ones that is Your time.

Spend your time with them and if you are far, talk to them at least once in a day. It will not only make them feel happy but will also put a smile on your face.
