Are you an antisocial programmer looking for a safe space to connect with like-minded individuals? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Oleg Log.' Founded by Oleg, this channel serves as a shelter for antisocial programmers who are passionate about coding and technology. Oleg, a well-known figure in the programming community, provides a platform for programmers to share ideas, seek help, and engage in discussions about their favorite topics.
With a dedicated helpline at @olegkovalov, a website at, and a forum at @oleg_fov, members have access to a variety of resources to enhance their coding skills and knowledge. Additionally, the channel offers a chatroom at @oleg_log_blabla where programmers can socialize and connect with one another in a comfortable environment.
For those interested in broadening their horizons, 'Oleg Log' also features a podcast called @generictalks, where industry experts share insights and tips on programming and technology. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned pro seeking new challenges, this channel has something for everyone.
Join the 'Shelter for Antisocial Programmers' today and become part of a supportive community that celebrates all things coding and tech. Visit to learn more about what 'Oleg Log' has to offer.
08 Oct, 21:23
29 Sep, 19:12
21 Sep, 17:10
20 Sep, 06:40
13 Sep, 11:12
is soooo unfriendly with mouse? It's 2024 bros, why I cannot scroll that easily? 12 Sep, 06:51
11 Sep, 16:42
10 Sep, 08:19
# Replace this with your GitHub username
echo "Fetching for user $GITHUB_USERNAME"
# Fetch the public SSH keys from your GitHub account
# Check if the .ssh directory exists, if not create it
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.ssh" ]; then
echo "Creating ~/.ssh directory..."
mkdir -p "$HOME/.ssh"
chmod 700 "$HOME/.ssh"
# Append the fetched GitHub public keys to the authorized_keys file
echo "Adding GitHub SSH keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys..."
echo "$GITHUB_KEYS" >> "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# Set the correct permissions for the authorized_keys file
chmod 600 "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys"
echo "GitHub SSH keys have been added successfully!"