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👋Dear Students,
It's Thursday. Have a great Day.

🟡MCQ # Dermatology
Arrange the following blisters in order from superficial to deep:
1. Pemphigus foliaceous
2. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
3. Pemphigus vulgaris
4. Bullous pemphigoid
[A] 1-4-3-2
[B] 1-3-4-2
[C] 1-2-4-3
[D] 1-2-3-4

🟢 Wait till Tomorrow for the answer

👋Dear Students,
It's Monday. Have a great Day.

🟡MCQ # Orthopedics
A 65 year old male came to the orthopedic OPD with complaints of joint pain and stiffness. He reported that the joint pain was severe early in the morning after waking up and subsided later in the day. On examination, joint tenderness and crepitus was also noted. Heberden nodes were also observed. Which joints are these nodes seen in?
[A] Knee
[B] Distal interphalangeal joint
[C] Proximal interphalangeal joint
[D] Metacarpophalangeal joint

🟢 Wait till Tomorrow for the answer

👋Dear Students,
It's Saturday. Have a great Day.

🟡MCQ # Orthopedics
An 8 year old boy came to the emergency department with fever, bone pain and swelling in the femur. Lab investigations revealed raised ESR and CRP. MRI showed active lesion in the diaphyseal area. Biopsy was performed which showed small round cells which were PAS positive and diastole sensitive. What is the most likely X- ray finding if X-ray of femur is done?
[A] Soap bubble appearance
[B] Onion peel appearance
[C] Sequestration formation
[D] Mottled calcification within the tumour

🟢 Wait till Monday for the answer

👋Dear Students,
It's Tuesday. Have a great Day.

An 13-year-old boy presents to the casualty because of 16 hours of severe vomiting. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.47, a bicarbonate level of 35 mEq/L, and a partial carbon dioxide pressure of 48 mm Hg. Which of the following best describes the acid base disturbance occurring in this patient?
[A] Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation
[B] Metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
[C] Metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis
[D] Metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis

🟢 Wait till Tomorrow for the answer

👋Dear Students,

Ever wondered which are the most important topics for each subject? Here is the
High Strike Rate Topics 📖list below for Surgery to help you:

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💡 Dr. Manneet Kaur, Rank 300 INI says:
"Docemy's crisp notes and smart question explanations helped me jump from Rank 11k to 300—in just 6 months!"

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P.S. Docemy users nailed 170/200 questions in the latest exams. Check out the latest strike rate report for NEET PG 2024 at

Life cycle of an organism is shown here. Regarding the described organism, which one of the following is most accurate?
[A] One way to prevent this infection is to advise
pregnant women not to drink unpasteurized
[B] If your patient is a pregnant woman who has
IgM antibodies against this organism in her
blood, then you can tell her that it is unlikely that
her fetus is at risk for infection.
[C] The most important definitive host is the
domestic cat.
[D] Infection in immunocompromised people, such as AIDS patients, is characterized by persistent watery diarrhea.

[A] Traction Epiphysis
[B] Pressure Epiphysis
[C] Aberrant Epiphysis
[D] Atavistic Epiphysis

A 24-year-old primi at 38 weeks, whose previous transabdominal ultrasound showed the fetus in breech presentation, has a closed cervical os and a uterus consistent with 38 weeks' gestation. The fetal rate tracing shows a baseline heart rate of 152/min and 2 accelerations over 10 minutes. Repeat ultrasound today shows a persistent breech presentation. The patient said that she would like to attempt a vaginal delivery. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

Happy Diwali to our amazing Docemy students!

May this Festival of Lights fill your path with knowledge, success, and endless opportunities. As you ignite your dreams, know that we're here to support you every step of the way. Keep shining bright, stay curious, and let's celebrate a brilliant future together!

Warmest wishes from the Docemy team! 🌟

Best regards,
Dr. Nishanth Singh

NExT Meeting (June-23).pdf