Котят, «Обмен» берёт перерыв. Пока не знаем, насколько долгий, но на недельку точно. Нам надо немного подкорректировать уже выложенные главы и подготовить новые. Не скучайте, скоро вернёмся
Welcome to 1786 - a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the rich history and culture of the year 1786. In this channel, history enthusiasts, scholars, and curious minds come together to delve into the events, people, and stories that shaped the world over 200 years ago. From political revolutions to scientific discoveries, from artistic masterpieces to daily life, 1786 is a treasure trove of knowledge and insights into a pivotal moment in history. Who is it for? History buffs, students, teachers, and anyone with a passion for learning about the past. What is it? A community of like-minded individuals sharing their love for history and connecting over the events of 1786. Join us on this journey through time and discover the wonders of the past in 1786!
09 Jan, 16:12
08 Jan, 15:09
31 Dec, 22:58
31 Dec, 19:07
30 Dec, 14:26
26 Dec, 15:59
25 Dec, 18:29
17 Dec, 14:51
13 Dec, 15:15
13 Dec, 14:52
30 Nov, 09:47
29 Nov, 04:37
24 Nov, 17:00
24 Nov, 16:06
22 Nov, 04:45
20 Nov, 16:17
20 Nov, 13:40
10 Nov, 13:32
06 Nov, 20:08
31 Oct, 13:18
25 Oct, 18:34
24 Oct, 17:10
24 Oct, 16:21
23 Oct, 15:42
23 Oct, 15:08
19 Oct, 08:31
18 Oct, 15:16
16 Oct, 16:52
13 Oct, 20:05