Welcome to أكتوبر || 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑, a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading love and peace wherever it goes. The channel was established on April 1, 2020, with the belief that where there is love, there is peace. With a beautiful combination of ☁️ and 🦋 emojis, the channel aims to create a serene and positive space for its members. If you're looking to surround yourself with positivity and inspiration, this is the perfect channel for you. Stay connected with us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bushra_hasan.99 and feel free to reach out to us directly at @BushraHs99 for any inquiries or feedback. Join us on this journey of love and peace, and let's spread positivity together!
07 Feb, 22:25
07 Feb, 22:24
07 Feb, 22:22
07 Feb, 08:54
07 Feb, 08:52
07 Feb, 08:52
07 Feb, 08:52
07 Feb, 08:51
30 Jan, 22:07
30 Jan, 22:07
30 Jan, 22:07
30 Jan, 09:56
30 Jan, 09:56
28 Jan, 20:15
27 Jan, 21:03
27 Jan, 21:02
26 Jan, 17:41
10 Jan, 15:57
10 Jan, 15:57
08 Jan, 02:25
08 Jan, 02:24
08 Jan, 02:23
07 Jan, 18:01
07 Jan, 18:00
07 Jan, 18:00
05 Jan, 20:51
05 Jan, 20:50
05 Jan, 20:49
05 Jan, 20:49
31 Dec, 22:59
28 Dec, 19:22
28 Dec, 19:21
28 Dec, 19:20
28 Dec, 19:20
27 Dec, 21:04
27 Dec, 21:04
22 Dec, 13:28
22 Dec, 13:23
17 Dec, 12:14
17 Dec, 12:14
16 Dec, 13:49
14 Dec, 23:52
14 Dec, 16:32
12 Dec, 19:41
11 Dec, 15:29
25 Nov, 04:58
21 Nov, 19:07
21 Nov, 19:06
18 Nov, 11:07
17 Nov, 21:39
17 Nov, 21:35
17 Nov, 21:34
16 Nov, 15:44
15 Nov, 19:19
15 Nov, 09:38
15 Nov, 09:38
14 Nov, 15:45
14 Nov, 15:43
12 Nov, 12:10
12 Nov, 12:05
07 Nov, 16:00
04 Nov, 14:24
04 Nov, 14:24
04 Nov, 14:13
24 Oct, 21:01
24 Oct, 17:11
24 Oct, 17:09
24 Oct, 17:08
24 Oct, 17:08
23 Oct, 18:02
23 Oct, 18:02
23 Oct, 18:02
21 Oct, 12:15
20 Oct, 09:20
20 Oct, 09:19
20 Oct, 09:19
17 Oct, 21:19
17 Oct, 21:19
17 Oct, 21:18
17 Oct, 13:48
14 Oct, 21:21
14 Oct, 13:57
14 Oct, 13:50
14 Oct, 13:50
13 Oct, 11:44