The Rebirth and the Golden Age ushered under Trump.
Forget the news, the new golden age of America will usher in a mass awakening.
I don't know where you'll stand when the true nature of reality is revealed.
One example is most people believed COVID-19 scam, which I opposed, lost a lot of money and a great Twitter account.
The conspiracy theorists, like me, are wining after win.
We are not ‘beautiful’ in our thinking because we don’t conform to the standards of the world, standards set by PhDs, and scientists and doctors.
‘Because, how dumb can you to disbelief a peer reviewed paper”, they say.
Over the past few years, we’ve seen that whoever pays the piper, calls the tune, even in academics, sciences, data and research.
Data can be messed up with to reveal a different wrong narrative.
Most forget that whatever human decided on, is what becomes the norm. But that’s not a good explanation. There’s the natural way of things, a truth underlying all existence, something akin to a mathematical formula which speaks truth in every corner of the earth and beyond. If one plus one is 2, then that is true across the universe, even though giving the answer as 11 might look beautiful.
See, haters of truth, haters of human beings gave the answer to one plus one as 11, introduced gender fluidity, colorful language of descriptions, pedophiles hiding behind porn and anime, swaying the world away, it looked beautiful as every person was included, everyone was not left behind. But that is not the future cut out for man, even in any reality, it is a vile future, whose ending is death. Sin, leads to death. No matter how beautiful it is.
If the past 10 years hasn’t woken you up.
Then you are a lost low vibration human being, who can’t be helped.
However, if anything, I deeply understand the different levels of awareness and how deeply disturbing one can be if a friend is not up to the task, in thinking, in gaining wealth, in academics or education, etc.
But what’s the highest greatest wealth other than the KNOWING OF THYSELF, who are you as human? and of the great GODLY designs.
This overshadows any other forms of wealth
- The Great Channel.