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Ascension Support, Alchemy & Quantum Practice
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Последний контент, опубликованный в 9D Harmonics на Telegram

9D Harmonics

17 Nov, 23:40


What I have Learned at the Ashram.

For many years I have been gradually going through my process, detaching myself from the stories I have been told that I am, what I believed I was, the things that I falsely thought brought me joy, and those I was not in resonance with. The path became of inner solitude and isolation. Interactions with others became less frequent, only when I felt it was necessary and from a place of higher consciousness. My solitude then gradually unveiled the internal calling to move forward; the only thing that seemed more impossible than leaving was staying.

When my journey got me to the Ashram, I realized my path before was only the tip of my iceberg, submerged much deeper than the mind could have fathomed.

I felt the Ashram’s frequency immediately once we drove through the gates, symbolically revealing its’ deeper purpose and magnificent healing power. Each day presented a theme of new lessons and teachings that helped me discover life’s deeper meaning. Time slowed down, facilitating new learning, conscious integration, and disciplined practice of the teachings.

Pure awareness became a state of consciousness, revealing the fullness that holds infinite variations of lights and colors, sounds and vibrations within the infinite light of emptiness. It all became simple, revealing God’s humor of all that is orchestrated within the dreamfield we call life. All of the questions that were there before I got to the Ashram no longer mattered. Seeking a purpose within the egoic world was replaced with a much deeper understanding of who I am, and that inner self-development begins once consciousness becomes awareness itself.

When we deeply pay attention and consciously and correctly interpret synchronicities and symbols, everything around us gains a profound meaning and opens the long-sought-after secret of life.

May those of you on a devotional path be blessed with abundant love and support.
May God’s divinity within each of you reveal itself in the reflection of your awareness.
May you have peace in your heart that allows you to hear the internal calling, see the path clearly, and feel the joy that is your true nature.

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9D Harmonics

17 Sep, 14:21


There is beauty all around us. And when we raise our frequency high enough, we get to experience is also.

Join @nuri_sunshine
9D Harmonics

12 Sep, 23:07


The desire to “become” something or someone causes obstruction of the divine orchestration and the unfolding of one’s “being” within the linear time of the phenomenal plane.

Through the attempt of “becoming”, the character becomes flawed in its attempt to control outcomes of those unfoldments.

With a perceived certainty of what the character needs to do to “become”, it short changes itself of realization of it being within its own play that has already been pre orchestrated.

Furthermore, it prolongs the unfoldment of Truth through the character’s vehicle, thus, not allowing for the ultimate divinely orchestrated Truth to realize itself through its being Being.

(From the Ashram’s contemplations)

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9D Harmonics

05 Sep, 01:43


The invitation for interception is an internal calling within each one of us. There is no-thing to do, no-thing to change, there is no-thing outside of us but our own internal projection.

To change the world is to go inward and realize that we are the creators of our world - the world of slavery, or total and absolute freedom.

(From the Ashram’s contemplations)

9D Harmonics

02 Sep, 19:19


The current state of the world is increasingly characterized by darkness, pushing those who are awakened to embrace higher vibrational frequencies and seek the truth. However, this requires more than just being awakened - it demands that individuals delve deep into their own psyche to comprehend the world's transformative process as we near apocalyptic times.

Religion can serve as a catalyst for awakening, yet it should not become a crutch; it offers guidance for the awakening process but it has a ceiling that doesn't allow to go deeper into the Truth.

Individuals must engage in internal self-work by humbling the ego and recognizing how their thoughts contribute and project the chaos witnessed collectively.

Embarking on this journey into new vibrations requires courage and a willingness to confront one's internal shadows. Once fully committed, individuals will be given grace and gain access to the master key for the new world that currently exists just a quantum leap away.

9D Harmonics

02 Sep, 18:58


Day 2 Journey to the Ashram.

Although I have been warned my many friends who travelled to CR of areas that are not safe for tourists, I decided to test my faith downtown San Jose.

It was a football game day, there were many people out, but not as many as usual since it was a Sunday and many people spend Sundays at home or in churches.

To my surprise, there were many Nicaraguans downtown San Jose. I knew that this is not unusual, but I have not experienced that before being in Montezuma Heights. I turned into a corner and walked about 20 minutes down the path that was full of illegal street vendors and immigrants. I had a feeling something was off, so I decided to turn back, and that’s when three Nicaraguans approached me and said something in Spanish pointing to my shoulder bag. I did not respond and kept walking, as one of them pulled my bag and the alarm sounded (I highly recommend security bags when you travel especially when traveling alone). One accidentally stepped on my foot and scratched my ankle while the other tried pulling the bag off. I remembered my martial arts training and hit one guy on the nose, I heard a crack and he started bleeding heavily. Not a second later, I heard someone from the back yell out something in Spanish and they ran off.

The local’s name is Warner. He called me chica loca and told me he is walking me back home. I gladly agreed and to my surprise he spoke perfect English.

On our way he showed me some of the landmark buildings and gave me a history lesson (as well as a safety lesson). Warner turned out to be a singer with a big family. His mom named him after Warner Bros, everyone else had traditional names. His sense of humor instantly uplifted my day and I realized that perhaps this was the point of this particular adventure. To meet someone who is light hearted and full of passion for music, arts and adventures. Warner also has an incredibly moving life story, but without his permission, I am not entitled to share it.

I made it back safely. Unfortunately I did not think of getting his contact. But the story will always be in my memories.

To say this is a lesson for me to consider safety is cliché and quite obvious. But the symbolic lesson was to always be open to what is to come, as you never know who you will meet along the way.

Superheroes do exist. And life is just a movie script playing itself out.


9D Harmonics

02 Sep, 00:54


Day 1 Journey to the Ashram

To get myself grounded into the Costa Rican environment, I decided to spend a few days in San Jose before I go up to the Ashram.

I happened to be staying at the house of a well-known Costa Rican movie director. Her house was like a magical gallery, full of items that told a story or where she had been, what she has seen… It was like walking through a movie set, and I felt like the audience watching her creation unfold.

Her life story also brought a lot of synchronicities and realizations to me. She has a dog Totoro, a small dachshund mix, just like my dog. It was the first indication that something synchronistic is about to happen.

She, like me, dances salsa. Her best friend happened to be a tango instructor, which is the dance I am learning now. That connection brought an experience of Costa Rican tango community I will never forget (in another blog).

Although we had a hard time understanding each other - my broken Spanish and her not so perfect English, I also found many similarities and even answers to some of the questions I had lingering in my mind.

Like I did last year, she is caring for her sick mom and going through a transformation I am too familiar with. She contemplated on selling her home and starting a new journey after being here for over 13 years. She told me she did not know where she is going, maybe Paris, maybe Spain… She did not know how her life would look like and how she would support herself in the long run, as she was leaving everything behind… Yet her eyes were as bright as the sun when she was talking about her dreams and demonstrating her courage to make such a drastic change.

The one phrase that rang loudly in my mind was the phrase my mom had told me before she passed: “do not fall into stagnancy, keep moving, keep experiencing, and never be afraid”.

9D Harmonics

02 Sep, 00:38


Day 0 Journey to the Ashram.

It's only been a few days, and my Ashram life hasn't even begun, yet I've had many profound realizations. Strangers are becoming the closest people to me, while those whom I thought were close couldn't be further away. We all search for our tribes, where we fit in and where there is no confusion. However, we fail to recognize that every soul we meet is already a part of our soul tribe. There is no separation or need to search..

On my way to Costa Rica I encountered one of the yogis from the Ashram. We happened to be on the same flight together as she was coming back from visiting her family in the States. She recognized me by the book I was carrying, a 5 pound book that I went back and forth on whether I should take it or not. Yet this very same book brought a big symbolic meaning not just by its contents but by what it brought to me as an experience - to be found in a crowd by her.

Synchronicities became so powerful that we did not see how fast the time had passed. We spent the entire flight sharing our experiences, her life at the ashram, our ideas, life experiences. Our life stories and stories of our families. We have found so many similarities in one another, that it is now hard to describe in words.

I learned that birthdays are not typically celebrated at the ashram, I was glad to hear that because most birthdays tend to bring disappointments and nostalgia that drops us lower into the ego. Moreover, celebrating my birthday without my mom is not the same anymore.

Ironically, as we approached our landing, it happened to be the last flight of our pilot who is not only retiring but celebrating his birthday. September happened to be my and my mom’s birthday and I couldn't help but smile at the synchronicity of that.

As we walked through a corridor full of balloons, with airport workers symbolically clapping and celebrating, as if my new friend and I were celebrating our own birthday, I couldn't help but realize that I have not felt more at home than on this land.

That is when I knew that the magic of the ashram is at play, bringing synchronicities and manifestations of new beautiful friendships and companionships, symbols and experiences of the soul and not the ego.

9D Harmonics

24 Aug, 20:39


Time only exists within the mind, and can be used as a tool to experience a particular moment. If time is measured by the observer, moving relative, or opposing to one another, each individual is capable of perceiving the moment expand or contract it. Time was created to experience a particular moment, so instead of having an instantaneous flash of an event, since everything is happening all at once, we get to prolong the experience to analyze and enjoy the moment, or to pass it. Rather than treating time as if it doesn’t exist we must recognize that time is eternal, and we can use it as a great tool to serve us in this experience.

Join us in this Sunday’s meditation, we will be exploring dimensions beyond the dimension of time.

August 25th, 2024 @8am PST

Zoom Link

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9D Harmonics

24 Aug, 14:18


August thoughts from the Ashram’s teachings:

The mind, a complex interplay of memories stored within the conscious and unconscious, often operates on autopilot.

Actions taken by the unconscious mind are calculated decisions driven by the mind’s memories. These memories often carry the resonance of fear and do not allow something unexpected and spontaneous to enrich one’s life experience.

It is the unconscious mind that influences one’s reality the most, as the mind is the creator of the reality we experience. Those unconscious memories that are stored within the subconscious will continue to burden the intelligence by further creating limitations and suffering caused by the mind’s own limitations.

Our life’s work, then, is to learn and understand how the mind works so that the limitations that are superimposed over one’s desire to create are eliminated and transformed through knowledge.

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