Últimas publicaciones de 9D Harmonics (@nuri_sunshine) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de 9D Harmonics

9D Harmonics
Ascension Support, Alchemy & Quantum Practice
IG: nuri_sunshine
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Última Actualización 05.03.2025 21:41

El contenido más reciente compartido por 9D Harmonics en Telegram

9D Harmonics

22 Aug, 14:27


Knowledge should only be used to expand the mind, not to dominate others through accumulated knowledge. It should be used to nurture a healthy mind, allowing humans to fully develop their ability to grasp any knowledge available for their development.

Understanding the mind involves recognizing its limitations, filters, and perceived knowledge that restricts its expansion, as well as understanding how the mind creates the external world it perceives and experiences.

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9D Harmonics

21 Aug, 23:40


“Though there is a higher and wider significance to life, of what value is our education if we never discover it? We may be highly educated, but if we are without deep integration of thought and feeling, our lives are incomplete, contradictory, and torn with many fears; as long as education does not cultivate an integrated outlook on life, it has very little significance.” - Krishnamurti

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9D Harmonics

21 Aug, 18:49


Prepare to be alone, misunderstood, insulted, judged, and laughed at. Underneath all if that is fear—fear of the unknown, fear of that same aloneness that is frequently misjudged as loneliness, fear of having faith in God who has already planned out our journey, should we choose to surrender. With your resilience and devotion, you will inspire others to surrender to the peace of knowing that they are never truly alone and are always supported.

Join @nuri_sunshine
9D Harmonics

17 Aug, 19:32


Guided Meditation "Liberation from the Karmic Cycle"

This Sunday at 8:00AM PST live via Zoom.

Dear 9D Family!

We have moved our workshop to 8:00am PST (an hour earlier than usual time). August 25th will be our last workshop and I will announce a few upcoming dates and events then.

In the upcoming workshop, we will journey into a state of consciousness that allows us to liberate from karmic cycles.

Click Here to Register, and I hope to see you there.

Love and Blessings

9D Harmonics

17 Aug, 17:40


The blast from the Higher Light & Energy continues — on our second 8/8/8 date (8/17/2024)! ⚡️👀⚡️

Many of yall have already cleared a great deal of old energy by allowing higher levels of truth to become your current state of consciousness. Rising in consciousness is also witnessing those stuck in the old ways that are transitioning from this new & higher physical realm. You knew this is going to happen. Those that are not in resonance with the new & higher energies will stay as is as the bifurcation of personal timelines splits wider. We have witnessed those who have drank the matrix koolaid, trusting their science, or relying its product for consumption are all not in the best health conditions. Many are participating in this exodus phase as New Earth expands. The incoming Higher Energy blast will continue to flush out anything with the old energy.

There is no death — it is only a continuation of their Soul journey, in another realm.

We will continue to hold space for all those going through tough times, but it is important to allow things to unfold & to let things go — to flow with the law of detachment. Spiritual detachment does not mean disregard for those who are suffering. Even though we know the illusory nature of forms of duality & separation, we need to be mindful & not be the ostrich with its head in the sand. We are here in the physical to assist others in whatever way we see fit. Always trust your intuition on these occasions. Trust in yourself to be ready for every step & experience to unfold itself to you. 🙏🏽👁🤍

9D Harmonics

15 Aug, 04:05


Free will is illusory outside of time-space continuum as it assumes one functions primarily through time and space.

The choice one makes is only perceived to be linear, consciousness has already determined that choice within no time and space.

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9D Harmonics

15 Aug, 02:25


When we free ourselves from the illusion of being a separate object that strives for individualization so it can find external validation of its perceived existence, and when we free ourselves from the programmed mind that has created limitations, we realize that we are the Subject that is ever-present within all there is.

We are the One who is the playwriter capable of manifesting infinite potentialities. With this realization, this is where we begin to show up in our true essence, not separate, but infinitely connected to everything.

Join @nuri_sunshine
9D Harmonics

14 Aug, 22:49


Hi guys, before I leave end of August, this is the final week to book one on one appointment with me for a clairvoyant energy and a healing session.

Here is the link to set up an appointment

Love to all of you and thank you for being a part of my own personal journey.

Join @nuri_sunshine
9D Harmonics

12 Aug, 19:54


Many people find themselves at a crossroads where they must choose between accepting the comfort of living within a capitalistic structure and, in contrast, experiencing their true potential within the unlimited possibilities offered by the Creator.

Many choose to stay in the system, which entails being born, given a name, and a country that has its own set of structures, ID number to fit into a tax bracket, etc. - this is the foundation that gets layered by social, family, political, and religious values. Throughout their life, they receive an education, get married, work, have children, retire, and eventually pass away. Somewhere in between, they believe they fulfill certain desires that are short-lived and that do not bring long-lasting joy. These structures are typically overlayed with traumatic experiences that settle within the subconscious and drive one’s actions on autopilot within the established systems.

The alternative involves questioning the true meaning of life, the Self. This question is accompanied by a realization that one is settling for only a fraction of one’s potential, “Is that what my life is all about?”. Sound familiar?

This alternative path involves looking back and recognizing unconscious patterns originating from a fear of survival, which fuels the capitalistic structure many choose to settle for.

While neither choice is right nor wrong, the choice that requires questioning the meaning of life raises fear in many people, which drives them to settle for what is familiar. This choice, however, is an opportunity for self-discovery that begins to arise for everyone equally through an internal calling.

Those who start to raise questions on the purpose of life are urged to silence the mind, listen, and become aware of the inner calling to awaken from the illusory structures that have mass hypnotized humanity. It is an inner calling to begin to question the validity of the systems that have shaped one’s personality and limit one’s experience to what is familiar and known.

To start the process of removing deep-seated programs passed down through generations, one must carefully examine both conscious and subconscious self-destructive patterns that influence one’s actions. By acknowledging these patterns, one can break free from them and the systems that have reinforced those patterns. This leads to one connecting with the authentic Self, which leads to opening up one’s reality to greater possibilities beyond what one has been conditioned to believe. Beyond the mind itself.

There is an inherent call for all of humanity to re-examine, liberate from limited structures, and unlock the potential of the Creator within each of us. We are urged to remove limiting programs, reconnect with the heart, and prepare to create, build, experience, enjoy, and recognize the power that each of us holds beyond the limited programs that dictate our reality.

Join @nuri_sunshine
9D Harmonics

02 Aug, 17:44


True freedom and peace come with the willingness to fully surrender to every moment unfolding. This involves not just acknowledging but also being fully aware of the intricate details of what is unfolding while recognizing that everything is a manifestation of higher intelligence.

With the willingness to discover one’s own divinity within each expression, we align harmoniously with the higher intelligence. This alignment brings momentum, synchronicities, knowledge, wisdom, and opportunities that naturally facilitate the creative expression of higher intelligence. This helps us to become fully aware and move effortlessly with grace. It’s important to understand that each experience brings growth and an opportunity to expand, to discover our true selves, and to realize the the Real Self within us that is ever-changing, eternal, and omnipresent. This, in itself, is the purpose of our existence.

Join @nuri_sunshine