Nur Airdrop @nurbenur88 Channel on Telegram

Nur Airdrop


Nur Airdrop (English)

Are you a fan of airdrops and looking for the latest opportunities to earn free tokens? Look no further than the Nur Airdrop Telegram channel! Run by the experienced crypto enthusiast and username @nurbenur88, this channel is dedicated to sharing information about upcoming airdrops in the cryptocurrency world. What sets Nur Airdrop apart is its commitment to providing high-quality airdrop opportunities that are legitimate and offer real value to participants. With a focus on transparency and reliability, you can trust that the airdrops shared on this channel have been thoroughly vetted. Whether you're new to airdrops or a seasoned participant, Nur Airdrop has something for everyone. Join the community today and start earning free tokens while staying informed about the latest trends in the crypto space!

Nur Airdrop

07 Jan, 08:37

እንኳን አደረሳችሁ መልካም በአል

Nur Airdrop

30 Nov, 11:15

Seed eligibility cretria እነዚህ ናቸው ሲሉ ገልፀዋል፡ ፡

ሁሉንም የነሱን accounts እና channels Follow ማድረግ
"SEED 🌱" Telegram ስማቹ ላይ ማስገባት

በተጨማሪም የሚሰጣቹን Token affect የሚያደርጉ ነገሮች እነዚህ ናቸው
💰 SEED Balance
👥 Invited Friends
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🌟 Star Store

የሚቀጥለው ሳምንት bot ውስጥ መግዛት እና መሸጥ ይቆማል ብለዋል ።

Nur Airdrop

25 Nov, 13:02

በ Ice Open network ኦፊሻል ገፅ በትዊተር ላይ Follow የሚደረገው A2Z CRYPTO DoctorX ኤርድሮፕ በOKX ላይ ሊስት እንደሚደረግ ገልጿል ።

ኦፊሺያል አናውንስመንትም የ Doctorx ተጠቃሚዎች እንዲጠብቁ ገልጿል ።

Nur Airdrop

24 Nov, 16:45

Major clim ያላደረጋቹ ነገ የመጨረሻ ነው

Nur Airdrop

31 Oct, 14:58

paws አዲስ task አምጥቷል ስሩት 2000

ያልጀመራችሁ ፍጠኑ

Nur Airdrop

23 Oct, 18:18

Nur Airdrop

22 Oct, 18:02

Nur Airdrop

22 Oct, 13:42

🛑እንደምታዩት 19$ ገብቷል ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ ተጠቅማችሁ እናንተም ሞክሩት
task ስሩ
ሰው ጋብዙ
🛑ለwithdraw የምትጠቀሙት የtrust Wallet የREFI አድሬስ (smart Chain) ነው የምታስገቡ

Nur Airdrop

20 Oct, 18:04

Nur Airdrop

19 Oct, 10:32

#52 for 20 TON የሚለውን ክሊክ አድርጉ
boost Your Ranking የሚለውን ንኩት
verify የሚለውን ከነካችሁ በሗላ በአረንጓዴ በተከበቡት መሰረት ከላይ ምስሎችን በቅደም ተከተል ክሊክ አድርጉ ስትጨርሱ submit

በመቀጠል ያላችሁን amount ጽፋችሁ send የሚለውን መጫን


Nur Airdrop

17 Oct, 09:03



↗️Name : How to Analyze Crypto?
🔒Code :  VALUE
↗️Name : Forks Explained
🔒Code :  Go Get
↗️Name : Secure Your Crypto!
↗️Name : Navigating Crypto
🔒Code :  HEYBLUM
↗️Name : What are Telegram ...
↗️Name : Say No to Rug Pull!
🔒Code :  superblum
↗️Name : What Are AMMs?
↗️Name : Liquidity Pools Guide
🔒Code :  Blumersss
↗️Name : $2.5M+ DOGS Airdrop
🔒Code : HappyDogs
↗️Name : Doxxing? What's that?
↗️Name : Pre-Market Trading
↗️Name : Play Track & type track...
🔒Code : blum - big city life
↗️Name : How to Memecoin?
↗️Name : Token Burning: How & why?
🔒Code : ONFIRE
↗️Name : Bitcoin Rainbow Chart?
🔒Code : SOBLUM
↗️Name : Crypto Terms. Part 1
↗️Name : How to trade Perps?
↗️Name : Sharing Explained:


Nur Airdrop

16 Oct, 18:07

Nur Airdrop

15 Oct, 19:20

Nur Airdrop

13 Oct, 20:18

⭐️ The most charismatic, meme-worthy coin on the MultiversX blockchain is here!

🎁 Join DoctorX and receive 2000 DRX coins when you sign-up.

🔥 Simple, fun, and rewarding!

Nur Airdrop

12 Oct, 08:02

x emipre pre market = 0.0004

እንዴት አያችሁት ??

Nur Airdrop

12 Oct, 06:20

X Empire ከትንሽ ሰአታት በሗላ pre-Market ይጀምራል 🙏

Nur Airdrop

12 Oct, 06:16

Channel photo updated

Nur Airdrop

11 Oct, 18:03

Nur Airdrop

11 Oct, 08:34

Nur Airdrop

11 Oct, 08:34

🛑ከቴሌግራም ኤርድሮፕ በተጨማሪ አንድ የ አፕሊኬሽን ኤርድሮፕ ልንለቅ ነው ተዘጋጁ 🛑
📌የሚያስፈልጉ ነገሮች
gmail Account ብቻ

ሙሉ አሰራሩን ቪዲዮ እየሰራን ነው 🙏
እስከዛ አፑን አውርዱት

Nur Airdrop

10 Oct, 18:00