And we will give a more reasonable answer: the limited edition NFT collection is so-called because it's the only one and there is no analogue to it. The limited supply of this asset and the huge number of users allows the price to grow steadily as more and more people realize the benefits of Anonymous Telegram Numbers. Also, the Fragment team receives a 5% royalty from each auction or sale of numbers, accordingly, the higher the price of numbers, the higher the profit for Fragment. For example, on 17 November 2024, there were sold 154 numbers with an average price of 256.1 TON. So Fragment earned about 154*256.1*0.05=1971.97 TON (or about $11,300) just for numbers' royalty that day! Pavel Durov and Nikolai Durov are also known as a decent and purposeful businessman and a talented developer and they realise that releasing a new collection will bring down the price of the numbers, their earnings, and their own reputation because many of their friends and acquaintances keep their money in Anonymous Numbers. Most of the holders of the numbers (whales, sharks) are TON holders too. So they don't have an incentive to dump their numbers price!
Also, Telegram representatives have received many comments from regulators about 888 numbers. A Telegram representative said that because of this, there are no plans for a new collection in the future.
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