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14 Feb, 01:30

Kinda late but all the best for batch 06 for your addmath paper

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11 Feb, 00:13

Hye gys , it's been sooooo long since min tk aktif tele. How have u been lately gys ?

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10 Feb, 14:29

Oh ye utk new form 4! Korang amik aliran apa??

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10 Feb, 14:29

Hi geng!! Cuti2 sekolah ni taktau nk buat apa? Nk study tp tkde tuition yg tutor yg "murmur" ? Lagi2 yg calon spm 2024 tu. Kena la start study topik form 5 dari sekarang. Kawan2 yg baru naik upper form tu pun mesti nk tgk2 sikit topik form 4 kan?
Min cadangkan kalian join tuition mcplus!! Sbb min pun join gak! Best Woods. Untuk new user boleh guna code " 6ab769b85f " utk dpt discount!!
Well jumpa u guys kat kelas nanti!! ( tu pun kalau u guys nk join la)

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19 Jan, 15:35

ohh actually min baru tau yang korang kalau kena reject tak bole buat permohonan πŸ˜“πŸ˜“ unless kalau korang still kena simpan dia takde bagitau β€œ tidak berjaya β€œ or something maksudnya ada peluang , tak tau kenapa mara buat macam tu tahun ni πŸ˜“

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18 Jan, 15:46

dapat mana πŸ‘€

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18 Jan, 15:46

hello ! so how your mrsm result ?

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31 Dec, 08:57

Selamat pulang ke asrama

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25 Dec, 07:41

sting jellyfish tu asid ke alkali weyh sbnrnya????

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25 Dec, 06:35

random but antara larutan A dan B , larutan mana yg sheila guna utk kurangkan rasa sakit apabila disengat oleh obor2, larutan A alkali, larutan B asid. iykyk

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02 Oct, 08:01

Apa pendapat korang pasal humanising technology?

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01 Oct, 09:33

Goodluck batch 06!! Do your best for ur trial!!

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22 Sep, 11:41

spill la korang apply mrsm mana

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22 Sep, 11:40

dah apply mrsm ke tu

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08 Sep, 16:42

Amende monopoli ni?

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03 Sep, 13:11

Kuatkan mental kalian utk tgk results, gudnitee

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02 Sep, 13:31

Gudluck tengok results exam <333

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02 Sep, 13:30


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02 Sep, 13:26

Hah?? Esok Last Day cuti??!!

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26 Aug, 09:08

hai gengss min rasa ramai yg baru habis exam. so guys! how ur exam?





