Update on the arrest and current situation of anti-fascist Nanuk
Although Nanuk is currently locked up for 22 hours in Moabit Prison, he is doing well considering the circumstances.
He receives regular visits from his lawyer, has a radio, a television and access to two daily newspapers, which are available free of charge in prison, and the usual magazines such as Spiegel, which he can get through the grocery store. Other books and magazines that he wants and which were ordered for him have not yet been given to him. He has also not received any mail, although many people have already written to him. All mail is read by the public prosecutors first before it is given to him - and they are clearly in no hurry to enable him to communicate with the outside world.
But this should not stop anyone from continuing to write letters and postcards to Nanuk.
The grey walls of his cell are waiting to be decorated with postcards.
Signs of solidarity are very important and there have been several of them since his arrest.
There was a fireworks display in front of the prison and a prison demonstration on November 2, 2024.
Nanuk welcomes all forms of solidarity.
Be creative. Solidarity is our weapon.
We assume that the proceedings will extend over a longer period of time – solidarity with Nanuk and support with the legal costs will therefore remain important for the year 2025.
Just like for all other criminalized anti-fascists.
You can find further updates and solidarity actions on the solidarity blog: https://freenanuk.noblogs.org/
Letters to Nanuk can be written via this email:
[email protected]The donation account is:
Rote Hilfe eV
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17
Purpose/Keyword: Eisbaer
Freedom for Nanuk!
Freedom and happiness for all Antifas!