Nityanandam Shree @nityanandamshreeofficial Channel on Telegram

Nityanandam Shree


Nityanandam Shree is a Yogic Scientist Who has been working in the sector of Yoga, Ayurveda & Ancient wisdom from last 20 years..

Nityanandam Shree Telegram Channel (English)

Welcome to the Nityanandam Shree Telegram channel, where you can follow the teachings of a renowned Yogic Scientist. Nityanandam Shree has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to the study and practice of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Ancient wisdom. Through his channel, he shares valuable insights, techniques, and knowledge that can help you improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Whether you are a beginner looking to start your journey into the world of Yoga and Ayurveda or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, Nityanandam Shree offers something for everyone. Join the channel @"nityanandamshreeofficial" today and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic health and inner peace with the guidance of a true master in the field.

Nityanandam Shree

28 Nov, 17:02

इंसान के हाथों में और जज्बे में कितनी ताकत है, आज उत्तरकाशी की टनल से 17 दिन की कठिन परीक्षा के बाद सुरक्षित बाहर निकलने वाले और अपनी जान पर खेल कर उन्हें बाहर निकालने वाले सभी मजदूरों ने मिलकर ये साबित कर दिया । सबको साधुवाद।।

Nityanandam Shree

27 Sep, 04:41

Belly Fat Reason & Solution | #bellyfat #bellydance #obesity #overweight

Nityanandam Shree

30 Jul, 11:28

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Nityanandam Shree

06 Jul, 06:56

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Nityanandam Shree

01 Jul, 10:14

प्राणायाम करने की सही विधि जानिये | #pranayam #pranayama #breathing #yoga #deepbreathing #yogatips

Nityanandam Shree

29 Jun, 05:35

सहज मुद्रा से लगेगा सहज ध्यान | #meditation #mudra ##howtomeditate #nityanandamshree #meditate

Nityanandam Shree

23 May, 07:15

बारिश में कब नहाएं | #bathing #rainy #rainyday #barish #health #menstrualhealth #nityanandamshree

Nityanandam Shree

08 May, 03:39

वीर्य धातु कमजोर करती है चाय | #tea #stamina #glow #faceglow #weakness

Nityanandam Shree

06 May, 07:13

घोड़े जैसी ताकत के लिए चना ऐसे खाएं | #chana #chickpeas #kalachana #energy #stamina #kapha #infection

Nityanandam Shree

27 Apr, 08:16

New Launched Products By Nityanandam Shree

Nityanandam Shree

26 Apr, 05:47

बच्चों को किस उम्र से योग करवाएं | #yoga #yog #childrenyoga #yigaforchildren #babyyoga

Nityanandam Shree

25 Apr, 11:42

सफल होना है तो ऐसे काम करें |#success #lifegoals #motivation #inspiration

Nityanandam Shree

09 Apr, 05:08

बार-बार बाल झड़े तो ये करें | #hairfall #hair #stomachhealth #grayhair #haircare

Nityanandam Shree

27 Mar, 04:22

मसूर की दाल के फायदे व तासीर | Red Lentil Benefits & Potency | #redlentil #redlentils #pulses #lentils

Nityanandam Shree

27 Mar, 03:27

How to Eat Curd at Night | #curd #dahi #curdatnight #diet #dietitian

Nityanandam Shree

23 Mar, 02:30

दिन भर मेहनत करने वाले सुनें | #hardwork #workout #yoga #yog #exercise

Nityanandam Shree

23 Mar, 02:27

हाइपर एसिडिटी का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज | #acidity #hyperacidity #heartburn #acidrefluxtreatment

Nityanandam Shree

21 Mar, 11:41

कंगनी बाजरा श्री अन्न | foxtail Millet Benefits & Potency | #foxtail #foxtailmillet #millets

Nityanandam Shree

21 Mar, 06:17

शराब पीने की लत ऐसे छुड़वाएं | Anti Alcohol Addiction | #drugaddiction #alcohol #alcoholawareness #alchoholaddiction





