THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘ @ninastarsonglighttransmissions Channel on Telegram

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘


Prophetic Ascension Transmissions for children of the light
Find me again on Instagram @galacticdiva11
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THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds (English)

Welcome to THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds Telegram channel, also known as @ninastarsonglighttransmissions! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable information, guidance, and support for starseeds who are on a journey of spiritual awakening and ascension. Named after Nina Starsong, a renowned spiritual teacher and healer, this channel offers insights, tools, and teachings to help starseeds unlock their full potential and remember their true essence. With a combination of energy transmissions, meditations, and channeled messages, Nina Starsong empowers starseeds to navigate the challenges of the ascension process and step into their divine purpose with confidence. Join this community of like-minded individuals who are committed to expanding their consciousness, raising their vibration, and co-creating a new Earth based on love, unity, and harmony. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Join THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds channel today and start aligning with your highest potential!

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

28 Nov, 17:37

Happiest Thanksgiving to all of my beautiful soul family all over the world! I'm so grateful for all of you. We all have so much to be thankful for.. But honestly today and every day I'm the most grateful for Yeshua's love and grace that is everlasting...God's Light is truly the most beautiful..and if you have that, then you truly know and truly have extreme wealth.
May you and your families cornucopia overflow with the abundance and blessings of God's grace today and always!
Thank you God for loving us all so much!

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

24 Nov, 13:44

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

22 Nov, 01:19

A Prophetic message for the children of the light! Above!

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

21 Nov, 16:11

This is also why my faith is in God and Jesus, and not any leaders..who could possibly be leading us into a false light golden age.
Many will be deceived..not a few..MANY. unless you have the Holy Spirit guiding you through the illusions , it is very easy to be deceived.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

21 Nov, 16:05

What they left that all of the people that had encounters with these crafts, or were experiencing paranormal things..these things stopped when these people said Jesus, or sang a hym, or repeated the Lords prayer...which means that these are interdimensional demons..not aliens from outer space. Now why would our Gov. be laying the groundwork to expose them?..Read revelation and you will understand...Very soon Angels and fallen Angels will be witnessed more and more. Many will be deceived by signs, miracles, and wonders....
Now, I do believe that Angels can also appear as light crafts..especially when you read Ezekiels wheel and understand that they look different then our version of "Angels"
If you ever find yourself face to face though with any interdimensional beings that do not respect you, Jesus will save ypu from them. I do believe that we will witness these crafts and demons landing soon.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

21 Nov, 16:01

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

09 Nov, 15:16

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

06 Nov, 21:43

Channel photo updated

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

29 Oct, 00:19

4 key questions received from Yeshua today.

1. If the blue or the red wins the election does that effect the gift of grace you've been given, can either decision take it away? Can that decision change where you will spend eternity Nina?

Is a wealthy man of the world more or less wealthy then a man who has little, but has exited the world?

2. When did America decide that she was no longer one nation under God? But instead that she was seated right next to God, as her own deity and God, or possibly several? How is this working out for her?
Things to ponder.

4. Is it possible that the blue and the red are on and the same? If this is so, and you can't trust either possibly to serve source, who can u trust?


THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

21 Oct, 18:41

America is about to recieve a massive activation within her original codex and design of bravery, strength, courage, liberty, faith, freedom, trust, family, and union as designed originally and intended originally by our mother and father the alpha and omega. America will have to rely on God now, and this was always God's plan. Everyone is playing their roles perfectly..even the "bad guys"
Remember that you will be witnessing a movie during this next chapter entitled
"The Return to God"

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

21 Oct, 18:30

Sometimes war is God's plan to answer our prayers. Sometimes God's way is not our way. Understand that everything that is about to occur is 100% God's plan..but it is going to shock many who will not understand this, and will also believe that God has turned his back on America. This is the farthest thing from the truth...We must stay very close to God right now, and ask to see all that is happening through God's lenz. God is bringing America back to her original point and intention of creation..and this process is not pretty, nor easy..but it will cause a maturation throughout the collective that is necessary to get to the other side, and to return home to the Christed light. God is not abandoning us, God is allowing all that is about to occur in order to rescue and to awaken those sleeping, but also to grow and expand and evolve all of us in amazing ways. Tap into your indigo star fire and violet rays for grounded guidance and support. The Galactic Angelics when called upon will also help u to see your role, and your direction at this time. For some, this may look like a huge role change, for others this will look like the very thing you've been preparing for since 2020. It is go time, and we must remain focused on God in the storm, rather then the storm that will be blowing loudly and harshly around us. In times of darkness God's light shines and shows the brightest.
Trust God, and turn to your altar within for guidance and reassurance. We came for a time such as this.
America is returning to her Divine roots.
Everything belongs to our creator first, and our creator intends to take back all that is attempting to be stolen from him. The alpha and the omega are seated in their thrones and they are in control of everything that is being allowed to happen, and everything that is about to happen. Trust that u are exactly where u are meant to be, and trust God's grace to carry you through what is to come. Stay in your lane and let everyone else stay in theirs, without judging their placement as wrong...for it truly can't be any other way...and yet all eventually will return home. This is God's way of taking as many as possible home at once, and every soul has pre designed to go through the upcoming storm exactly as it will play out for them..even in the war storm, you can be living the life of your dreams come true...because God's path for you always exists above the world's matrix.
In the next couple of months ..beginning now you will witness the activation and codex and Christed rays of patriotism , return to Divine warrior, Divine Union, courage, bravery, faith and long suffering ..which is the faith in God's word in your heart, as u traverse through the journey of the storm.


THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

18 Oct, 04:51

The energy is very powerful tonight and tomorrow with this hunter full moon, which means it is an amazing time for all of us Children of the light to focus on what we want to manifest in our own lives and also in the collective..rather then focus an the amplification of the horrors currently happening..we have the power to shift the timeline together by doing so. Remember that we exist on the highest timeline above the world..all we have to do is tap into it from our inner world in order to manifest it into our outer world. Stay in your own lane, and dream your own life movie, rather then be imprinted upon by the collective chaotic current life's just a reflection of the past up until now..but now we can choose to consciously write a new story from the kingdom of heaven within, and by doing so, we shift the collective trajectory from fear to faith...and we collapse the eye of the "hurricane". Their plans have no power over us, unless we give them our power. We operate above them, because we serve source..and they serve self.
Yeshua taught us to focus on him, and not the storm. Now we all get to practice that first hand.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

18 Oct, 04:49

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

15 Oct, 16:33

All that will be washed away, or destroyed by water, air, earth , or fire will be born again. For this is the great cleansing..a cleasing of the darkness ..and out of these tragedies and great losses..the greatest love shall be birthed. As the layers of illusion are lifted only the truth shall remain at the center of it all . That which is solely indestructible and is everlasting..this is the journey of humanity's maturation and returning to the alpha and the omega ..returning to the beginning.

Nina and the Galactic angelics.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

10 Oct, 19:08

Children of the light..We are the Master Keys...and our prayers and invocations are holding the highest timeline frequency..which is God's will, therefore we are God's master keys, and we are more powerful then any and all frequency instruments of destruction or harm. Thank you to all of the light workers that shifted the timeline for Florida.
We are so powerful together. May we keep rising in love.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

10 Oct, 18:48

change your 3D reality. When the collective relies more on God's will, then the will of man..the collective will know peace. When the collective relies more on God's guidance then the televisions guidance, the collective will know peace. The collective is learning that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
I explained to you Nina that during these times it would be made very obvious that both angels and fallen angels walk amongst u. For just as the collective learns that there are those amongst you, that truly do wish u and your country harm..those that you are meant to trust to lead you and protect you..the collective will also learn that when your own government turns on you, your God never will. I want to make one thing very very clear. America belongs to me. Your God. America is my nation, that I divined to be a nation of freedom, liberty, and justice for all..and I have every intention to keep her that way. She is precious to me, and so are all of you. I hear all of your cries, and I have not, and will not ever turn my back on my America. My land of the free and home of the brave. I am in control and I always win. What America is learning and about to learn even more is how true that is. I am about to prove it to you all. I have great plans for America and all of my people that love me and honor me first. It is all of you, that are changing the outcomes from darkness to light, by having faith over fear. And by knowing that my hand over America shall always prevail, no matter how bad things may look. Trust me, and have faith in my miracles. In this way , you are all maturing and growing up, and realizing the power of your God in you. This is your current collective lesson. And this is America's current collective group, and soul lesson. That there is no darkness great enough to take my America from me. For she is my lady liberty and I will never ever ever let her go. Trust my plan, and turn to me through it all to guide each of u through the storms. I will keep u afloat and navigate u gently around them..and teach u also how to steer your ships and learn how to fly.
For my children will mount up like eagles with wings. For I will send my angels to keep watch over you. For the Fowlers snare will be kept far from you. America is learning faith over fear , and so are each one of you.
It's time to grow up now.

I love you my dearest children of the light and I will not allow my light to go out in your country.
God Bless America!
Patriotism is about to sky rocket through the roof!
I'll leave u with that.

Love, your beloved creator God, and instrument of grace like you.

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

10 Oct, 18:44

A word from our creator God. Received today Oct 10, for America and all of the children of the light.
May it bring you peace, calm, and increase your faith.
In America, there are two specific timelines going on right now.
On the lower timeline of the world there was a timeline of death and destruction for Florida planned, but the collective prayers and invocations, and agreements in faith over fear caused the higher timeline to activate. What is this higher timeline I am speaking of? It is the timeline of grace. It is the timeline that exists above the world. It is God's will intervening and creating harmony, where the intention was massive disharmony and massive death.
Because the collective agreement was faith over fear, the collective stepped into agreement with God's will, and this changed the outcome for all. My people are in a process of maturing, and through these times of trials and tribulations and cataclysmic earth events will be learning that faith truly does and will change your

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

10 Oct, 15:26

THE 100% R-E-A-L Nina Starsong Ascension Keys 4 Starseeds πŸ”₯πŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸ”‘

08 Oct, 20:50

The timing is a bit wonky on the above. It actually starts in 15 min.