Neverdrift - Live Intentionally (@neverdrift) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally
Empowering growth minded people to live intentionally
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अंतिम अपडेट 09.03.2025 02:49

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Neverdrift - Live Intentionally द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

06 Mar, 15:55


Something I sent to a few of my coaching clients recently!

Thinking that you will reach a stage where you will never ever have problems again is unrealistic.

What we can work on instead:

1) Increasing our self trust in being able to navigate and learn through the inevitable challenges and

2) Reducing the perceived pain on ourselves by reducing our self-inflicted painful activities of overthinking, ruminating, catastrophizing etc.

Sending love and strength 💪 ❤️‍🔥
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

04 Mar, 13:21


The classic sunk cost fallacy is a good reminder to us all
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

27 Feb, 22:09


One of the biggest mistakes I made was allowing society to convince me that I was racing toward something.

I took on the pressure to always be achieving, fixing, or proving myself.

It was exhausting and was not sustainable.

Here's what I know now...

I'm allowed to move at my own pace.

I'm allowed to pause.

I'm allowed to rest.

The relentless pressure, the expectations, the unspoken rules, they are the problem, not me.

Can you relate?

- Post by My Easy Therapy / Visual by Kaya Toast For the Soul SG
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

27 Feb, 08:06


So lovely meeting everyone last evening for the 102 workshop: Master the Inner Game!!

We went through the interplay of thoughts, emotions and actions and how certain emotional regulation tools can help us show up better for work and relationships :)

What I most wanted to land through the workshop is the message that when we are being the most reactive, it's due to our programming from long ago.

Often, this is something we are not conscious about and it actually affects multiple areas of our lives.

So we took a first step yesterday in uncovering what that is for everyone.

This quote by The EQ School sums it up pretty well: Your unexplained fears are often at the root of your most reactive behavior. There's a wound and a narrative wrapped up in that fear and it's often pretty old.

Awareness of what that is will help us to support ourselves (and others) better ❤️🙆‍♀️

Interest link for Mar sessions:
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

25 Feb, 13:32


Sharing a reminder for the week ahead ✨️💪
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

24 Feb, 10:42


Timely reminders for the week ahead

For those coming on Wed, we will cover elements of this then too 🙆‍♀
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

24 Feb, 10:26


Happy Monday alll!! ✨️

Due to feedback, I'll be shifting the Master the Inner Game workshop this Wed from 6pm to 7pm so it's less rushed for people coming from office :)

For those interested, there's 2 spots left! Link here:

Looking forward 🙆‍♀🫶
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

23 Feb, 11:59


Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

22 Feb, 10:09


This excerpt by Genny Romancik articulately sums up what I shared in my group and 1-1 sessions today on the topic of Blame which comes from fear -

Blame doesn't help your case.

It doesn't encourage us to step in to take responsibility, doesn't open us to new perspectives, it doesn't make us empathize with someone else's experience.

Blame shrinks, it disconnects, it self-protects.

For someone to respond well to blame, they generally have to be a pretty grounded and secure, emotionally mature adult.

So why do we blame?

Because it's easy.

1⃣ It's so much easier to focus my discomfort on you and your actions and what's wrong with you, especially if I've been on the receiving end of a lot of blame in my life.

2️⃣ Blaming someone else is much easier than focusing on my own emotional response to whatever happened, getting in touch with what that behavior triggered in me, and first taking responsibility for my self, feelings, and behavior.

3️⃣ It's much easier than thinking about the impact of the other person's behavior and sharing that with them in a way that maintains respect for them as a person, and takes responsibility for my own emotional response to it.

4️⃣ It's much easier than stepping in to help right the wrong - to try to understand where the other person might have been coming from or why they made that mistake so that we can get to the root of the real issue so we can begin to shift the pattern.

We often blame when we have been blamed a lot instead of supported or met with curiosity.

The next time you want to blame someone, can you pause and get curious about your own response to what's happening?

Are you scared? Angry? Sad?

Start with allowing that to be okay 🫂
Neverdrift - Live Intentionally

22 Feb, 06:35


Just completed the first Momentum Maker grp coaching session of the year with this first intake :)

I re-designed my usual 6 months 100% group programs to hybrid where there's 50% 1-1 sessions and 50% group sessions in the current Momentum Maker program to achieve both depth of personal growth and breadth of perspectives.

This is for those who are further along in their personal dev journeys and are seeking more perspectives + camaraderie.

Looking forward to journeying along as a group for the next few months and all the wins/progress you'll see in both 1-1 and group settings 💯