Urine Output Terms
1. Anuria
🔴Definition: Complete absence or near-complete cessation of urine production
🔴Causes: Acute kidney injury, severe dehydration, or urinary tract obstruction.
2. Oliguria
🔴Definition: Reduced urine output (less than 400 mL per day in adults).
🔴Causes: Hypovolemia, heart failure, kidney damage, or shock.
3. Polyuria
🔴Definition: Excessive urine output
🔴Causes: Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or excessive fluid intake.
4. Nocturia
🔴Definition: Frequent urination during the night.
🔴Causes: Enlarged prostate, heart failure, or chronic kidney disease.
Abnormal Components in Urine
1. Glucosuria (Glycosuria)
🔵Definition: Presence of glucose in the urine.
🔵Causes: Diabetes mellitus, renal tubular disorders, or high glucose intake.
2. Proteinuria
🔵Definition: Abnormal levels of protein in the urine.
🔵Causes: Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or hypertension.
3. Hematuria
🔵Definition: Presence of blood in the urine.
🔵Causes: Kidney stones, infections, or trauma.
4. Ketonuria
🔵Definition: Presence of ketones in the urine.
🔵Causes: Diabetic ketoacidosis, starvation, or low-carb diets.
5. Pyuria
🔵Definition: Presence of pus (white blood cells) in the urine.
🔵Causes: Urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis.
6. Bilirubinuria
🔵Definition: Presence of bilirubin in the urine.
🔵Causes: Liver disease, bile duct obstruction, or hemolysis.
7. Crystalluria
🔵Definition: Crystals in the urine, often precursors to kidney stones.
🔵Causes: Hypercalcemia, dehydration, or metabolic disorders.
Urine Concentration and Flow Terms
1. Dysuria
🟣Definition: Painful or difficult urination.
🟣Causes: Urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, or kidney stones.
2. Stranguria
🟣Definition: Slow, painful urination often accompanied by a sense of incomplete voiding.
🟣Causes: Urethral obstruction or bladder inflammation.
3. Retention
🟣Definition: Inability to completely empty the bladder.
🟣Causes: Enlarged prostate, neurological disorders, or medications.
4. Incontinence
🟣Definition: Loss of bladder control leading to involuntary leakage of urine.
🟣Causes: Weak pelvic muscles, overactive bladder, or nerve damage.
5. Hyposthenuria
🟣Definition: Low specific gravity of urine, indicating dilute urine.
🟣Causes: Diabetes insipidus or excessive fluid intake.
Other Relevant Renal Terms
1. Urethritis
🟡Inflammation of the urethra.
2. Urolithiasis
🟡Formation of stones in the urinary tract.
3. Diuresis
🟡Increased or excessive production of urine, often caused by diuretics or high fluid intake.
4. Enuresis
🟡Involuntary urination, particularly in children (such as bedwetting).
5. Isosthenuria
🟡The inability of the kidney to concentrate or dilute urine, resulting in urine with the same specific gravity as plasma.