Nekogram (@nekoupdates)の最新投稿

Nekogram のテレグラム投稿

The official channel of the Nekogram.

Discussion: @NekoChat
Чат: @NekoChatRU
讨论: @NekoChatZH

APKs: @NekogramAPKs

30,356 人の購読者
46 枚の写真
4 本の動画
最終更新日 25.02.2025 23:26


WA LiteX Official
40,073 人の購読者
Loop Projects | #TeamFiles
10,845 人の購読者

Nekogram によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

🐈 Nekogram v11.7.0

🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

Clarifications on Download Speed Boost

1. Slow Downloads? Several factors could be causing this. Telegram limits download speeds for free users and single IP addresses. Consider switching to a different network/proxy.
2. Speed boost cannot bypass Telegram’s speed limits. It does not work that way. No app can bypass these restrictions.
3. Using speed boost on free accounts may actually slow down download speeds due to Telegram's rate limiting.

🐈 Nekogram v11.5.3S

📷Streaming videos in other apps
📁Support sending videos up to 4K resolution
🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

Happy New Year!

You can now stream videos 🚀 in other apps using Nekogram, no need to fully download the video to play in other apps anymore! 🎉

🐈 Nekogram v11.5.3

🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

🐈 Nekogram v11.4.2

🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

🐈 Nekogram v11.2.3

🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs

Telegram has banned this channel from global search, along with @NekogramAPKs.

🐈 Nekogram v11.1.3

🛠Bug fixes and other improvements

😀Check for updates |⬇️Download APKs