Что исцеление от болезни и избавление от беды по сравнению с созданием человека без отца? По-этому, протягивая руки с мольбой, помни, что ты просишь Способного сотворить чудо, воплотить в жизнь невозможное и вывести на свет невероятное..
Welcome to djafarova, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing insights and resources on personal development and wellbeing. Are you looking to improve your mental health, boost your self-esteem, or simply find some motivation? Look no further than djafarova! Our community is filled with like-minded individuals who are passionate about self-improvement and are eager to support each other on this journey. From daily affirmations to mindfulness exercises, we offer a wide range of content to help you become the best version of yourself. Join us today and start your transformational journey with djafarova!
11 Nov, 21:58
10 Oct, 10:17
24 Sep, 07:32
05 Jul, 22:29
04 Jul, 22:38
04 Jul, 21:05