The National Justice Party 🎉 @nationaljusticeparty Channel on Telegram

The National Justice Party 🎉


This is the official update channel for The National Justice Party.

The National Justice Party 🎉 (English)

Welcome to The National Justice Party 🎉 official update channel! If you're looking to stay informed about the latest news, events, and initiatives of The National Justice Party, then you've come to the right place. Our channel is dedicated to providing our members and supporters with timely updates on party activities, policies, and campaigns. Whether you're a long-time member or someone interested in learning more about our party, this channel is the perfect resource for you. Stay connected and be part of the movement towards a more just and equitable society. Join us today by following @nationaljusticeparty on Telegram!

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Jan, 20:45

It’s time

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Jan, 13:11


The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Jan, 13:11

The graph I posted is on ethnic overrepresentation in crime in Europe, not "Islamic crime"

If Tommy Robinson was posting those crime statistics as an argument for immigration restriction and being reposted to 200 million people, yes I would consider that a very good thing.

I'm pretty consistent on this. I've always said it's a positive that larger figures in the conservative movement are starting to adopt nationalist arguments for immigration restriction

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Jan, 16:44

He was right

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Jan, 16:34

WN goes for a walk.

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Jan, 11:59

I don't get the concerns of many that the conservative establishment are using borderline White Nationalist talking points to attack their political enemies and win popular support - this is an objectively good thing, it is surrendering to us the moral/ideological high ground.

The idea that it will delude our movement into unduly trusting the conservative establishment is manifestly untrue. Our ideological radicalism on the issues which matter most is only increasing and our criticism of populist figureheads is as sharp as ever - the more concessions we get, the more demanding (not less) we are becoming.

The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Jan, 21:01

The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Jan, 15:51

You: “How do you sleep at night?”


The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Jan, 04:37

Elon, please help! Nobody in America is spreading cow shit and piss around their house and we don’t have enough ethnics harassing white women! What can we do??

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Jan, 17:34

They’re turning this place into Arkham Asylum.

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Jan, 16:45


The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Jan, 15:03

If we don’t import a billion Indians what are we supposed to do, shit in our own rivers??

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Jan, 01:02

What do you think fellow Westmen?

The National Justice Party 🎉

02 Jan, 20:40

More National Party highlights from 2024.

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Dec, 04:38

"Do you miss me yet?"

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Dec, 01:31

Wow...he's just like me.

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Dec, 17:16

Writers have truly lost their way.

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Dec, 17:12

Old screenwriters had such a better sense of the world.

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Dec, 15:33

Elon Musk be like: 🥰🥰😍

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Dec, 16:31

Now yuo see

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Dec, 02:26

What are the odds that a guy named Lou Gehrig would just so happen to be the first guy diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs disease?

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Dec, 01:18


The National Justice Party 🎉

25 Dec, 14:34

Merry Christmas everyone

The National Justice Party 🎉

24 Dec, 04:43

⚡️🇺🇸 The United States the United States in the region, in response to the situation, CNN denies


The National Justice Party 🎉

23 Dec, 22:30

I always knew Mark Felton was cringe.

The National Justice Party 🎉

23 Dec, 02:07

Heh your kids like to sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman around Christmas? Uuuh heh did you know those songs were written by JEWS?? Me? I only listen to traditional church hymns/ancient YVLE chants! No I don’t have any children…why do you ask?

The National Justice Party 🎉

22 Dec, 21:10

Judging by the smell, every black in Ohio smokes as much weed as possible before Christmas shopping.

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Dec, 19:49


The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Dec, 19:49

You’ll never be a woman.

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Dec, 17:03


The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Dec, 20:34

YouTube gave me a content advisory and a link for the suicide hotline on this Mark Felton video. I’m sad about Rudolf Hess but damn.

The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Dec, 19:50

Think about how many heroin needles and much human shit is about to get washed into the ocean. San Francisco will be walkable again for a week or two.

The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Dec, 16:01

I encourage everyone to wear their “Boycott Israel” shirt, just in case they can get on a local news story. Thank you Alex. Very cool!

The National Justice Party 🎉

05 Dec, 16:01

Can only imagine the small talk on line for the stuffing

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Dec, 14:05

At least he said sorry

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Dec, 14:04

Who wore it(retarded coup attempt) better?

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Dec, 04:26

This is the best Greg content since the Vaporeon message he posted.

The National Justice Party 🎉

04 Dec, 04:26

Would you like a responsible government?


The National Justice Party 🎉

03 Dec, 20:57

In South Korea, the president can declare martial law for no reason whenever he wants.


The National Justice Party 🎉

03 Dec, 14:49

WWIII is going to be another cheap knockoff of a previous work with a more racially diverse cast of characters. Cringe.

The National Justice Party 🎉

02 Dec, 18:24

Jesus Christ they’re really out here rambling and making shit up for 8 fucking hours? What the fuck.

The National Justice Party 🎉

02 Dec, 18:18

Typical low-IQ slandering tactics from Striker. He mentions nationalist movements from seven different European countries in the same breath and then claims that they’re all part of a Mossad operation. Of course Striker has no real evidence for these claims, just like when he pretends to be a journalist and writes fraudulent articles using court documents and inside sources that don’t actually exist. The Irish National Party apparently aren’t “real, vetted nationalists” because they decided to get rid of this guy, and Reconquista (a party that he can't even remember the name of, and knows absolutely nothing about) is a part of this preposterous conspiracy theory as well because they invited Keith Woods to give a speech at one of their events.

Whenever Striker says he “thinks” a particular thing is happening he’s really just trying to dupe his own listeners by promoting a self-aggrandizing fantasy where he casts himself as the one real, pure nationalist leading the way. This posture of his is particularly hilarious when you consider his long track record of failure with the TWP and NJP, the latter of which Striker claims to this day was ahead of its time despite having been an antiquated Nazi-LARP, and ended up being the most embarrassing attempt at nationalist politics in history after collapsing in on itself in a circular firing squad of lies and petty drama.

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Nov, 14:02

Don’t let them erase our culture! Remember the TRUE history of the first Thanksgiving!

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Nov, 02:36

It's really funny how Obsidian was clearly trying to hide how gigawoke Avowed was because they saw how badly the Veilguard failed, but then reversed all that the instant Elon Musk talked about it, now it's all "heck yeah CHUD it's a gigawoke game, we're so woke we were just trying to piss you off CHUD".

This game is releasing a week after Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 btw, I don't think this strategy is going to play out for them

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Nov, 21:50

I'm so tired of the WNBA. When are we getting the WN BA? Just a bunch of doughy autistic weirdos struggling up and down the court while arguing about optics and unimportant obscure texts.

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Nov, 12:38

Must be accurate, look at this Aryan builder or Facebook

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Nov, 12:34

“While picking up a Rip It and post-holiday Halloween candy at the Dollar Store I saw this gorgeous guy stocking the weird Chinese toy aisle. Only one problem… even though this hunk had dreamy A10 eyes he had face tattoos! Despite him being so handsome I didn’t even bother to ask him out on a date because of the scribbles on his face. The West has fallen!”

-Average WN open chat enjoyer

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Nov, 12:34

Nothing is more blackpilling than seeing young good looking zoomers with face tattoos. I was at the dollar store and the guy who rang me up was this handsome blonde haired blue eyed white kid in is early 20's and when I say blue eyes he had the best tier of blue eyes A10 I think. But he had literally scribbling on his face. Like the thing you do to test if a pen is working. He had that tattood under each eye. And I wanted to pull this kid aside and be like wtf is wrong with you. You were handsome enough for the world to be your oyster. But you got stupid scribble tattos on your face and now your working at dollar tree

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Nov, 03:19

A telegram Nazi will make fun of a girl for talking about astrology and then turn around and post something like this without a hint of irony.

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 17:39

I’m going to start a petition to change the national anthem to the solo from A New Level.

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 17:37

Libtards immediately burst into flames if they are within 500ft of this album being played.

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 14:49

“I need a shirt that says I hate minorities and get absolutely no pussy”

Say no more:

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 14:47

I voted for Trump because he promised to force King Diamond to release his double album in 2025.

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 11:24

America is back

The National Justice Party 🎉

26 Nov, 00:35

Time is a flat circle

The National Justice Party 🎉

25 Nov, 18:55

Iran is pressuring Hezbollah to take the deal? This is a total victory. The Axis of Resistance is the most power force on the planet 💪

The National Justice Party 🎉

11 Nov, 16:44


🇩🇪🇺🇸🗳📝 — National Justice Party wins ZERO local seats and ZERO votes in the 2024 election.❗️

The National Justice Party 🎉

11 Nov, 16:26

In honor of Veterans Day I’m going to show my boss my Black Ops 2 K/D and ask for the day off.

The National Justice Party 🎉

11 Nov, 01:28

Chat…is this real??

The National Justice Party 🎉

10 Nov, 22:51

Sometimes it really do be like that.

The National Justice Party 🎉

10 Nov, 03:48

This is just like pop culture reference. I’m so scared. Something something quote from Star Wars about how democracy dies with applause something something MY rights! I won’t bring kids into this world unless I can abort them!!

The National Justice Party 🎉

10 Nov, 03:22

This is Trumps America. Literally 1984.

The National Justice Party 🎉

09 Nov, 23:21

It’s OVER for you Trumpsters

The National Justice Party 🎉

09 Nov, 18:41

This guy is a furry btw

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 17:32

All of the women posting 4B content on TikTok look like they’re going to be extremely successful with it.

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 15:42

I can’t believe this actually happened

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 14:08

One of the funniest things about American politics is that every 2-4 years young women are tricked into shaving their heads over something.

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 13:23

Still laughing at the butthurt wn podcasters who decided that Trump wouldn’t even make it out of the primaries. Meanwhile I bet on him to win the election, all swing states, and popular vote as early as I possibly could. Damn I wish was good at making contrarian and delusional political narratives instead of money :(

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 12:54

I keep getting accused of voting against women’s rights. But can we even define what a woman is??

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Nov, 10:53

A video on TikTok came up saying it was sensitive content that may be offensive to some, so I had to click a button to view it. When that happens, it’s usually war footage or something violent. This time it was Steamboat Willy and Shaggy fighting in some shitty game. Thank you for protecting me.

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Nov, 22:23

The system works 🙏

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Nov, 21:35

Me when a libtard has an opinion.

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Nov, 12:16

The racism has already started.

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Nov, 12:16

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Nov, 02:28

Damn wish there was a third party for white Americans lmao

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Nov, 21:16


The National Justice Party 🎉

03 Nov, 01:21

We have to go back

The National Justice Party 🎉

01 Nov, 01:49

On the subject of the Israel/Gaza war I really don’t understand the logic behind the “Trump will be worse than Kamala” argument. Unless his plan is to dig all the kids back up and kill them again, I’d just call it a tie.

The National Justice Party 🎉

31 Oct, 16:04

I’m scared 😱

The National Justice Party 🎉

31 Oct, 14:24

Literally me

The National Justice Party 🎉

30 Oct, 16:14

The National Justice Party 🎉

30 Oct, 15:59

Stay strong, Kamala sisters 🙏

The National Justice Party 🎉

30 Oct, 01:22

The only reason Tucker Carlson is out campaigning for Donald Trump.

The National Justice Party 🎉

29 Oct, 20:22

What if

The National Justice Party 🎉

29 Oct, 11:47


The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Oct, 21:37

It’s over for Trump/Vance

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Oct, 16:01

REAL footage of Trump MSG rally! Fellow democrats…how do we stop this??

The National Justice Party 🎉

28 Oct, 15:06

Ohio 🥰

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Oct, 21:26

How many heartbeats is Shane Gillis about to be away from the presidency?

The National Justice Party 🎉

27 Oct, 21:20

Daily reminder that America actually exists.

The National Justice Party 🎉

25 Oct, 23:12

The National Justice Party 🎉

24 Oct, 12:55

Public transit in the outer boroughs

The National Justice Party 🎉

17 Oct, 11:33

I’m so glad they took off all of the racist stuff and improved the YouTube algorithm so much.

The National Justice Party 🎉

14 Oct, 15:20


The National Justice Party 🎉

14 Oct, 13:10

How many calories are in a carburetor?

The National Justice Party 🎉

11 Oct, 12:17

I’m not sure who this Jim Crow guy is, but he sure has a lot a good ideas.

The National Justice Party 🎉

10 Oct, 13:29

What is it about being a Republican and over 50 years old that makes someone think this is cool?

The National Justice Party 🎉

08 Oct, 21:22

Despite having had no contact with any old NJP or TRS groups for nearly a year I know Mike is still telling them I’m the one that got them doxed. There are still antifa leaks coming out with information I never had and people I never knew but somehow it’s me right? We’ll see how long the most gullible people still fall for their bullshit. There have been many personal friends already hurt by this. I just hope people are more careful with who they trust their info with going forward.

The National Justice Party 🎉

07 Oct, 10:28

Never forget the Hamas music festival massacre of October 7. To find out more and to show support Google “dancing Israelis”.

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Oct, 21:33

This isn’t the black metal I asked for.

The National Justice Party 🎉

06 Oct, 20:55

The National Justice Party 🎉

01 Oct, 19:24
