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🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network のテレグラム投稿

🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

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最終更新日 08.03.2025 23:55


Patriot Front
21,181 人の購読者
Junge Nationalisten
12,521 人の購読者
Lance's Legion
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🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

28 Dec, 20:03



After a seven year legal battle, over 700 days in custody between 4 different countries, Robert Rundo is finally a free man. However this comes with very harsh restrictions. Despite everything he has been through, Rob remains resilient, optimistic, and eager to get on with his life and excited for the future.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has written a letter, purchased a solidarity shirt, posted a sticker, and supported Rob during this lengthy struggle. The warrior spirit is alive and well.

"Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever!" ~R.Rundo
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

19 Nov, 04:51


Telegram: @TAC_Arizona_3
/ contact bot: @TACVetBot
X: twitter.com/TribalACArizona
Email: [email protected]


This week, the fellas welcomed another Seeker to our ranks to begin his Tribal path!

A Half Murph Challenge greeted the boys this week with all the fellas chanting in cadence during the final run of the training session. Aftercare found the boys breaking bread and sharing stories fireside as our ancestors before us.

As we continue to grow, so do does our hope and resolve. Though this struggle has just begun, we evermore know we shall emerge victorious amongst the decaying ruins of modernity!

See You There...

* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

13 Nov, 22:58


@PatriotFrontUpdates » Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau delivers an address on the subject of the latest general election results, how nationalists should interpret them, and what they mean for the patriotic cause.

🏹 FAQ about Patriot Front:

🇺🇸 What We Do:

⭐️ Previous Addresses:
Foreign Wars, Domestic Turmoil
Law, And The Political Landscape
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

13 Nov, 07:27


The Nationalist Network stands ready to defend Nicholas J. Fuentes. Any Bolshevik who intends to cross his threshold will forfeit his life.

🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

12 Nov, 06:22


The seemingly passive acceptance of the Trump victory rather than active resistance which we saw previously by the American elite is confirming the theory that a certain realism has taken hold within a critical mass of the ruling class that hysterically antiwhite libtard rule and maintaining American global dominance have fallen into contradiction.

The American empire simply cannot survive without the loyalty and managerial participation of its White population. Whites can largely be kept onside by meritocratic individualism, but the level of alienation that the elevation of "diversity" (which is a codeword for White replacement) to the supreme political principle induces is terminal for the American-led West's hopes at winning anything resembling a third world war.

There are basically two possible futures: a future where the damage done by leftism results in the total collapse of the empire in the face of external opposition (the Russo-Chinese axis), or a future where the Judeo-American elite embrace conservative realism and re-enfranchise the Whites they've spent recent years vociferously attacking.

Until very recently, a runaway leftist future of imperial collapse appeared inevitable. And many 'accelerationist' types within the prowhite sphere cheered this inevitability on, taking the view that such a collapse would generate a power vacuum which White Nationalists could exploit. The central problem with this view however is that if the decline is managed by a regime which prioritises sabotaging White self-assertion over preserving itself, the ability for White Nationalists to effectively organise will be brutally impaired, making it very difficult for us to get in position to take advantage. So the alternative future which now seems possible of a conservative realist regime that prioritises its own survival over attacking Whites is something I welcome rather than fear.

Many prowhite commentators express the rational concern that a colourblind meritocracy run by conservatives has the ability to reinforce anti-racist attitudes in Whites, by limiting the excesses of White replacement and therefore making it more tolerable. The analogy most often used is one of slow-boiling a frog so it doesn't realise its being cooked until its too late. But a colourblind meritocracy run by conservatives will also permit a greater degree of freedom for spreading prowhite ideas and prowhite organising in general. Furthermore, one of our greatest obstacles is White demoralisation - the idea that Whites being oppressed with maximum force will increase our fighting spirit unfortunately is clearly untrue. What we have largely seen is the opposite, most people respond to oppression with passive acquiescence not resistance. Confident men fight the hardest, fear begets cowardice.

Look at the examples of blacks and women - did they become less radical through being granted concessions by the system? Or did they only become more demanding through being emboldened and enfranchised? Quite clearly the latter. So why wouldn't we expect the same from Whites? Why do accelerationists think Whites will magically grow balls with our backs against the wall and the gun pointed at our heads? Its a poetic idea, but it also doesn't correspond to the realities of human nature.

Nevertheless its irrelevant what our opinions are about this, ultimately whether the regime doubles down upon leftism or checks its excesses with what I referred to as 'conservative realism' is dependent upon the attitudes of elites. We cannot control elite attitudes, we can only adapt to them. And if they're willing to take the boot off the neck of the White man somewhat because they on some level have come to the realisation that they need us, that gives us leverage, leverage which we should ultimately look to exploit. And the way we exploit it is not by sitting around in our online echo chambers in a circlejerk telling each other there's no hope. We exploit it by confidently and uncompromisingly demanding the maximum for the White man in the public arena.
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

11 Nov, 22:36


Telegram: @TAC_Arizona_3
/ contact bot: @TACVetBot
X: twitter.com/TribalACArizona
Email: [email protected]


This week, the fellas welcomed a few new men into the brotherhood while running one of our Tucson Sector guys through his first Gauntlet!

Aftercare found the boys breaking bread, sharing stories, and having a few drinks at a local establishment.

We are seeing tremendous growth and interest in our thing. There could not be a better time than now! Connect with us today!

See You There...

* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

11 Nov, 12:59


Here's to four years of livestreaming! 🏴‍☠️🇺🇸
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

09 Nov, 03:01


Thomas Sewell was arrested again a few hours ago, the police are alleging he breached the intervention order they placed on him when charging him with intimidating a police officer 2 days ago.

They are alleging this on the basis of comments he made about the situation on our Thursday evening livestream. Needless to say if you watched the show, it is ridiculously unjust. Being that it's a weekend I am not sure how long it will take for him to be released on bail, we will let you know when the process progresses.
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

06 Nov, 04:43


🇺🇸 BREAKING — New York Times has Trump at 88% chance of victory.

⚡️ @FolkishObserver | 📱 Follow
🏴‍☠️ nationalist.network

06 Nov, 00:59


Currently embedded as security with journos who are responding city wide in MKE to breaking news. Beyond the tabulation issues, nothing major has occurred yet.