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[email protected]We here at TAC-AZ wanted to take a moment to do something we don't often do; thank our most ardent detractors for giving us recognition for our dedicated hard work fighting the good fight!
Thank you, GPAHE, for your numerous libelous articles about TAC-AZ, the global AC network, and other nationalist groups from around the globe. Though we know there will never be truth in journalism, you wouldn't be doing your job if you weren't villianizing us with inaccurate communist buzzwords like "white supremacist" and "neo-nazi."
We, the watchers, are collectively growing. The flames will spread and consume what remains of your crumbling degenerate world. We shall be what is left standing amongst the ruins of the sickly foul empire you serve.
Natural Law is immutable and might is right. Only the strong survive.
See You There...
* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!