โ TOTAL PIPS 40000
โ NET PIPS 40000
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10 Jan, 14:58
10 Jan, 13:38
10 Jan, 13:31
07 Jan, 14:32
06 Jan, 14:31
03 Jan, 15:52
23 Dec, 15:04
19 Dec, 14:34
19 Dec, 14:32
19 Dec, 13:55
06 Dec, 13:55
05 Dec, 14:31
04 Dec, 14:35
03 Dec, 14:46
02 Dec, 14:51
02 Dec, 14:37
02 Dec, 14:34
14 Nov, 15:52
13 Nov, 17:21
12 Nov, 14:39
11 Nov, 14:45
11 Nov, 14:33
06 Nov, 14:36
05 Nov, 14:36
01 Nov, 14:23
31 Oct, 14:15
28 Oct, 13:44
28 Oct, 13:33
22 Oct, 13:46
21 Oct, 13:32
17 Oct, 15:33
15 Oct, 13:33
11 Oct, 15:07
11 Oct, 13:34