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Последнее обновление 06.03.2025 23:26

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NArcHome Architecture

19 Jan, 05:40


እንኳን ለጌታችንና ለመድሃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የጥምቀት በዓል አደረሠን። መልካም በዓል።

ምስል: ተስፉ አሰፋ

#event #ethiopia #addisabeba

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት።
NArcHome Architecture

15 Jan, 19:22


#GMJA, is a digital platform dedicated to preserving and showcasing Ethiopian architectural heritage. It serves as a repository for historical designs, HBIMs, and documentation of traditional and cultural Ethiopian architecture, celebrating the country's rich cultural legacy.

Explore their newly updated website via gmja.et and discover a wealth of articles, HBIM models, and more.

Via Daniel, gmja

#update #architecture #ethiopia #feature #heritage #history

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

13 Jan, 12:01


The Design and Construction of The IEC Church
Malcolm McGregor (Lead Architect) and Wick Jackson (Contractor)

A public lecture titled: "A Church and Sanctuary Seen from the Skies"

Event Details

📅 Date: Friday, January, 17 / 2025
🕒 Time: Evening 06:00  PM - 7:30 PM
💰 Experience Fee: 200 ETB 
📍 Location: The Urban Center, front of St. Estifanos Church Main Gate, left of OLA Energies Gas Station, behind Mega Bookstore.

Registration is Mandatory!
With an Experience fee to be made at the gate.

Please complete this form to secure your spot. You will receive a confirmation SMS.

Register here.

Via @theurbancenter

#event #architecture #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

10 Jan, 00:38


Ethiopia Volcano Update; Dofen May Have Erupted, Continued Unrest

Significant volcanic unrest is still ongoing between the Fentale and Dofen volcanoes in Ethiopia which is related to a massive 35 kilometer long shallow dike of magma. While this unrest has declined during the last few days, it is still ongoing, and there is a debate as to whether a series of explosions witnessed on the southern flanks of the Dofen volcano represented an actual phreatic volcanic eruption. This video will discuss the ongoing situation, its similarity to ongoing activity in Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula, and how the Fentale volcano experienced nearly the same series of events 215 years ago.

You can watch the complete informative video at the Geology hub channel here.

Chary showing Peak ground acceleration, Ethiopia via Desalegn Kebede (Engineer)

#update #news #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:35


Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion
CHAT Architects

Ang Sila, Thailand
Architects: CHAT Architects
Year: 2023
Photographs: W-Workspace

"The pavilion design draws on and “bastardizes” the widely deployed bamboo scaffolding traditionally used for oyster cultivation. When in use, local fishermen bring small groups of visitors from Angsila to the pavilion, where they can handpick oysters pulled from the ocean below, which are then prepared fresh to eat …a sea-to-table dining experience in a remarkable coastal setting."

You can read more about the project here.

#update #history #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:35


In pursuit of a modern capital, Ethiopian leader razes history

"But for the thousands of people across Addis whose houses and businesses have been destroyed, the campaign to build a 21st-century metropolis here often feels more like a vanity project than like an effort to make life better for its inhabitants."

Read the complete article here.

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #update #heritage #history #article

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:34


በ1960ዎቹ  የንባብ ባህል፣ የከተማ ኑሮ ትዝታዎች እና ሌሎች ዘመነኛ መልኮች ዙሪያ

ከአቶ አንዳርጋቸው አሰግድ ፣
አቶ ታምራት ከበደ እና
ጴጥሮስ ቶጃ (ፕ/ር) 

ጋራ የትውልዶች ውይይት ይደረጋል።

ቅዳሜ፣ ጥር 03
9፡00 እስከ 11፡30

በር 8፡30 ይከፈታል

የመመዝገቢያ ሊንክ

#ethiopia #event #feature #history #urbaninsight

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት
NArcHome Architecture

06 Jan, 18:56


እንኳን ለጌታችን ለመድሃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በዓለ-ልደት በጤና አደረሰን። መልካም በዓል።

ምስል: ሕሊና ታፈሰ- ላሊበላ

#ethiopia #event #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት
NArcHome Architecture

06 Jan, 05:12


The 'earliest #earthquake recorded in #Ethiopia' dates to 1432, the year Zara Yaqob became king.

"There was an earth tremors & a total solar eclipse..." now identified as Eclipse 6286 in Oppolzer's classification.

A 17th-century manuscript 'Compendium of History; Chronicles of #Ethiopia', Or 821 (page 472-2) now in British Library recorded on 30 June; earth tremors were felt near Gonder Dembia, north of Lake Tana.

Via Eyob Derillo, former Curator: Ethiopian Studies, British Library

#update #history #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.
NArcHome Architecture

04 Jan, 11:13


በኢትዮጵያ ያሉት አብዛኞቹ ህንፃዎች በዲዛይን ወቅት በሚፈጠር ክፍተትና በግንባታ ጥራት ጉድለት የተነሳ ለርዕደ መሬት አደጋ የተጋላጡ እንደሆኑ የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ባለሞያዎች ተናግረዋል፡፡

ኢትዮጵያ ከ1976 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ህንፃዎች ርዕደ መሬትን እንዲቋቋሙ በሚያስችል መልኩ ዲዛይን እንዲደረጉ አስገዳጅ የህንፃ ኮድ ብታዘጋጅም፣ መስፈርቱን ከመከተል አኳያ ክፍተቶች አሉ ብለዋል፡፡

መንግሥት በበኩሉ፣ “በህንፃዎች ግንባታ ወቅት፣ መስፈርቱ እንዲተገበር ጥብቅ ክትትል እየተደረገ ነው፣ ህንፃዎቹም የተወሰነ የርዕደ መሬት መጠንን የመቋቋም አቅም አላቸው” ይላል፡፡

ሙሉ ዘገባውን እዚህ ያገኙታል።

#addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #ethiopia #architecture #update #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት