Die Terroristen waren mit Bomben, Granaten und AK-Gewehren bewaffnet, um alle zu töten und sich dann selbst in die Luft zu sprengen.
ISIS will das Grab der Enkelin ihres eigenen Propheten zerstören.
Aber dieselben, die Syrien heute regieren, wollten das irgendwann in ihrer „Karriere“ auch tun.
ISIS will das Grab der Enkelin ihres eigenen Propheten zerstören.
Aber dieselben, die Syrien heute regieren, wollten das irgendwann in ihrer „Karriere“ auch tun.
Syrian Interior Ministry announces the arrest of of an ISIS cell who attempted to carry out an attack inside Sayyida Zeinab shrine in Damascus
The terrorists were armed with bombs, grenades, and AK to kill everyone then detonate themselves.
ISIS wants to destroy the tomb of the granddaughter of their own prophet.
But the same ones ruling Syria today also wanted at some point in their "career" to do that too.
ISIS wants to destroy the tomb of the granddaughter of their own prophet.
But the same ones ruling Syria today also wanted at some point in their "career" to do that too.