Since the listing of NADA on Bitget, we have consistently met all conditions set by the exchange. Even after being designated under the ST status, we have fulfilled every requirement requested by the exchange. However, Bitget has refused all communication and has decided to proceed with the delisting of NADA. We have yet to receive any explanation from the exchange regarding any shortcomings in meeting their conditions. We will continue to provide updates as the situation progresses.
For those holding NADA on Bitget, please be cautious to avoid any potential losses during this transition.
Slime World is continuously preparing updates to expand our ecosystem. This quarter, we are working on a roulette system to allow players to use their mined points, multilingual support for global ecosystem expansion, new mini-games to enhance mining diversity, global guild support, and a boss battle mode.
To ensure global liquidity, we are also preparing for new listings on top-tier exchanges, along with large-scale updates and exciting events. Stay tuned for more information!