أغمضُتها كي لا تُفيض فامطرتَ .
Introducing ◂ 𝖺𝖭 ., a Telegram channel dedicated to all things art and creativity. If you're an art enthusiast looking for inspiration, tips, and a community of fellow artists, then this is the channel for you. Whether you're a painter, photographer, sculptor, or designer, you'll find a wealth of resources and discussions to fuel your passion for creativity. Connect with like-minded individuals, share your work, and discover new techniques to take your art to the next level. Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the art world, and join the conversation on all things artistic. Follow ◂ 𝖺𝖭 . on Telegram today and immerse yourself in a world of artistic expression and inspiration.
25 Nov, 17:48
23 Nov, 14:03
14 Nov, 19:30
12 Nov, 17:09
11 Nov, 12:18
11 Nov, 12:17
09 Nov, 20:54
08 Nov, 15:48
08 Nov, 15:47
31 Oct, 10:44
24 Oct, 13:07
22 Oct, 07:36
13 Oct, 10:47