wata a box 📦 のテレグラム投稿

you can see all my 3D progress, including for Blender, Nomad Sculpt, VRChat, and VTubing models 📦✨🍞
1,813 人の購読者
169 枚の写真
16 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 08:59

2,083 人の購読者

1,784 人の購読者

1,342 人の購読者
wata a box 📦 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Mis fans me aman musho sin que publique nada ❤️, prometo traerles más contenido seguido, es que la escuela me anda dando una paliza ✔️
A quién le horneo unos chgdazos ? Por fin pude continuarle a mi Sona 🖤
Tengo mis audífonos arreglados, es mi primera vez aplicando Apple care y no me cobraron nada, el soporte técnico muy bueno ❤️
I started a strict diet to lose weight and improve my health. Cardio and drinking water help control my blood pressure and, which is steadily improving. My goal is to get slim like I was as a kid. Pectus excavatum makes me tire easily, and extra weight worsens it. My family’s support, especially my brother’s, has made a big difference. Obesity has impacted my health, but with family support, I’m making progress ❤
I'm working hard to avoid diabetes and appreciate the advice from my friends and clients who do sports. Thanks to everyone ❤️
I'm working hard to avoid diabetes and appreciate the advice from my friends and clients who do sports. Thanks to everyone ❤️