ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن @mrfalah2024english Channel on Telegram

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن


وَمَن يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ ۚ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن (Arabic)

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن هو قناة تيليجرام تهدف إلى مساعدة الطلاب العرب على تحسين مهاراتهم في اللغة الإنجليزية. بتوجيه من الأستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن، يقدم هذا القناة محتوى تعليمي مخصص للطلاب الذين يرغبون في تطوير مهاراتهم في اللغة الإنجليزية بطريقة مبسطة وممتعة. يمكن للأعضاء في القناة الاستفادة من الدروس والتمارين اليومية التي ستساعدهم على تعلم المفردات، قواعد النحو، وتحسين مهارات الاستماع والتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية. فلاح عبدالحسن هو مدرس محترف بخبرة واسعة في تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، ويسعى دائماً لمساعدة طلابه على تحقيق تقدم ملحوظ في دراستهم. انضم إلى قناة ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن اليوم واستفد من الدروس والموارد التعليمية المفيدة لتحسين مهاراتك في اللغة الإنجليزية.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

09 Feb, 10:42

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

غدا الاثنين امتحان الإنكليزي ان شاء الله



قطعة العطلة

وأول خمسة عشر نقطة من الكناري

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

02 Feb, 15:57

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله طلبتي الاعزاء امتحان الانكليزية يوم غدًا الاثنين ان شاءالله القطعة الخارجية والقواعد وانشائي الوحدة الخامسة ( تختارون واحد من الانشائين بالامتحان)

يعني تحفظون واحد فقط للامتحان

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

22 Jan, 18:12

تحية إجلال وإكبار لجهودكم الطيبة، وعرفان جميل لكم، فالكلمات تتعثر أمام عظمة عطائكم. شكرًا لكم جميعًا من القلب.

فخورٌ أيّما فخر بمستوياتكم المشرّفة وأدائكم الباهر في امتحانكم. يا أبطال اللغة الإنكليزية، يا من رفعتم الرأس عاليًا، بنين وبنات، بوركت هممكم، وعاشت سواعدكم التي لا تعرف الكلل!

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

22 Jan, 11:31

الاجوبة النموذجية لاسئلة اللغة الانكليزية نصف السنة 2025 ختامها مسك مع بطلاتنا

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

20 Jan, 17:21

أعزائي الطلبة، غدًا هو يومكم الأخير في الامتحانات، وامتحان اللغة الإنكليزية سيكون ختامها مسكًا بإذن الله. اجعلوا تعب الأيام الماضية دافعًا لتقديم أفضل ما لديكم، وكونوا واثقين بأنكم قادرون على النجاح والتميز. ركزوا، استعينوا بالله، وتذكروا أن لكل مجتهد نصيب. بالتوفيق أبطالنا الأعزاء!

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

17 Jan, 07:35

طلبتي الأعزاء، يا نور المستقبل وأمل الأمة، اعلموا أن طريق العلم وإن كان شاقاً، فإن نهايته مشرقة، وأن الاجتهاد وإن طال أمده، فإن ثماره لذيذة المذاق. اجعلوا الصبر رفيقكم، والعزم وقودكم، واعلموا أن كل خطوة نحو المعرفة ترفعكم درجات عند الله وعند الناس.

فاستعينوا بالله في كل أمر، وابذلوا جهدكم بصدق وإخلاص، ولا تيأسوا إن تعثرت الخطى، فالعثرة سبيل النجاح، والإرادة مفتاح كل باب.

نسأل الله أن ينير دربكم، ويبارك في جهودكم، ويرزقكم علماً نافعاً وفتحاً قريباً، ويجعل نجاحكم فخراً لكم ولأهلكم ولأمتكم، إنه سميع مجيب الدعاء.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

13 Jan, 16:21

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله طلبتنا الاعزاء كما تعلمون ان عطلة يوم غداً وقانونًا لايمكن تبديل الجدول فقط يزحف لذى عليكم ترتيب وقتكم واخذ ايام من باقي المواد مثل يوم الخميس القادم او اي ترتيب اخر يتلاءم ووضعكم

نسال الله يوفقكم ويسهل اموركم ويسددكم لكل خير ان شاء الله

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

12 Jan, 09:40

اجوبة اللغة الانكليزية نصف السنة 2025 البنين

كل التوفيق والسداد ان شاءالله ابطالنا

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

10 Jan, 11:12

أعزائي الطلبة،

غدًا يومكم لتُظهروا ثمار جهدكم وتعبكم طوال الأيام الماضية. تذكّروا أن الاجتهاد هو مفتاح النجاح، وأن الله لا يضيع أجر من أحسن عملاً. ثقوا بأنفسكم، واعتمدوا على الله، وادخلوا القاعة بهدوء وتركيز.

أدعو الله أن يفتح عليكم فتوح العارفين، وأن يُسدد خطاكم، ويجعل النجاح حليفكم والتوفيق طريقكم. أسأل الله أن يُيسّر لكم الإجابة، ويُثبّت قلوبكم، ويُبارك في أوقاتكم وجهودكم.

أنتم فخرنا وثمار أملنا، فلا تدّخروا جهدًا، واجعلوا غدًا يومًا مشرقًا يليق بطموحاتكم.


ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

22 Dec, 15:35

الانشاء غير داخل غدا الاثنين ان شاء الله في الامتحان الاسبوعي

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

20 Dec, 19:02

1. The girl ___ won the prize is my classmate.
2. The man ___ called you yesterday wants to meet.
3. Do you know the person ___ lives in that house?
4. The teacher ___ inspired me the most has retired.
5. The athlete ___ broke the record is famous worldwide.
6. The doctor ___ treated me was very kind.
7. The woman ___ is standing in the corner is a journalist.
8. The children ___ helped clean the park were rewarded.
9. The boy ___ is sitting next to you is very clever.
10. The actor ___ starred in that movie is my favorite.
11. The student ___ forgot their homework apologized.
12. The singer ___ performed last night was amazing.
13. The man ___ owns this shop is very polite.
14. The lady ___ is wearing a blue dress is my neighbor.
15. The boy ___ rescued the dog is a hero.
16. The woman ___ works at the hospital is my aunt.
17. The person ___ designed this building is an architect.
18. The author ___ wrote this novel is very talented.
19. The chef ___ prepared this meal deserves a compliment.
20. The engineer ___ built this bridge has won an award.
21. This is the café ___ we had coffee last week.
22. Do you remember the park ___ we played as kids?
23. The town ___ I grew up is very small.
24. Is there a place ___ we can talk privately?
25. The shop ___ she works is very popular.
26. The restaurant ___ we had dinner was amazing.
27. The house ___ he lives is very old.
28. The country ___ they visited has beautiful landscapes.
29. The school ___ my brother studies is very prestigious.
30. The village ___ I spent my holidays is peaceful.
31. Do you know the library ___ we can find rare books?
32. The city ___ they moved is far from here.
33. The room ___ the meeting is held is on the second floor.
34. The museum ___ they exhibit ancient artifacts is nearby.
35. The hotel ___ we stayed was luxurious.
36. The street ___ he parked the car is quite narrow.
37. The garden ___ they planted flowers is beautiful.
38. The stadium ___ the match was played is huge.
39. The office ___ she works is in the city center.
40. The mall ___ I bought this shirt has great discounts.
41. The girl ___ bag was stolen is very upset.
42. Do you know the boy ___ father is a famous scientist?
43. The teacher ___ car is parked outside is in the classroom.
44. The author ___ books are on the bestseller list is here today.
45. The woman ___ son graduated with honors is proud.
46. The boy ___ mother is a nurse wants to be a doctor.
47. The girl ___ bicycle is red rides to school every day.
48. The family ___ house was damaged in the storm received help.
49. The student ___ project won first place worked very hard.
50. The man ___ dog barked all night is our neighbor.
51. The artist ___ paintings are in the gallery is famous.
52. The scientist ___ research changed the world is giving a lecture.
53. The man ___ wife is a lawyer just moved to our town.
54. The girl ___ shoes are on the table forgot to take them.
55. The boy ___ sister is my friend is very polite.
56. The woman ___ dress caught everyone’s attention is a designer.
57. The actor ___ performance impressed the audience won an award.
58. The player ___ jersey was torn during the game kept playing.
59. The author ___ handwriting is difficult to read gave me this book.
60. The lady ___ cat went missing was very sad.
61. The car ___ he bought is very expensive.
62. The book ___ you lent me is very interesting.
63. The laptop ___ she is using is brand new.
64. The movie ___ we watched last night was thrilling.
65. The phone ___ I lost has been found.
66. The cake ___ she baked was delicious.
67. The idea ___ you suggested is brilliant.
68. The road ___ leads to the village is under construction.
69. The song ___ she sang is very popular.
70. The bag ___ I bought is very durable.
71. The chair ___ I am sitting on is uncomfortable.
72. The painting ___ hangs on the wall is priceless.
73. The jacket ___ he wore yesterday is too big.
74. The bus ___ we missed just left.
75. The film ___ you recommended is now my favorite.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

20 Dec, 19:02

The necklace ___ she is wearing is made of gold.
77. The watch ___ he gifted me stopped working.
78. The table ___ is made of wood is very heavy.
79. The flowers ___ you gave me are beautiful.
80. The glasses ___ I am wearing are new.
81. The man ___ we saw in the park was very tall.
82. The house ___ I used to live is now for sale.
83. The girl ___ mother is a teacher is very polite.
84. The car ___ you repaired is running smoothly.
85. The café ___ we used to meet has been renovated.
86. The boy ___ helped you yesterday is my brother.
87. The restaurant ___ they celebrated their anniversary was fantastic.
88. The student ___ father is a doctor is very intelligent.
89. The book ___ I borrowed from you was very helpful.
90. The woman ___ you spoke to is the manager.
91. The library ___ I study every day is very quiet.
92. The man ___ owns this building is very rich.
93. The town ___ I spent my childhood is beautiful.
94. The teacher ___ explained the lesson clearly is my favorite.
95. The necklace ___ she bought is very expensive.
96. The man ___ dog is very friendly lives next door.
97. The city ___ they visited is known for its history.
98. The place ___ we stayed during the vacation was peaceful.
99. The artist ___ designed this mural is very talented.
100. The street ___ I parked my car is quite busy.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

07 Dec, 13:05

السلام عليكم شعب البنات يوم الاثنين داخله العشرون اسقاطة قطعة كركنا

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

25 Nov, 13:40

الطالبات الي ممتحنين الوحدة الرابعة غدا امتحانكم وي طالبات مالك الاشتر

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

15 Nov, 16:18

للتذكير #غدا البنين امتحان حياة كاثرين# وأنشائي الوحدة الرابعة

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

03 Nov, 18:00

كتب القطع الخارجية لتدريب مهارات الطالب

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

31 Oct, 18:38

الدور الثالث

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

23 Oct, 20:38

السلام عليكم ورحمة طلبتنا الاعزاء نسال الله ان يوفقكم ويسهل اموركم ويسددكم لكل خير ان شاء الله ساعدكم الله على مثابرتكم وجهدكم الجهيد الذي بذلتمونه طوال هذه الفترة سوف لن يكون هناك امتحان انكليزي يوم السبت القادم

#يعني #ماكو# شيلوا الملازم #

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

19 Oct, 07:49

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته طلبتنا الاعزاء
امتحان المركزي الثاني غداً الاحد ان شاء الله سيكون في الوحدة الثانية كاملة (قطعتي الكتاب واجبات ضابط الشرطة والرادار القواعد المفردات كذلك الافعال الشاذة التي تم تدريسها سابقاً داخلة والانشاء )

(الادب الارجوحة وحياة الكاتب محمد خضير غير داخلة في الامتحان لانه حاليا محذوفة من قبل الوزارة).

لكم جميعا خالص دعائي والتوفيق والسداد ان شاءالله أحبتي

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Oct, 11:49

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله طلبتنا الاعزاء
اليكم الاجوبة

1. She asked him where he had gone.
2. He asked her what time the meeting was.
3. She asked him why he was crying.
4. The manager asked her when the project would be done.
5. They asked him how he had finished so quickly.
6. She asked me what my favourite book was.
7. He asked her where she had been.
8. The teacher asked us why they were late.
9. She asked him what he had eaten for lunch.
10. The supervisor asked him how he had solved the issue.
11. She asked me where the document was.
12. He asked them what the problem was.
13. She asked him why he had missed the meeting.
14. The manager asked me when I would submit the report.
15. He asked her how he could help.
16. She asked him what he was thinking about.
17. He asked her where she had parked the car.
18. She asked him why they had canceled the event.
19. He asked them how they had heard about the news.
20. She asked him what time he had woken up.
21. He asked her when she was leaving.
22. She asked him why he hadn’t responded.
23. He asked her where she had found the book.
24. She asked him what he was working on.
25. They asked me how long it would take.
26. He asked her when she had last visited.
27. She asked him what his opinion was on this.
28. He asked her why she had quit her job.
29. She asked them where they were staying.
30. They asked him how he had gotten the promotion.
31. He asked her what she had discussed with them.
32. She asked him when they were meeting again.
33. He asked her why she hadn’t said something.
34. She asked him how many people there had been.
35. He asked them what they had decided.
36. She asked him where he had put the files.
37. They asked her when they would know the results.
38. He asked them how they had managed the situation.
39. She asked him what time the train would arrive.
40. He asked her why she was leaving.
41. She asked him where he was going on vacation.
42. He asked her how they had reacted.
43. She asked him what his plans were.
44. He asked her when she had heard the news.
45. She asked him why he had chosen this career.
46. He asked her where they could meet.
47. She asked him what they had said to him.
48. He asked her how she was feeling now.
49. She asked him when he would come back.
50. He asked her why she had changed her mind.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Oct, 09:01

To My Noble Students

In halls of wisdom, where bright minds do dwell,
Al Jawahiri’s strength in spirit shines,
With Malik Al Ashtar, where hearts compel
A dedication pure, as stars align.

The Razī’s scholars, keen in every thought,
Al Farazdaq’s bold, in knowledge, soar high,
Sybawah’s quiet strength with brilliance fraught,
Their minds like eagles soaring through the sky.

Ibn Khaldun’s wisdom guides them with care,
Al Khayyam’s poets dream of endless light,
Al Kindi’s hands craft wonders bright and rare,
Their paths all shining, noble, just, and right.

To you, dear students, I lift this praise high,
For through your efforts, dreams shall never die.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

01 Oct, 18:16

اسئلة إضافية عن السؤال غير المباشر

يرجى الحل

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

24 Sep, 17:57

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله طلبتنا الاعزاء حياة الكاتب محمد خضير حُذفت مع الارجوحة بالكامل

مبارك لـــــكـــم احبائي

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

19 Sep, 16:31

Zero conditional sentences

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

19 Sep, 16:13

يرجى الإجابة الاسئلة في الحالة الاولى

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Sep, 04:59

اجوبة النموذج A

1. An account in both Mr. and Mrs. Scott’s names.
2. Mrs. Scott.
3. Some photographs of his wife.
4. Because she was not sure he was really Mr. Scott.
5. He had a vacation.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Scott او Bank Accounts.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Sep, 04:57

اجوبة النموذج B

1. He used to walk there and back every day.
2. He played in the water of the playground when it rained.
3. True.
4. Because the young boy was dry when he came home from school.
5. Because there wasn't any room for him in the wet playground at all.
6. Young Boy او Angry Mother او Wet Playground

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Sep, 04:50

اجوبة النموذج C

1. Because he had cheated on an exam.
2. Because he was the best player in the football team.
3. The dean showed him two answer papers.
4. Yes, he did.
5. The best player copied from Susan.
6. The Best Player او Cheater او You are fired

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Sep, 04:43

اجوبة النموذج D

1. Because he was always afraid that he was getting some terrible disease.
2. The doctor was getting very tired of his patient's imagined illnesses.
3. Because he was sure he had a certain terrible disease which he had read about in the newspaper.
4. False.
5. Mr. Harris.
6. Mr. Harris او Imagined Illnesses او The Patient Doctor او The Patient

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

18 Sep, 04:40

اجوبة النموذج E

1. He owned his own business.
2. That he would get sick if he continued like that.
3. She tried to get him to take a vacation.
4. Not to bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while they’re away.
5. False.
6. Mr. Young او Vacation.

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

17 Sep, 20:55

جواب النموذج F

1. What kind of boat was Fred the captain of?
Fred was the captain of a small ship that carried things from one port to another along the coast.

2. Why didn't he want to go up the river alone?
Because the river had many channels, some of which were shallow and dangerous.

3. The captain of the local boat shouted because both boats got stuck in the sand.(True /False)

4. Did the local boat lead him to the port?
No, it didn’t.
5. What had the local boat come to collect?
The local boat had come to collect a load of sand.

6. Give the passage a suitable title.

A Load of Sand او Fred او The Captain

ابطال حروف اللغة الانكليزية الاستاذ فلاح عبدالحسن

17 Sep, 18:03

القطعة الخارجية والادب الشهر تكملة الشهر الثاني