Mr. Camp @mr_camp Channel on Telegram

Mr. Camp


Info's on the Spiritual and Evil agenda. .. Telegram channel where interesting information is published. Subscribe My channel



Mr. Camp (English)

Welcome to Mr. Camp, your go-to Telegram channel for intriguing insights into the Spiritual and Evil agenda. If you're interested in exploring thought-provoking information on these topics, then this is the perfect channel for you. Get ready to dive deep into discussions and analysis that will challenge your perspective and broaden your understanding. Subscribe to @mr_camp today to stay updated on the latest posts and engage with a community of like-minded individuals.

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Mr. Camp

18 Feb, 09:48



Mr. Camp

18 Feb, 09:48

Yousef birhane

Mr. Camp

18 Feb, 09:47

የ 666 መንፈስ ያደረበት ሰው የሰጠው ምስክርነት #yosef birhane

Mr. Camp

28 Oct, 14:35

Katy Perry 🤡:

Mr. Camp

28 Oct, 14:28

Look at the katty perys 👀

Mr. Camp

28 Oct, 14:25

Do not get the Vaccine, if you do you may end up like these two clones..


Mr. Camp

12 Oct, 10:38

This is the poor guy from the film "Safe and Effective" warning fellow Glaswegians about the 💉💉💉

Hats off to him 👏👏👏👏👏

Strong language!


Mr. Camp

12 Oct, 08:50

During a hearing before the European Commission, Pfizer admitted that they did not test the vaccine on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, because they had to "really move at the speed of science ".

Again: Pfizer justified testing that gene therapy o all of us and lying about its efficacy because they had to "MOVE AT THE SPEED OF SCIENCE"! 🤡

Mr. Camp

30 Sep, 08:56

የዓውራው ጉንፋን ክትባት እየገደለ ነው።

Mr. Camp

17 Sep, 20:07

Mr. Camp

17 Sep, 19:59

Mr. Camp

15 Sep, 16:43

Mr. Camp

05 Sep, 10:49

Experiment shows how dangerous wifi EMF frequency is when in close proximity to living organisms.

Join ➣ @mr_camp

Mr. Camp

26 Jun, 20:33

የአቢ ላቀውን ጉድ በማስረጃ በቪዲዮ ተመልከቱ የኢትዮጰያ ህዝብ ተኝተሃል አሁኑኑ ንቃ

Mr. Camp

26 Jun, 20:32

የአቢ ላቀውን ጉድ በማስረጃ በቪዲዮ ተመልከቱ የኢትዮጰያ ህዝብ ተኝተሃል አሁኑኑ ንቃ

Mr. Camp

26 Jun, 20:25

ሌላ አሳፋሪ ማስረጃ በሄዋን ላይ ከጀርባዋ ያለው ጌ ነው አሁኑኑ ህዝቡን ይቅርታ ጠይቂ መካድ የማትችይው ማስረጃ ነው


Mr. Camp

26 Jun, 20:24

ሌላ አሳፋሪ ማስረጃ በሄዋን ላይ ከጀርባዋ ያለው ጌ ነው አሁኑኑ ህዝቡን ይቅርታ ጠይቂ መካድ የማትችይው ማስረጃ ነው

Mr. Camp

25 Jun, 20:37

ኢትዮጵያዊው ሰይጣን ይኸውና The weeknd በእሳት ተቃጥሎ ነው የተቀየረው የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ አስት ተብሏል
