5th year with MounaYasmine @mounayasminecure Channel on Telegram

5th year with MounaYasmine


"Salut ! Je suis Mouna Yasmine, étudiante en 5e année à Ziania.

Je partage ici mon parcours dans les études de médecine."

5th year with MounaYasmine (English)

Join us in celebrating the 5th year anniversary of the amazing MounaYasmine channel on Telegram! With the username @mounayasminecure, this channel has been a beacon of positivity, inspiration, and personal growth for its dedicated followers. MounaYasmine, the creator behind this channel, has been sharing her journey towards self-improvement, mindfulness, and holistic healing for the past 5 years. Who is MounaYasmine? She is a passionate advocate for self-care, mental health awareness, and living a balanced lifestyle. Through her channel, she shares valuable insights, personal experiences, and practical tips on how to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Whether you are looking for motivation, guidance, or simply a supportive community to connect with, MounaYasmine's channel offers all that and more. What is the 5th year with MounaYasmine channel all about? It is a space where like-minded individuals come together to learn, grow, and support each other on their journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. From daily affirmations to mindfulness practices, from wellness tips to guided meditations, this channel offers a wide range of resources to help you lead a more fulfilling and balanced life. As we celebrate the 5th year milestone of MounaYasmine's channel, we invite you to join us in this exciting journey of self-exploration and personal development. Subscribe to @mounayasminecure today and start your own transformative path towards a happier, healthier, and more empowered version of yourself. Let's make the next year even more amazing together!

5th year with MounaYasmine

13 Feb, 18:28

Plutôt rahom dayrin

5th year with MounaYasmine

13 Feb, 18:28

راهم يديرو فيها فوكالات يشرحو uro

5th year with MounaYasmine

13 Feb, 18:28


5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Feb, 19:03

Heda le cours te3 le prof : les tubulopathies interstitielles

5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Feb, 18:59

المهم اقتراحات يوتوب

Nephropathie tubulo interstitielles .

كاين :
Aigue w chronique:

Aigue : ninja nird ( t9raw ghir ta3 necrose w nephrite hadik 3eme sotoha)


Chronique :
هذي البروف التونسية محلاها عملت الكوغ يعمل ستة و ستين كيف


Cours : diapo ta3 lprof yakfi m3a les vidéos... mimo dayro twil bzf avec les vidéo cours ta3 El prof ykfii largement...

بالتوفيق ✨️🕊

5th year with MounaYasmine

09 Feb, 09:36

لي عندو كاش سوخس اضافية ولا ... يحطهالي فلي كومونتار و لا يبعثهالي نحطها

5th year with MounaYasmine

08 Feb, 21:40

Vidéo pr chérifi acide base :


5th year with MounaYasmine

08 Feb, 13:14

Vocaux uro nephro 2024 :


5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:49

دكتور علام 🫶🫶🫶


5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:48

الدكتور عبد الحميد ... هايل هايل هايل


5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:47


5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:46

الدكتور حسام موافي : ( مصري )


5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:44

💥 Chaîne Youtube intéressante :

5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:38

#néphro :

5th year with MounaYasmine

07 Feb, 11:38

بسم الله نبدا بدايات جديدة 💛

5th year with MounaYasmine

03 Feb, 16:41


5th year with MounaYasmine

01 Feb, 21:51


🔸️Récapitulatif classifications Ortho

🔸️Examen des années précédentes Ortho

🔸️Note Roufaida Ortho

🔸️Mon carnet Ortho

🔸️TD Benaknoun Ortho

🔸️Interprétation Radio Ortho

🔸️Radio Ortho

🔸️Série verte Ortho

🔸️Sujets Partiques des terrains

🔸️TD Rhumato/ MPR benaknoun P3 ( c mon drive personnel, j'étais la déléguée aussi et inshallah y3awnkoum)

5th year with MounaYasmine

17 Jan, 11:14

عييت مالهدرة .

اومبعد شوية ان شاء الله نكملهم

5th year with MounaYasmine

17 Jan, 10:42

Varus====( <>)

Valgus====( ><)

5th year with MounaYasmine

17 Jan, 10:32

Diaphyse و مشتقاتها ....

5th year with MounaYasmine

17 Jan, 10:06

Généralités sur les fractures :

5th year with MounaYasmine

17 Jan, 10:05

5th year with MounaYasmine pinned «الفهرس : مع الوقت رح تقدرو تضغطو على كل عنوان يخرجلكم لي فوكال لي درتهم عليه 1. Généralités sur les Fractures 2. Traumatismes de l'Épaule _luxation traumatique de l'épaule . _fracture de la clavicule . _luxation acromio claviculaire . 3. Fractures…»

5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Jan, 12:22

الفوط سكنلنا فالدم 😅

5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Jan, 12:05

لي مقراش بيهم ما تفوطيش كي يخلاص الفوط نحطلكم النتيجة

5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Jan, 12:04

مع العلم ههه اكيد مناصر خير 😌💛

5th year with MounaYasmine

10 Jan, 12:03

يلا ما قدر الله انو نكملو اورتو 😅 ..

باش نفيدو لي مورانا حبيت نديرلكم صونداج شكون خير مناصر و لا بورويسة ك سورس ورقية

5th year with MounaYasmine

24 Dec, 11:43

Rhumato playlist :


5th year with MounaYasmine

11 Dec, 07:22

I feel that i miss ma chaine 🥹💛

5th year with MounaYasmine

20 Nov, 11:47

ما تنساوش تجددو النوايا تاعكم 💛

5th year with MounaYasmine

04 Nov, 13:59

لي يحب لي فيديو لس موالفة نشاركهم معاكم بالعربية ( المصرية )

ننصحكم بهذي البلايليست :


5th year with MounaYasmine

02 Nov, 20:46

كيفاش تشدو les os du carpe?
Stop stop
S: scapoïde
T : trapèze
O : grand Os ( capitatum)
P : pyramidal ( triquetrum )

S: semi lunaire ( lunatum )
T : trapézoïde
O : os crochu ( hamatum)
P : pesiforme

اكرام بوزار

5th year with MounaYasmine

31 Oct, 17:07

🔷le signe de Berger

Nlgawh f luxation de l'épaule
Kifah nchfaw 3la wch fih f lklma


B: abduction
Er : externe rotation

Donc attitude vicieuse irréductible de membre supérieur en abduction et rotation externe ✔️


5th year with MounaYasmine

28 Oct, 17:56

Notes ortho

5th year with MounaYasmine

28 Oct, 17:56


5th year with MounaYasmine

25 Oct, 11:40


5th year with MounaYasmine

14 Oct, 09:58

Une fracture parcellaire

5th year with MounaYasmine

14 Oct, 09:47

5th year with MounaYasmine pinned «Les modules : Ortho / mpr / rhumato Uro/néphro Pédiatrie Psychiatrie Gygy Endo»

5th year with MounaYasmine

14 Oct, 09:43

صبت هذي البلايليست تاع لي فيديو تاع اورتو


5th year with MounaYasmine

13 Oct, 16:42

هذا le tableau فيه تصاور في بورويسة اذا نعم صورولي بليز

5th year with MounaYasmine

13 Oct, 16:42

لي عندو بورويسة بليز

Cours ta3 fracture de l'extrémité distale du radius

5th year with MounaYasmine

11 Oct, 09:58


🔸️Récapitulatif classifications Ortho

🔸️Examen des années précédentes Ortho

🔸️Note Roufaida Ortho

🔸️Mon carnet Ortho

🔸️TD Benaknoun Ortho

🔸️Interprétation Radio Ortho

🔸️Radio Ortho

🔸️Série verte Ortho

🔸️Sujets Partiques des terrains

🔸️TD Rhumato/ MPR benaknoun P3 ( c mon drive personnel, j'étais la déléguée aussi et inshallah y3awnkoum)

5th year with MounaYasmine

09 Oct, 17:44

Les repéres du coude

5th year with MounaYasmine

06 Oct, 17:01

Manœvre de milch

5th year with MounaYasmine

06 Oct, 16:32

يشرح بضمير ✨️🫶

5th year with MounaYasmine

06 Oct, 16:32

لي يحب لي فيديو لس موالفة نشاركهم معاكم بالعربية ( المصرية )

ننصحكم بهذي البلايليست :


5th year with MounaYasmine

04 Oct, 12:38

Types des fractures

5th year with MounaYasmine

04 Oct, 10:34

Diaphyse و مشتقاتها ....

5th year with MounaYasmine

04 Oct, 10:00

Innervation de la main ... ✨️

5th year with MounaYasmine

03 Oct, 21:26

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ✨️
Je voulais partager avec vous ce drive fih les examens pratiques des années passées :
Bon courage ✨️

5th year with MounaYasmine

28 Sep, 11:31

لي يصيب شكيب اورتو يبعثهولي نحطو ما صبتوش 🥹