Mohsen Sazegara is a renowned political analyst, journalist, and activist whose insights have been shaping the political landscape for decades. With his Telegram channel @mohsensazegara, he offers a unique platform for followers to stay updated on the latest news, analyses, and commentary on current affairs. Mohsen Sazegara's channel covers a wide range of topics, including politics, human rights, and social issues, providing a comprehensive overview of the key issues affecting our world today. Whether you are a political enthusiast, a journalist, or simply someone who wants to stay informed, Mohsen Sazegara's channel is the perfect place to engage with insightful content and thought-provoking discussions. Join the conversation today and be part of a community that values knowledge, critical thinking, and constructive dialogue.
13 Jan, 15:08
12 Jan, 15:09
12 Jan, 15:08
05 Jan, 21:17
05 Jan, 21:10
27 Dec, 23:12
24 Dec, 13:13
22 Dec, 01:34
22 Dec, 01:33
22 Dec, 01:32
16 Dec, 00:04
16 Dec, 00:02
30 Nov, 22:11
29 Nov, 21:41
29 Nov, 21:41
26 Nov, 00:06
22 Nov, 19:40
18 Nov, 01:57
18 Nov, 01:56
13 Nov, 02:04
09 Nov, 22:16
07 Nov, 19:27
07 Nov, 12:45
02 Nov, 23:51
21 Oct, 13:42
18 Oct, 02:57
11 Oct, 19:36
10 Oct, 14:45