Последний контент, опубликованный в Moderntaxila на Telegram
26 Dec, 06:46
Polity Full Mock Test for All 5th Jan or 6th Jan 2025 Any of the You people can attend this test
Time: 5th Jan 1:00-2:00PM Or 6th Jan 1:30-2:30PM
21 Dec, 07:59
Come for test with OMR sheet. Download from my group
21 Dec, 05:51
Test will be conducted in old building lab
20 Dec, 14:13
Share 'Wbcs-3_Results.pdf'
20 Dec, 14:12
Tomorrow there will be WB SI and KP SI Mock test for all at 1-3PM And Sunday at 1-3PM
Appear in test any of the day
19 Dec, 07:56
Definition: A censure motion is a formal statement issued by a legislative body, expressing disapproval of the actions or policies of a member of the government or the government itself.
19 Dec, 07:53
Definition: A no-confidence motion is a statement or resolution brought by members of the legislature expressing that they do not have confidence in the government or its leader’s ability to govern effectively.. To introduce "no confidence motion" against government, support of 50 members from opposition is required.
19 Dec, 07:48
The adjournment motion in the Indian parliament happens to discuss a more important matter while keeping the ongoing parliament business aside. The motion of adjournment needs the consent of the speaker and 50 other members of the parliament. The set of rules is the same for both Rajya and Lok Sabha.The process of adjournment is exceptional in parliament and happens because of urgent matters which can cause consequences. The issue behind adjournment should be serious and part of union amalgamation.
19 Dec, 07:46
Question Hour: Definition: The first hour of every parliamentary sitting is slotted for the Question Hour. However, in 2014 the Question Hour was shifted in the Rajya Sabha from 11 am to 12 noon. During this one hour, Members of Parliament (MPs) ask questions to ministers and hold them accountable for the functioning of their ministries. The questions can also be asked to the private members (MPs who are not ministers).
Zero Hour: Zero Hour is an Indian parliamentary innovation. It is not mentioned in the parliamentary rules book. Under this, MPs can raise matters without any prior notice. The zero hour starts immediately after the question hour and lasts until the agenda for the day (i.e. regular business of the House) is taken up. In other words, the time gap between the question hour and the agenda is known as zero hour.