Moderntaxila (@moderntaxila)の最新投稿

Moderntaxila のテレグラム投稿

5,057 人の購読者
431 枚の写真
1 本の動画
最終更新日 27.02.2025 13:32


CRP Teachers Academy
46,140 人の購読者
14,062 人の購読者
Gk and GI solutions
1,241 人の購読者

Moderntaxila によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

First Women CJI of Calcutta High Court - Manjula Chellur(2014-2016)

First Acting Indian Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court - Romesh Chandra Mitra(1862).

Note in ur notes

WB and Kolkata Police Exam
On Coming Saturday and Sunday on 21st and 22nd December.


Exam is open for all.

Tomorrow no class in GS Individual and others in that class at 2-4PM

Today 2-4PM
Mediaeval History class (Shahjahan& Aurangzeb)
Join if neede

Tomorrow mock of WBCS
For WBCS And PSC Batch Students
2 - 4:30PM

Check ur answer.
Ans submit ur one sheet of mock test 1 to office at Subho sir at reception, by Saturday.

Share 'Target History SSC&Rail Mock 12.pptx'

WBCS batch students tomorrow and Sunday any one day you people can appear in WBCS mock test

Coming live at 6:15