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First time in history. Now world is in danger. Chances of Nuclear use

17/11 - Morning shift ques
1.Who appoints Attorney General of India ?
2.Estd yr of CU
3.Founder of HRA
4.Founder of Hindu clg in Calcutta
5.Cyclone Remal name is given by
6.Estd yr of Sikkim as a state of India
7.Pen Pinter prize winner of 2024
8.Udgam portal is managed by
9.Unit of radioactivity
10.Which of the following unit is not related to energy ? - Kelvin
11.Noble gas used in the treatment of cancer
12.Where is Baita bandana celebrated ?
13.Capital of Jordan
14.Where is National Yoga Olympiad 24 hosted
15.1st woman to cross english channel
16.Father of geometry
17.3 new criminal laws added in IPC on - 1/7/24
18.Icc T20 World Cup 24 is hosted by
19.Total no of squares in chess board
20.Which of the game among the following has max no. of players in either side ?
21.Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of
22.Who painted "Starry night" ?
23.Monalisa is kept in which museum
24.Who declares National emergency ?
25.Acid rain related qs
26.1st pvt train run under irctc - Tejas express
27.Divya Kala Mela is an initiative of which ministry
28. Player's name is given & then asked he is related to which sport
29. River Ganga from Farakka flows to which neighbouring country

1-Bathukamma festival which state?
2-first muslim President of indian national congress.
3- Hindon River is a tributary of?
4- loktak lake in which region of India?
5- 73rd Amendment related to?
6- Best Fifa player of the year men's 2024
7- Name Of the film that won the "best film" award at oscar.
8-The World Beneath His Feet is the biography of?
9- Currency of bulgaria?
10- Leader of the apartheid movement of south africa.
11- Blue economy is related to?
12- Pranab mukherjee got bharat ratna in which year?
13- Which type of painting is done directly on wall?
14- National sports day on which date?
15- World Blood Donor Day date?
16- Definition of force is obtained from which law of motion?
17- Times of india newspaper founded in which year?
18- Bengal tenancy act passed in which year?
19- symbol of Olympic was made in which year?
20- UV rays are reflected by which layer of atmosphere?

21-which Ray has the highest frequency?
22- world Aids Day date.
23- Headquarter of IUCN
24-Vasco Da Gama landed on which port in 1498?
25- "Operation flood" is related to which revolution?
26- Ornithology related to the study of?
27- Bar is the unit of?
🔴 2nd Shift GK👆👆16/11/2024

Definition of force .. Newton's which law.

Operation flood

Bar unit of

Nelson Mandela apartheid movement

Pampas grassland

Free movement area for tribal

1st blue flag beach


Establishment year of time of India newspaper

Olympic symbol adopted in which year

Bengal tenancy act year

1857 governor general k chhilo

New name of IPC

Javelin throws neeraj chopra

Hindon kar tributary

Wall painting..mural

Day aids day,
Sports day
Blood donation day
Sustainable city 2024

2019 Bharat Ratna pranab mukherje

Nathula pass Sikkim
Fifa 2024 player of year

Inc muslim president

Ukai project

2024 Oscar film

World beneath his feet book by

Max frequency gamma ray

Facebook founder

Iucn headquarters

Vascodam came in Calicut

Khilafat year 1919

Bulgeria currency

Bathukamma festival telengana

UV ray stratosphere

USA capital

Asol aap canoe festival

Loktake lake situated

2nd shift Clekship Exam

I am sharing 'Mock Test Schedule(Nov&Dec' with you

Today's Question prepare for tomorrow according to this pattern.
Currency of Argentina
Who founded Nalanda university
Which is the Smallest country area wise
Capital of Nigeria
Sir , PSC questions

1. Best film ... Oscar 2024
2. AIDS day
3. 73 th Amendment Act
4. World play day
5. Year of Khilafat movement
6. The year when Olympic symbol made
7. First muslim president of INC
8. Founder of facebook
9. Capital of USA
10. The first beach who won BLUE FALG
11. Hindan river is the tributary of which river ??
12. Batukamma is the festival of which state ??
13. Laketak lake in which side of India
14. Who was the governor general of Mahabidraha 1857
15. Ukai dam in which river
16. Nathula pass
17. Sustainable town of 2024
18. Best film in Oscar
19. Anti apartheid movement leader in South Africa
20. The proposed name of IPC

All of u share Clerkship questions personally to me

Coming live at 6:15PM