مظاهرك وصورتك وكلماتك الرنانة "كلها" لاتجدي نفعاً في ذلك اليوم، ما لم يكن قلبك سليماً، ونيتك صادقة، ووجهتك نحو رضوان الرحمن .
Welcome to الغُصن, a Telegram channel dedicated to self-improvement, reminders, and inspiration. The channel is managed by @mma9a, whose goal is to fix and improve oneself while reminding others to do the same. The channel description reads, "My goal is to fix myself and remind others. I do not claim to be committed, but I am still trying to commit. We ask the Creator for that." This channel is not led by a formal religious leader, but rather by an individual on a personal journey of growth and reflection. Join us on الغُصن for daily reminders, motivational quotes, and support in your own self-improvement journey. Follow @ZZDUZ for more updates and inspiration. Let's strive to be better versions of ourselves together!
02 Feb, 18:38
02 Feb, 18:37
02 Feb, 13:06
02 Feb, 04:31
01 Feb, 19:26
12 Jan, 03:20
11 Jan, 23:44
11 Jan, 23:43
11 Jan, 11:18
11 Jan, 07:38
11 Jan, 07:37
10 Jan, 05:04
06 Jan, 04:13
05 Jan, 04:29
04 Jan, 19:11
04 Jan, 11:59
03 Jan, 19:59
03 Jan, 13:38
28 Dec, 13:01
28 Dec, 05:26
27 Dec, 22:06
27 Dec, 08:48
27 Dec, 06:55
27 Dec, 05:43
27 Dec, 05:43
25 Dec, 13:58
24 Dec, 07:24
24 Dec, 07:13
23 Dec, 04:44
22 Dec, 19:32
20 Dec, 12:57
07 Dec, 03:58
06 Dec, 11:04
06 Dec, 05:23
05 Dec, 14:55
05 Dec, 07:05
04 Dec, 04:30
02 Dec, 13:21
02 Dec, 04:42
30 Nov, 09:52
22 Nov, 14:21
20 Nov, 14:03
19 Nov, 11:18
19 Nov, 01:03
18 Nov, 15:34
18 Nov, 04:39
18 Nov, 04:30
17 Nov, 23:40
17 Nov, 22:37
15 Nov, 13:01
14 Nov, 16:07
14 Nov, 07:55
26 Oct, 15:12
26 Oct, 15:03
25 Oct, 14:30
25 Oct, 02:31
25 Oct, 02:23
23 Oct, 22:08