ML Zoomcamp announcements @mlzoomcamp Channel on Telegram

ML Zoomcamp announcements


Announcements for our ML Zoomcamp course

ML Zoomcamp announcements (English)

Welcome to ML Zoomcamp announcements, the go-to channel for all updates and announcements related to our Machine Learning Zoomcamp course! If you're passionate about diving into the world of ML and want to stay in the loop about upcoming events, new course materials, and exciting opportunities, then this channel is perfect for you

ML Zoomcamp is a comprehensive online course designed to help individuals of all levels learn the ins and outs of Machine Learning. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your ML journey or an experienced professional wanting to upskill, our course offers a range of resources and support to help you succeed

By joining our channel, you'll receive timely updates on upcoming webinars, guest lectures, Q&A sessions, and other events that will enhance your learning experience. You'll also get exclusive access to announcements about new course modules, assignments, and projects, so you can stay ahead of the curve and make the most of your ML Zoomcamp journey

Who is it for? ML Zoomcamp is for anyone interested in Machine Learning, regardless of their background or experience level. Whether you're a student, working professional, or simply curious about ML, our course offers something for everyone

What is it? ML Zoomcamp is a comprehensive online course that covers a wide range of Machine Learning topics, from the basics to advanced concepts. Through a series of lectures, assignments, projects, and interactive sessions, participants will gain a solid understanding of ML principles and techniques, empowering them to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to join a vibrant community of ML enthusiasts and take your skills to the next level. Join ML Zoomcamp announcements today and embark on a transformative learning journey in the world of Machine Learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

14 Jan, 22:10

We just closed the form for submitting Capstone 1 project

Thanks everyone for good work! Now it's time to evaluate your peers

You can find the evaluation assignments here:

(You need to be logged in and it works only if you submitted a project for capstone 1)

Have fun and enjoy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

03 Jan, 12:54

We have extended the deadline for capstone 1 project by one week. Use this time wisely

We also shifted the deadline for capstone 2 by one week. If you aim for the second capstone, you can already submit your project - the form in the course management platform is now open

Note that we won't be able to extend the deadlines again - soon another course starts and the course team will focus on it

Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

01 Jan, 12:30

Happy new year everyone!

We just created two new forms on the platform:

- For submitting the article:

- For submitting your competition progress:

Note that both of them have learning in public links.

Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

23 Dec, 08:47

It doesn't seem that we have announced it: the form for submitting capstone 1 project is open


We will also close the form for homework 10 tomorrow, so you still have a bit of time

Module 11 is optional and doesn't have any homework

ML Zoomcamp announcements

13 Dec, 11:57

Also, don't forget about other activities we have:

Learn about time series forecasting and get extra points for the course
Deadline: February 1

You can learn about things that we didn't cover in the course, write an article about it and get extra points
Deadline: February 1

Capstone 1:
You can already start working on your capstone project. The requirements are the same as for the midterm project, but now you can also use neural networks, AWS Lambda and kubernetes (but don't have to)
Deadline: January 14

Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

13 Dec, 11:54

We're starting a new (and last) module - Kubernetes


You still have time to finish homework 9, we'll close the form on Monday

Happy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

04 Dec, 11:08

We're starting the module 9 on Serverless Deep Learning



Note that for this module, when we use Docker, we'll need to use the base image with Python 3.10 and a less recent version of TensorFlow Lite (2.14.0) - the latest versions don't work well yet with Python 3.12

You can find the notes describing what you need to do here:

Enjoy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

02 Dec, 12:17

We're extending the deadlines for HW8 and midterm project peer review till Friday EOD

Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

27 Nov, 17:45

The problem with review assignments is fixed, now you can see the review criteria in the form

And I also recorded a video showing how to do the reviews:

Have fun and enjoy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

27 Nov, 07:39

There was a problem with evaluation criteria for the midterm project, so we reopened the form for submitting for now.

We will fix the problem today so in the evening you'll get new assignments

ML Zoomcamp announcements

26 Nov, 20:33

We closed the form for submitting the midterm project

Great work everyone!

Now it's time to learn from your peers and evaluate their projects

If you submitted your project, you'll find your evaluation assignments here:

Have fun!

Also don't forget about the deep learning module

ML Zoomcamp announcements

19 Nov, 07:57

We just got news from Saturn Cloud:

The link now brings you to a different page (login), please use it to login to the platform

The best image to use this year is the saturn-python-tensorflow image (2024.08.01)

ML Zoomcamp announcements

18 Nov, 15:42

Hi everyone!

Even though there are still issues with Saturn Cloud (we've contacted them, so hopefully the registrations will happen soon), we're slowly starting the module on deep learning

Form for Saturn Cloud:

You should still focus on your midterm project if you haven't finished it yet - you will have ~2 weeks for the deep learning module

Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

17 Nov, 10:15

In addition to other activities, we're also launching a kaggle competition!

This year we will deal with time series - in particular, we'll do demand forecasting for retain (4 real offline stores)

have fun!

(taking part in the competition will give you extra course points - details later)

ML Zoomcamp announcements

14 Nov, 06:13

We're soon starting the deep learning module

If you want to use GPUs from Saturn Cloud, please fill in this form:

(You don't need to do it again if you already did it some time ago)

ML Zoomcamp announcements

07 Nov, 06:41

When you're ready to submit your project, use this link

How is it going?

ML Zoomcamp announcements

05 Nov, 10:53

How is it going with your projects?

Have you selected a dataset? This is usually the most difficult part, so let us know in Slack if you have problems with that - and we'll be happy to help.

Also, don't overthink it. You can take any dataset as long as it's not one of the most common ones (like iris, titanic or boston housing)

Happy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

03 Nov, 13:12

Hi everyone!

Tomorrow you're starting to work on your midterm projects

Here's more information about it:

You need to

- Find a dataset
- Train a model on this dataset
- Deploy this model

If you have questions, you find the answers in the office hours videos from the previous edition (linked in the README document above)

If you can't find the answer to your question, please ask in Slack.

Happy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

28 Oct, 14:43

We're starting module 6 today and will learn about tree based models


Happy learning!

You also have a few days to wrap up homework 5. We will close the form on Thursday morning

ML Zoomcamp announcements

21 Oct, 17:27

If you have problems downloading the dataset for homeworks 4 and 5, here's a copy:

ML Zoomcamp announcements

21 Oct, 13:34

We're starting module 5 on deployment


Have fun!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

15 Oct, 15:07

In roughly one month we will start the deep learning module. We will need access to a GPU machine

This year we again partnered with Saturn Cloud, who will be able to provide us with remote notebooks with GPUs.

If you want to use their offer, fill in this form:

(we will share this link again when the module starts)

ML Zoomcamp announcements

14 Oct, 14:50

This week we're starting module 4 about classification evaluation


You still have a few days to submit homework 3. We will close it on Thursday morning Berlin time

ML Zoomcamp announcements

07 Oct, 20:21

If you're still catching up with homework 2, you have a couple of days to wrap it up. We won't close the form today.
Use this time wisely 🦉

ML Zoomcamp announcements

07 Oct, 15:55

Hi everyone!

Today we are starting module 3 related to classification topic.

Module content:

Also we would like to ask you how is it going with the homework 2?

ML Zoomcamp announcements

02 Oct, 15:50

We accidentally made a mistake when scoring question 5 of HW1. We have rescored it, and the leaderboard is also updated

ML Zoomcamp announcements

02 Oct, 12:43

We have scored the first homework

You can access the leaderboard here:

ML Zoomcamp announcements

30 Sep, 06:57

We're starting module 2 today

In this module, we will learn about using ML for solving the regression problem and implement linear regression ourselves.


You will only have one week to complete the homework. Happy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

26 Sep, 10:29

We're starting an AMA podcast right now



(It's not about the course, but more about the community)

ML Zoomcamp announcements

17 Sep, 15:00

I answered a few more questions that were left over from yesterday

Hope it's helpful

ML Zoomcamp announcements

17 Sep, 13:15

In case you want to use Codespaces for this course, here's a video that shows how to do it

ML Zoomcamp announcements

16 Sep, 19:44

The course has started!

In the first module, we'll do an introduction to machine learning and the most important tools


Happy learning!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

16 Sep, 14:50

We're starting in 10 minutes


See you soon!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

16 Sep, 12:49

We're starting in ~2 hours

In the meantime, you can ask your questions here:

ML Zoomcamp announcements

13 Sep, 14:46

Monday is soon!

We will start the course with a getting started stream on Monday (September 16) at 17:00 Berlin time

The link will be shared ~10 minutes before the start

See you soon!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

02 Sep, 14:51

We're starting in ~10 minutes


ML Zoomcamp announcements

02 Sep, 14:17

Hi everyone!

We'll start our pre-course Q&A stream in ~45 minutes

You can ask your questions in advance:

See you soon!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

19 Mar, 15:16

We published the public top 100 leaderboard

thanks everyone for taking part in the course!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

19 Feb, 13:29

Hi everyone!

We've scored the remaining things (competition and articles) and updated the leaderboard.

The folks from the top-100 of the leaderboard should have received an email with the link to the form (the same as posted above)

Please fill this form in by the end of this week, and we will create a public leaderboard after that

Thanks everyone for taking part in the course!

ML Zoomcamp announcements

13 Feb, 20:14

Three more things left before we completely wrap up the course for this year

First, if you wrote an article, but haven't shared it yet, please do it as soon as possible. You'll find the link to the form here:

Second, if you took part in the competition, make sure you submit your team name here:

Teams with names machffud, шайлушай and

Please do it till Thursday EOD, so on Friday we can start collecting the data for the public top-100 leaderboard. To make this process easier, if you think you'll be one of the top 100, you can already put your data here: