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Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

01 Sep, 03:43


Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

01 Sep, 03:29



Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

31 Aug, 02:30


✒️Theories of Amoeboid Movement

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

27 Aug, 15:27


चिलगोजा पाइन (Pinus gerardiana):

खाद्य बीज: चिलगोजा बीज पौष्टिक, मीठे होते हैं और विभिन्न व्यंजनों में उपयोग किए जाते हैं।

आर्थिक महत्व: हिमालयी क्षेत्रों के समुदायों के लिए चिलगोजा बीज की बिक्री आय का स्रोत है।

औषधीय उपयोग: चिलगोजा तेल पारंपरिक चिकित्सा में रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता और हृदय स्वास्थ्य के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।

पर्यावरणीय लाभ: मिट्टी कटाव को रोकने में मदद करता है और स्थानीय वन्यजीवों के लिए आवास प्रदान करता है।

लकड़ी: कभी-कभी स्थानीय निर्माण और ईंधन के लिए उपयोग की जाती है।

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

27 Aug, 15:27


Chilgoza Pine (Pinus gerardiana):

Edible Seeds: Chilgoza nuts are nutritious, sweet, and used in various culinary dishes.

Economic Value: Provides income for Himalayan communities through the sale of nuts.

Medicinal Uses: Chilgoza oil is used in traditional medicine for immunity and heart health.

Environmental Benefits: Helps prevent soil erosion and supports local wildlife habitats.

Timber: Occasionally used for construction and firewood locally.

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

26 Aug, 10:27

Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY pinned Deleted message
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

25 Aug, 17:41



➡️Cycas plants are dioecious, having separate male and female trees.

➡️Cycas leaves are pinnately compound, resembling a feathery crown.

➡️Despite their palm-like appearance, Cycas are not true palms.

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

23 Aug, 16:55


🔺Conservation of Bio-diversity

1) In-situ Conservation
🔴Conservation in their natural habitat.

➡️ National Park
➡️ Biosphere Reserves
➡️ Sanctuaries
➡️ Sacred grooves
➡️ Hotspots

2) Ex-situ Conservation

🔴 Conservation outside their natural habitat.

i) In-vivo conservation
➡️ Zoological Parks
➡️Botanical Garden
➡️Wildlife Safari

ii) In-vitro conservation
➡️Gene bank
➡️Seed bank
➡️Tissue culture
➡️Embryo culture

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
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Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

22 Aug, 03:32


🎯Do you know?🤔

"A Punnett square is a tool used to predict the genotype and phenotype of offspring in genetic crosses. 🧬📊"

Telegram - @Mission_Biology
WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7
YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo
Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY

21 Aug, 10:39

Mission Biology - UP TGT - PGT BIOLOGY pinned «🔺Peripatus - Connecting Link Between Annelids & Arthropods 📍 Link of the video- ⤵️ https://youtube.com/shorts/LAWez5ZsDA0?feature=share Telegram - @Mission_Biology WhatsApp - https://rb.gy/l1qdd7 YouTube - https://rb.gy/gel3yo»