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инстаграм: https://instagram.com/misssanitta
мой курс: https://anitakopian.tilda.ws/pronunciationcourse
отзывы: https://t.me/+ByX2xVvndQo2ZGVi
о чувствах и мышлении
через english identity
для связи в телеграм: @anitakopian
инстаграм: https://instagram.com/misssanitta
мой курс: https://anitakopian.tilda.ws/pronunciationcourse
отзывы: https://t.me/+ByX2xVvndQo2ZGVi
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Последний контент, опубликованный в Анита научит | English на Telegram
a pseudo-podcast with my late-night thoughts on sharing pain ❤️🩹
Very excited to share news!
В инстаграме уже рассказала о предстоящем webinar❤️
ссылка для записи — в конце
Topic: “Pronunciation tips and practice to improve your accent”
💗 vowel enunciation
💗 consonant enunciation
💗 other errors: devoicing, lack of aspiration, softening
Во время каждого раздела — практика. И плюс в конце я выберу двух желающих для прочтения пары предложений and will provide feedback!!
This is free of charge if you join online. После того, как вебинар закончится, и я загружу его на платформу, он будет платным 🫶🏼
📎 You can leave your contacts here to join:
Можете также звать с собой друзей! (нас уже более 50 человек🥰 )
В инстаграме уже рассказала о предстоящем webinar
ссылка для записи — в конце
Topic: “Pronunciation tips and practice to improve your accent”
Во время каждого раздела — практика. И плюс в конце я выберу двух желающих для прочтения пары предложений and will provide feedback!!
This is free of charge if you join online. После того, как вебинар закончится, и я загружу его на платформу, он будет платным 🫶🏼
Можете также звать с собой друзей! (нас уже более 50 человек
По поводу избавления от привычки переводить я раннее отправляла tips — тыкните выше ❤️
Here's what I can also add, directly related to your learning journey:
💗 You see a new word — look up for pictures (Google images) and only then its definition (rather than translation). Read examples for context and use in speech. I recommend using the Cambridge dictionary.
💗 А если ищете слово для перевода с русского — попробуйте в поисковике описать слово на английском. Например, пишите "what to call someone who can't be happy for others" вместо "завистливый". Я так недавно искала, как называется "the bar you hang curtains on" 🤭 Попробуйте!
💗 Say a word or sentence in English out loud and then immediately picture the word/situation. Например, говорите "I'm flying to Morocco tomorrow" и представляете уже билеты с расписанием и дату, так как это время в будущем используется для точных планов и событий. Помогает создавать связь с грамматическими конструкциями и вокабуляром.
💗 Мои ученики подтвердят, что мой мозг не ассоциирует слова на русском со словами на английском. Именно поэтому, когда они нечаянно спрашивают на русском, то с улыбкой наблюдают how I imagine myself in a situation using this word or acting it out to finally say it in English. К чему я? Act words out and play scenarios to help your brain detach from the mother tongue and build a strong connection with your emotions and body language.
Так горжусь, когда вижу, как ученики, записывая слова или спрашивая слово на уроке, объясняют на английском, а не переводят 🥹
Anyway, this tendency to translate is fading over time. It just might take a while, and that's ok❤️
Let me know if anything is new or works well for you too!
Here's what I can also add, directly related to your learning journey:
Так горжусь, когда вижу, как ученики, записывая слова или спрашивая слово на уроке, объясняют на английском, а не переводят 🥹
Anyway, this tendency to translate is fading over time. It just might take a while, and that's ok
Let me know if anything is new or works well for you too!
Перевод при изучении языка: yes or no? 🥰
Very debatable.
Translation is an incredibly impressive skill to me. But I don’t find it to be an effective way of learning a language. In fact, I believe it hinders the student’s path towards fluency… 💔
Я сама почти не практиковала/ую перевод, and that’s why it’s not part of my teaching approach.
Side note: even though it’s almost imperative for an adult brain to translate the target language into mother tongue when we talk about beginner students, more advanced learners might need this done solely to avoid misunderstanding.
My conclusion: the teacher’s job is to help reduce influence from the learner’s first language.
You have to start thinking in English eventually anyway 🥹
Рассказать, как начать не переводить? (для учеников выше В1 более актуально) ❤️
Very debatable.
Translation is an incredibly impressive skill to me. But I don’t find it to be an effective way of learning a language. In fact, I believe it hinders the student’s path towards fluency… 💔
Я сама почти не практиковала/ую перевод, and that’s why it’s not part of my teaching approach.
Side note: even though it’s almost imperative for an adult brain to translate the target language into mother tongue when we talk about beginner students, more advanced learners might need this done solely to avoid misunderstanding.
My conclusion: the teacher’s job is to help reduce influence from the learner’s first language.
You have to start thinking in English eventually anyway 🥹
Рассказать, как начать не переводить? (для учеников выше В1 более актуально) ❤️
Halloween watch! B2+ 🌟
animation, not for kids
🟣 Over the Garden Wall
I discovered this one by word of mouth! A student and then friend of mine asked me whether I'd seen the series. By now, I've only watched a couple of episodes BUT... the way they ridiculously word the dialogues is what keeps me entertained. The storytelling skills of the director are beyond my comprehension!
By the way, here's an article that compares this series to Dante's Divine Comedy (уверена, мои читатели знают о "Божественной Комедии" Данте)📕
🟣 Life as a Zucchini
Nothing to do with Halloween itself, but the movie is so cold, empty and... quiet, which evokes quite unsettling emotions and provokes eerie thoughts as you're watching it. As the plot unfolds, you can pinpoint an endless number of social issues and aspects of human development, age-wise. 💔
🟣 ParaNorman
Apparently, I have it on my have-seen list and it says I enjoyed it. Sadly, not a single bit of the movie comes to my mind… 🙂↔️ Though according to Google, ParaNorman is a story about a boy from an ill-fated town that’s under a deadly curse. After reading a few quotes from the movie, I crave to rewatch it now:
“There’s nothing wrong with being scared, so long as you don’t let it change who you are”
“You want everyone to hurt just as much as you are”
animation, not for kids
I discovered this one by word of mouth! A student and then friend of mine asked me whether I'd seen the series. By now, I've only watched a couple of episodes BUT... the way they ridiculously word the dialogues is what keeps me entertained. The storytelling skills of the director are beyond my comprehension!
By the way, here's an article that compares this series to Dante's Divine Comedy (уверена, мои читатели знают о "Божественной Комедии" Данте)
Nothing to do with Halloween itself, but the movie is so cold, empty and... quiet, which evokes quite unsettling emotions and provokes eerie thoughts as you're watching it. As the plot unfolds, you can pinpoint an endless number of social issues and aspects of human development, age-wise. 💔
Apparently, I have it on my have-seen list and it says I enjoyed it. Sadly, not a single bit of the movie comes to my mind… 🙂↔️ Though according to Google, ParaNorman is a story about a boy from an ill-fated town that’s under a deadly curse. After reading a few quotes from the movie, I crave to rewatch it now:
“There’s nothing wrong with being scared, so long as you don’t let it change who you are”
“You want everyone to hurt just as much as you are”
« We humans have learned to control the world outside us, but we had very little control over the world inside us »
« …we don’t understand the complexity of our own minds… »
What an astonishing non-fiction piece!! Haven’t finished it yet though 🥹
Много о политике, в которой я не разбираюсь и не желаю разбираться. Но она преподносится так, что я и не вспоминаю about my political ignorance. I don’t avoid learning about it here because it’s so well-integrated into the narrative.
И очень много гениальных yet also so obvious thoughts, analogies (!!) and questions.
On a side note, попрактикуем произношение by reading a short paragraph from the book?
British — ❤️, neutral/American — 💘
« …we don’t understand the complexity of our own minds… »
What an astonishing non-fiction piece!! Haven’t finished it yet though 🥹
Много о политике, в которой я не разбираюсь и не желаю разбираться. Но она преподносится так, что я и не вспоминаю about my political ignorance. I don’t avoid learning about it here because it’s so well-integrated into the narrative.
И очень много гениальных yet also so obvious thoughts, analogies (!!) and questions.
On a side note, попрактикуем произношение by reading a short paragraph from the book?
British — ❤️, neutral/American — 💘
B2+ Quizlet set готов! ☀️
Thank you for your patience 🥹🙏
Сет доступен по ссылке: https://quizlet.com/958535358/bbc-article-b2-c2-flash-cards/?i=4x9ba1&x=1qqt
Рекомендую скачать приложение. Готовить ещё подобные сеты?
Thank you for your patience 🥹
Сет доступен по ссылке: https://quizlet.com/958535358/bbc-article-b2-c2-flash-cards/?i=4x9ba1&x=1qqt
Рекомендую скачать приложение. Готовить ещё подобные сеты?
“How our brains cope with speaking more than one language” — BBC article (I could relate to every single point here and would even add more!)
“Why bilingual development is not easy” — academic research
Поделиться полезными словами и фразами уровня В2+ из первой статьи? Если да — ❤️
#наукаговорит #запискитрилингва
“Why bilingual development is not easy” — academic research
Поделиться полезными словами и фразами уровня В2+ из первой статьи? Если да — ❤️
#наукаговорит #запискитрилингва