Medicine is a life @medicoline Channel on Telegram

Medicine is a life


The main goal of this channel is to share of medical photos, ideas , information, discussion, books and apps.. I hope to be useful for all ~

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Admin bot 👉 @medlife1_bot

Medicine is a life (English)

Are you passionate about medicine and eager to expand your knowledge in the medical field? Look no further than the Telegram channel "Medicine is a life"! With the username @medicoline, this channel serves as a hub for sharing medical photos, ideas, information, discussions, books, and apps. Whether you are a medical professional, a student, or simply someone interested in the field, this channel is designed to be a valuable resource for all.

The main goal of this channel is to create a community where individuals can come together to learn, discuss, and exchange valuable insights related to medicine. From sharing informative articles to discussing the latest innovations in the field, "Medicine is a life" is the go-to destination for all things medical.

For any inquiries or contributions, the channel admins can be reached through the Admin bot @medlife1_bot. Join us today and be a part of a community that believes in the power of medicine to transform lives and make a difference. Together, let's explore the vast world of medicine and discover the endless possibilities that it holds!

Medicine is a life

16 Feb, 19:01

Medicine is a life

15 Feb, 21:00

Medicine is a life

14 Feb, 15:39

Visit the page; you may find something interesting,,, 🙂

Medicine is a life

10 Feb, 14:07

Medicine is a life

30 Jan, 15:47

Medicine is a life

29 Jan, 18:23

Medicine is a life

27 Jan, 15:07

Medicine is a life

26 Jan, 18:07

Medicine is a life

25 Jan, 14:33

Medicine is a life

24 Jan, 18:11

Medicine is a life

15 Jan, 12:00

Medicine is a life

15 Jan, 11:59

Medicine is a life

14 Jan, 15:00

Medicine is a life

13 Jan, 14:53

Medicine is a life

12 Jan, 19:02

Medicine is a life

12 Jan, 18:55

"Welcome to our new Facebook page"

Medicine is a life

12 Jan, 14:54

Medicine is a life

10 Jan, 19:36

Medicine is a life

10 Jan, 12:44

Medicine is a life

07 Jan, 20:27

Medicine is a life

11 Apr, 02:32

Medicine is a life

11 Feb, 13:39

* Phase 2: Dropping intrathoracic pressure:
After the ~15 second strain, just prior to being laid flat (or simultaneously), the patient will stop blowing into the syringe, this causes the pressure in the thorax to suddenly decrease, subsequently increasing blood flow back to the heart & increasing the preload-> leading to the opposite of phase 1: a compensatory increase in parasympathetic (vagal) activity aimed at decreasing heart rate + increasing the relaxation response.

* Phase 3: Laying flat & raising the legs to 45 degrees:
This postural modification causes more blood flow back to the heart, leading to an increase in stroke volume & cardiac output. Causing further vagal – parasympathetic – stimulation, which compensates for these changes by telling the body to decrease the heart rate (SA node) -> this can convert the patient back into sinus rhythm! A phenomenon beautifully depicted in this video.

Medicine is a life

11 Feb, 13:38

This video shows a modified Valsalva maneuver being used in the emergency treatment of stable SVT (supraventricular tachycardia)!

This awesome team at the ER was able to temporarily convert a stable paroxysmal SVT back into sinus rhythm!
This is a beautiful example of how manipulating the nervous system & leveraging physiology can be used as a simple, cost-free treatment.
The modified Valsalva can be divided into 3 phases:
* Phase 1: Increasing intrathoracic pressure:
At the beginning of this video, you’ll see the patient perform a standardized ‘strain’ (blowing into a 10mL syringe) for about ~15 seconds while sitting up or in a semirecumbent position. Bearing down like this contracts the thoracic & abdominal muscles & causes a drop in blood flow back to the heart (decreased preload) & brain. This drop stimulates the baroreceptor reflex & compensates by triggering the sympathetic nervous system (stress response) in an attempt to raise the BP, cardiac output & peripheral vascular resistance.

Medicine is a life

30 Mar, 17:25

Happy Doctors day,,, 💙

Medicine is a life

18 Aug, 15:00

MED Student

Description of the App:
A free educational service on the Internet that aims to provide medical students by the medical informations that they will need it in any level or in any section of medical schools.

The Idea of making (Med student App) :
The App was designed after two steps of medical students questionnaire ;in which more than 1000 medical students have giving it a "LIKE".

The app can be downloaded throgh ( Telegram&Google play).

The app is supplied with a different media and resources of an Arap and other western professors for the different sections of medical schools,it also contains an authentic copy of USMLE curriulum and exams for each subject separately.

The way to deal with the app:
All what you have to do after downloading the app is just to move throgh the pages to get your medical resources and journals that are supported by videos.
Size : 17 m.b

Link googel play :-

Medicine is a life

18 Aug, 14:58


نبذة عن التطبيق :
خدمة تعليمية مجانية على الانترنت تهدف إلى تقديم الدعم العلمي والمعلومات الطبية التي يحتاجها طلاب المرحلة في أي جامعة وأي تخصص بالمجال الطبي.

فكرة انشاء (Med student app )
تم تصميم التطبيق بعد إجراء مرحلتين من استفتاء طلبة الطب حيث وصل مقدار علامات الإيجاب من شريحة طلبة الطب والتخصصات الطبية ما يزيد عن 1000 طالب وطالبة .

يتوفر تطبيق ( med student ) في عدد من منصات الهاتف منها (Google play)
حيث يقدم هذا التطبيق العديد من الوسائل التعليمية بكافة التخصصات الطبية ؛ مرئية ومسموعة والكثير من المراجع الطبية المتكاملة للكثير من اﻷطباء والمتخصصين العرب والأجانب في مجالات الطب (يحتوي كل منها على فيديوهات وتطبيقات ونماذج امتحانية خاصة بها ) ويقدم التطبيق نسخة معتمدة من من مناهج USMLE لكل مادة على حده بالإضافة إلى نماذج USMLE مرفقة لكل مادة

خطوات استخدام(med student):
بعد تحميل التطبيق ما عليك سوى التنقل بين تبويبات التطبيق لتأخذ مراجعك ومقالاتك الطبية المدعومة بالفيديو .
حجم التطبيق : ١٧ م.ب

التحميل من جوجل بلاي.

Medicine is a life

18 Aug, 13:51

The new version of (Med Student App)

Hope you like it

Medicine is a life

18 Aug, 13:51

النسخه الجديدة من تطبيق
med student
رابط التحميل من جوجل بلاي
تم اصلاح جميع الاخطاء
واضافات جميله
والحجم ------- ١٧ ميجا --------فقط