إلى زملائنا الأعزاء في كليّات الطبّ ..
ندعوكم للمشاركة في هذه الدراسة والتي تهدف إلى تقييم وعي طلاب الطب حول طبيعة العنف الذي يواجهه أطباء الطوارئ ومدى انتشاره ومدى تأثيرها على اختيارهم له!
شاكرين لكم تعاونكم🙏🏻✨
Welcome to Medical World 🩺❤️, a Telegram channel dedicated to providing valuable information and resources in the field of medicine and healthcare. Whether you are a medical professional, student, or simply interested in learning more about health and wellness, this channel is for you. With a team of experienced professionals curating content, you can trust that you are receiving accurate and up-to-date information. From the latest medical breakthroughs to tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Medical World covers a wide range of topics to keep you informed and empowered. Join our community today and take control of your health journey with Medical World 🩺❤️!
04 Dec, 13:25