Medical algorithms @medicalalgorithms Channel on Telegram

Medical algorithms


Internal medicine capsules .. All in one paper

الان اصبح بإمكانك كطبيب مراجعة الخطوات التشخيصية والتدابير العلاجية اثناء مقاربة الحالات السريرية التي تواجهها وذلك بشكل متسلسل وبسيط
وذلك من خلال medical algorithms

أو علم ينتفع به.. اللهم لنا لا علينا

Medical algorithms (Arabic)

تعتبر الخوارزميات الطبية قناة على تطبيق تيليجرام تهتم بمجال الطب الباطني، حيث تقدم مراجعات مختصرة ومفيدة حول الخطوات التشخيصية والتدابير العلاجية لمختلف الحالات السريرية. القناة توفر للأطباء والممارسين الصحيين معلومات متسلسلة وبسيطة تساعدهم في مقاربة الحالات السريرية التي يواجهونها بكفاءة واحترافية. بدلاً من البحث المضني عن المعلومات الطبية، يمكن لأعضاء القناة الاطلاع على الخوارزميات الطبية الشاملة التي توفر لهم دليلًا سريعًا وموثوقًا. انضم إلى قناة الخوارزميات الطبية الآن واستفد من المحتوى المفيد والموثوق لتحسين ممارسة الطب الباطني الخاص بك.

Medical algorithms

16 Feb, 20:16

Algorithmic approach to peripheral neuropathy


Medical algorithms

16 Feb, 04:00

Approach Algorithm to use of antiviral prophylaxis for prevention of mother-to-child transmission and assessment of treatment eligibility for their own health


Medical algorithms

15 Feb, 11:40

Approach algorithm to CKD diagnosis & monitoring (2)


Medical algorithms

14 Feb, 04:17

Approach algorithm to management of Resistant hypertension


Medical algorithms

10 Feb, 07:28

Algorithmal approach to management of lupus nephritis


Medical algorithms

09 Feb, 20:44

Approach to effect of adenosine in regular, narrow QRS tachycardia


Medical algorithms

07 Feb, 16:00

Algorithm for antithrombotic therapy in NSTEMI ACS with AF


Medical algorithms

31 Jan, 06:19

Management algorithm of diabetic CKD patient


Medical algorithms

20 Jan, 07:35

Algorithmal approach to management of patients receiving iodinated contrast media

Prophylaxis of contrast induced AKI


Medical algorithms

10 Dec, 12:13


الله أكبر  الله أكبر الله أكبر
لا إله إلا الله

الله اكبر الله أكبر
ولله الحمد

لا إله إلا الله وحده
صدق وعده
ونصر عبده
وأعز جنده
وهزم الاحزاب وحده

الله أكبر كبيرا والحمد لله كثيرا وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا .. لا إله إلا الله .

اللهم لك الحمد حمدا كثيرا على نعمك ظاهرة وباطنة ..
اللهم كما انعمت فزد .
اللهم كما فتحت على خير فأتمم على خير .

Medical algorithms

27 Nov, 04:12

Algorithmal approach to Recommended default antithrombotic therapy regimens in ACS without indication for oral anticoagulation


Medical algorithms

23 Nov, 20:07


Collection of Algorithms of antidiabetic drugs

1- Classification of antidiabetic drugs ........(1)

2- Algorithm of Antidiabetic drugs combinations ........(2)

3- Choice of Antidiabetic drugs in DM2 based on specific comorbidities ........(3)

4- pyrls algorithm of Antidiabetic drug choice in DM2 based on specific comorbidities , glucose lowering efficacy , weight loss efficacy , cost & access ........(4)

5- Acceptable combinations of diabetes medications ......(5)

6- Management algorithm of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy .......(6)

Medical algorithms

23 Nov, 20:02

Acceptable combinations of diabetes medications


Medical algorithms

19 Nov, 07:57

Approach algorithm to

HELLP Syndrome or Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy AFLP

A Differential Diagnostic Challenge: Common Features and Differences.

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Medical algorithms

18 Nov, 08:05

Approach algorithm to acute abdominal pain in pregnancy

Medical algorithms

16 Nov, 07:57

Approach to increased LDH

Medical algorithms

13 Nov, 19:41

Approach algorithm to Fever of Unknown Origin


Medical algorithms

13 Nov, 19:12

Approach algorithm to hypertension management

ESC 2024


Medical algorithms

31 Oct, 23:10


Approach algorithm to newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation AF


Medical algorithms

31 Oct, 03:22

Diagnostic algorithm of elevated liver enzymes ALT , AST , ALP


Medical algorithms

28 Oct, 14:25

Diagnostic algorithm of hypernatremia

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Medical algorithms

21 Oct, 08:07

Simplified algorithm for pericardial effusion triage & management


Medical algorithms

15 Oct, 08:08

Approach algorithm to evaluation & management of hemoptysis


Medical algorithms

08 Oct, 08:00

Approach algorithm to dizziness

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Medical algorithms

25 Sep, 20:54

Approach algorithm to ITP


Medical algorithms

25 Sep, 18:58

Approach algorithm to Monitoring K & GFR after initation of ACE inhibitors


Medical algorithms

22 Sep, 07:06

Approach algorithm to diagnosis & management of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage


Medical algorithms

21 Sep, 19:31

Approach algorithm for appropriate fluid management in acute pancreatitis

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Medical algorithms

21 Sep, 19:27

Detailed approach algorithm to arterial blood gases ABG


Medical algorithms

21 Sep, 18:52

Arterial blood gases ABG interpertation in suspected inherited metabolic diseases IMD

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Medical algorithms

21 Sep, 18:47

Diagnostic Algorithm of gaucher disease in adults

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Medical algorithms

20 Sep, 00:17

Classification of metabolic disorders

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Medical algorithms

19 Sep, 23:35

Approach algorithm to macrocytic anemia / macrocytosis

Megaloblastic vs Non megaloblastic anemia

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Medical algorithms

19 Sep, 19:59

Approach to liver diseases associated with Movement / gait disorders

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Medical algorithms

19 Sep, 10:39

Approach algorithm to vitamin B12 deficiency Anemia


Medical algorithms

17 Sep, 00:26

Diagnostic algorithm of blood transfusion complications (2)

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Medical algorithms

15 Sep, 14:21

To all doctors

Medical algorithms

15 Sep, 10:11

Approach algorithm to suspected GERD


Medical algorithms

15 Sep, 10:09

Approach Diagnostic algorithm to Dysphagia


Medical algorithms

12 Sep, 21:42

Algorithmal approach to management of cholelithiasis (gall bladder stones) & choledocholithiasis (common bile duct stones)


Medical algorithms

12 Sep, 07:51

Management algorithm for suspected esophageal variceal hemorrhage