‼️ الاسئلة المهمة في جزء pregnancy اللي هو بره التحديدات عشان جه منه سؤال في النص الأول
الأسئلة مرتبة حسب الأهمية
📌Complication of elderly primipara
مهم جدا
-PE and accidental Hge
- uterine inertia + prolonged labor
- rigid perineum (episistomy and low forceps)
- C.S as baby is precious
📌Complication of grand multipara
- Anemia, DM, HTN
- uterine inertia
- placenta previa
- obstructed labor and ruptured uterus
- operation delivery with complications (CS, forceps)
- perinatal mortality
📌Sure signs of pregnancy
- palpation of fetal parts
- visualization and palpation of fetal movement
- Auscultationof fetal heart sounds
- Visualization of fetal echoes by US
📌High risk pregnancy
- medical: HTN, DM, cardiac, TB…
- Drugs: addiction in 1st trimester
- Obs: vaginal bleeding, rupture membrane, habitual abortion, preterm labor, IUFD, IUGR, multiple pregnancies, pelvic tumors, malposition, malpresentation
- Grand multipara and elderly primipara, congenital anomalies in family
📌warning symptoms in antenatal care:
- Vaginal bleeding
-Diminshed fetal movement
- pregnancy induced HTN: headache, LL edema, vision blurring, epigastric pain
- Rt hypochondrial pain
-Gush of fluid escape per nagina (R.O.M)
📌Effect of malnutrition
- Maternal: anemia, weight loss, abortion, postpartum Hge, osteomalacia, poor lactation
- fetal: IUGR, prematurity, anemia, rickets
📌DD of early pregnancy
- causes of amenorhea as PCOS, hypothalamus dysfunction......
- symetrical enlarged uterus as myoma, adenomyosis, pyometra, hematometra
- pelvi-abdominal swelling as ovarian, tubal swelling, pelvic hematocele and full bladder
- late pregnancy: ovarian neoplasm, ascitis and pseudocyesis